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Sneeze Fetish Forum

DAE only like it if it's hypothetical?


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Does anyone else only like sneezing when it's fictional or virtual? I am pretty unaffected by IRL sneezing, and I am trying to figure out if maybe I'm just repressed? Though I also have asthma and am consequentially a hardcore germaphobe, so that stress might be at play as well.

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DAE....? Oh, "does anyone else"! Abbreviations are hard, apparently. :rolleyes: 

Well, I certainly prefer sneezing if it doesn't happen in my immediate vincinity. I guess that's why I'm more into fictional characters or famous people; no risk of ever meeting them. I'm a germaphobe as well, and I know that stress plays a part in it, but it's also that I have THE worst pokerface in the world, so if anyone sneezes around me I feel like the fetish is written all over my face whether I liked the sneeze or not. :lol:  And so, I get so nervous if someone sneezes around me IRL that I can't fully enjoy the sneeze, I'm only focusing on notshowinganyreaction-notshowinganyreaction-notshowinganyreaction, and that's not very stimulating. 

There's really no wrong way to have a fetish (I mean, unless you hurt someone), so if you only like sneezing if it's fictional or virtual, that's fine. Luckily, we have a fetish that can be enjoyed that way. I am very grateful for my strong imagination and the fact that I can write, so I can create and enjoy my own fetish material without having to get others physically involved, especially since I was pretty much housebound even before "quarantine events" due to agoraphobia.

And also... the fetish evolves and changes over time, sometimes you like this, sometimes that, and that's fine too. I absolutely hated colds, even in fiction, up until a couple of years ago, and then I had a period where I was all about colds. I'm mostly back to enjoying allergies now, but I like colds way better than I did before (in fiction or from a distance. Germaphobe overrules fetishist IRL). I never would have imagined that, not in a million years. So... it can change. And sometimes it changes back. Just be open to what you like when you like it. It's nobody else's fetish but yours.

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I almost entirely prefer sneezing that's in stories, artwork, RP's, etc. I mean, I might enjoy an irl sneeze here and there but for the most part, I prefer my sneeze content to be fictional.

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23 hours ago, Rose said:

Does anyone else only like sneezing when it's fictional or virtual?

I prefer "real life" sneezing, but I can enjoy fictional sneezing too.


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I enjoy both, but it's easier to come by fiction or audio sneezing, so I find myself seeking it out online more often.

It's quite difficult to take care of yourself out in public. 😂

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Hmm, I’d say I prefer fictional content, considering there’s really no boundaries in what you can imagine, haha. That and I’m just very attached to all things fictional as it is. 

I do enjoy irl stuff too though, but I’m more likely to enjoy it when it comes from certain people. Otherwise I might even be kinda neutral towards it (not that I haven’t seen/listened to fictional content that was “meh” to me, but there’s certainly a lot more variety of material in the fictional realm that caters to my preferences).

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It’s super interesting to hear everyone’s different experiences, thank you. And also thanks for the validation! I’m an otherwise very transparent and enthusiastically sex positive person who talks about their sexual desires with their friends and so it feels weird that I don’t just talk about this, and Ive been wondering why this feels so much more vulnerable and I think it boils down to a fear of people making assumptions about me liking things, and this has been a great reminder that I’m driving the train and anyone who wants to challenge that can get off of it.

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On 8/24/2020 at 6:03 AM, Chanel_no5 said:

DAE....? Oh, "does anyone else"! Abbreviations are hard, apparently. :rolleyes: 

Ah sorry I’m gen z trash XD


thanks so much for all your kind words!

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On 8/25/2020 at 10:00 AM, Joal 555 said:

I prefer "real life" sneezing, but I can enjoy fictional sneezing too.


That :P 

But it's so common for people to have "hypothetical" fetishes and fantasies, not sure if it's a matter of still being too disclosed about it (I tend to think it is, and you're so so young, some people have them much later in life), but it's nice to be able to enjoy something in fiction without it interfering with your real life, I guess...

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