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How do you think Benedict Cumberbatch would sneeze?


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I'm currently obsessed with Benedict Cumberbatch and I've been dying to see/hear him sneeze : I've watched loads of interviews and stuff but all I could find is a radio drama in which he plays a character with the flu (Rumpole and the explosive evidence) and does a few very well-acted sneezes,and a video from the Sherlocked con (2015) when he had a cold and his voice sounded a bit congested.

No "actual" sneezes,though...

So I've been wondering how his real sneezes would sound.

As he seems to be very polite,I reckon he would probably stifle (or at least half-stifle),so maybe his sneezes could sound like this : "Huh-tshoo!"/Hutsssh!"/"A-tcchoo!" 

Let me know what you think!



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