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The Curse (M)


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Hey everyone. So I'm not too used to dabbling in the fantasy genre, but I had an idea for a story so I thought I'd test it out, just for fun. 🙃 Hope you like~ 


The Curse


Part 1






His posture is weak, as he hastily sets down his mug, trying not to spill. I could swear he was shivering. He sniffles sharply, wrapping his arms around himself. I come up slowly, and drape my cardigan over his shoulders. He glances back and lets out a breath, looking a bit flustered.


“Thanks.” His dark ginger hair is mussed something awful.


“You okay?” I ask softly, slowly withdrawing my hands from his shoulders.


“Yeah, it's, um. The magic, it - hasn’t worn off yet.” He tries for an ‘I’m okay’ smile, but his eyes shine with moisture and he has to rub his nose again.


“Maybe you should get some rest.”


“I know. I keep... k’TSCHhh!! sdeezing...” He sits on the desk chair, fussing at his nose.


“Does it hurt?”


“*snrff* No...” He wrinkles his nose, not looking at me. But then, “A little.” He says softly. “Like when I breath, there’s... *snrf* ugh, sorry.” He sniffles wetly and rubs his nose. “It’s like it’s burning... it just... hih’GSCHHiu!! *snrk*”


“Some... kind of curse?” The kind of question usually followed up by knocking on wood. He nods miserably. I feel his forehead. He’s not feverish. “By who?”


“Hehh... huh’-!” His eyelids flutter like he’s about to sneeze- but nothing comes. He turns away shyly, his tinged-red nostrils exposed and flaring. “Hhehhxcuse- y’KSCHh!! *snf* scuse be.” His voice sounds slightly hoarse. He looks so miserable and itchy, constantly rubbing his red nose. “By Meryl. Thought it would go away, but it’s hh-only- heh’ISCHhh!! *snf* been getting worse.”


“Oh. Maybe I could...” I start. No. No, that’s...


“Yeah?” He peeks at me with the slightest bit of hope.


“Well, maybe I could try and reverse it.” The words seem to frighten me more as I say them out loud. I’m not too confident with my skills at reversing spells, although now didn’t seem like a terrible time to try. Technically, this is the same as any to remove the effects of enchantment. But the thing is, I’ve never tried it on a person before. With frogs, it seems easy enough.


Red looks unsure. “*snrf* H... how?”


“Well,” I sit on top of his desk, so we’re face to face. “I... figure out what spell she used, and... try to reverse the magic.”


He blinks and sniffs. “*snrf* You cad do that?”


“Well,” On frogs. “I’ve had some practice.”


“*snrff!* hehh...” Red’s eyes narrow again and he rubs his nose quickly. His pink nostrils flare and his eyelids flutter closed. Quickly, he turns away. “Huh’TSCHH!! *sngk*” He rubs his nose on his wrist,  “Um,” He says raspilly. He clears his throat. “Uhh, as long as you don’t set me on fire.”


I laugh nervously. “Yeah, of course."


“How would you know the-“


“The spell, right. Okay.” I hop off the desk and drift toward my bookshelf, my heart suddenly pounding.




Red and I sit on the floor facing each other, him with a wadded up rag from the closet, and one of my old books spread open facing me. It’s mostly filled with spells that I’ve learned over the course of my time at the academy, although there are some daunting ones here and there that I’ve yet to master. Of course I’ve known some since childhood, as they were passed onto me by my mother, and I use them everyday to make things like cooking and cleaning a bit easier. I’m not used to using magic on people, since that was always set on a fine line - let alone undoing someone else’s work. But somehow, I know this can be done.


Huh’ESSHHhioo!!” I jump and squeal. Oh man. Red’s eyes widen a little. “‘Scuse me. *snf* Um, look Mira, if you’re not sure, I can always- huh’- talk to a healer, y’know...”


“And say what, that you snuck into High territory and got cursed, that’s great go do that.” I spit sarcastically.


“I mean maybe I just say that I was playing around and, just, you know, made a fluke-“


“You don’t study magic, Red.”


“Well, even better.”


I scoff and shake my head. With all the charisma in the world, I think a guy like him might be able to charm a healer into thinking such nonsense - maybe - but I’ve got the knowledge right here, and I don’t want to risk people finding out what he did. This is different magic, a darker kind. He’s lucky a little sneezing is all he’s left with.


“Okay, let’s try this.”


I sit up straight and he mirrors me. “Hak shinna vales... tannum set kassumin.” I peek up at him. His eyelashes are fluttering.


Huh’- ah’ESSHHIEW!! *snff*”


“Hak shinna vales... tannum... set kassumin!” I dictate again.


His eyes are closed, his nostrils still flared, as he shakes his head. “Huh’ISCHhiu!! *snrk* ugh...”


“Ugh, not this one...”


“Mira, you know what-“


“No, we’re gonna figure this out. Uhh,” I flip to the next one I can find. Illness. Respiratory... “Okay here, umm... Hak estornum fee kassuma.”


A short gasp. “Huh’-!” Oh shit. Red’s frame starts to rise and fall quickly, his eyes screwing shit. “Mira-huh!” He buries his face in the balled-up rag. “Huh’RRSCHH!! Ah’TSCHh!! uh’hihh’ESSCHhuh!!-esschh!! HuhMi-i-raaAhh!- hah’YESSCHHUHhh!! Oh fuck. What did I do. “Cahh- ESSCHHhh!! Hah’TDSCHH!!” I just made it worse.


“Inferus vasalum!”


“AAESSHHhhuhh!!” Red lets out a breath. He sniffles several times and rubs at his nose, looking flushed. “The hell was that?” He huffs after a moment, drying his watery eyes with his shirtsleeve.


“Sorry. Wasn’t that one.” I say, apologetically. His eyes are like daggers glaring up at me, as he composes himself. “Feeling any different?”


His nose wrinkles. “Still burns. *snrff*”


“We’ll try something different.”


Red sniffles and gazes down thoughtfully. "It... has to be something she came up with,” he says. I shift my weight on my hands.


“Well I know, but.” Shit. “This is a curse, Red. If I don’t know how she did it, then... I don’t... exactly know how to reverse it.”


And there it is.


Red sits there, not looking at me. I gaze at him mournfully, wishing I had the skills at my disposal. Slowly, I get up off the floor and go to the kitchen to make some tea. It’s pretty late now. On a normal evening, I’d be getting ready for bed to be able to function in class tomorrow, or maybe squeezing in a little light reading, and my roommate would be coming home after being out causing shenanigans. I guess this time he got what was coming.


“Heihh’ISCHHhuhh!!” His coughs echo down the hall.


I can only cause the water to heat up to a warm temperature with my own ability, but not enough to boil it. Light blue flames emit from the stove as I put the kettle on top.


“Have you ever been hexed before?” Red walks into the kitchen, rubbing one eye.


“Like... enchanted? No. I’m-“


“Right, half elf.” He sighs and leans against the kitchen counter. “What about Zander? He might know.”


“Zander...” I reach for the honey in the cupboard. “Sure he won’t rat you out?”


“He’s done worse than me.” Red fiddles with the measurement chart on the fridge. “*snrf* Remember that time he gave John scales?”


“Yeah, and you want him experimenting on you?”


“I’m just saying, he’s...hhuh..." He stops abruptly, his breath faltering. "ah’KSCHH!!-huhh’scusebe-*snff* He's clever with mbagic.”


Hm, that’s true. “Can you wait til morning?”


Red wrinkles his nose, still avoiding eye contact. He frowns at the floor. It reminds me of a kid being scolded. The kettle suddenly starts to whistle, making me jump again. I take a deep breath, releasing the tension in my joints, and turn around to move the kettle off the heat. As I tear away my gaze, Red also pivots away. When I glance back, he’s slightly hunched, pressing the old cloth to his face.


Hih’USCHHhieww!! Huh’TDSCHH!! *snff* huh... *snrff*” He turns a little bit, and I can see the side of his face - his nose scrunched in an irritated shade of red, his eyes glazed over with a film of tears. Honestly, I hadn’t seen him like this other than the time he got sick in February.




“You know,” He says. “Don’t worry about it.” He’s nodding vaguely. “I’ll go talk to someone. *snf* Keep your name out of it.” With that, he sniffs, and stalks out of the kitchen.


“Oh, Red.” I follow him into the living room, my stomach rising with guilt. “Come on, I’m trying to help you.”


He turns, his tall frame towering over me. “Then help me.”


My mouth is open, my hands shaking as I try to find something to say. “I- I’m just trying to keep you out of trouble, okay, I tried-“


“Mira, I’m already in trouble. *snff* That woman put a curse on me and if anyone else finds out, I’m done.”


“Then- then pretend you’re sick. You have allergies. Red, please.” He looks at me in disbelief.


“I’m not going to sit here and find out if this gets any worse.”


A silence hangs in the air. There’s an unforgiving emptiness about the wee hours, one so desperate for action. And it doesn’t grant me another moment before Red, in his cursed, dishevelled state, gives me one more tired glance. He picks up his leather shoulder bag, and without another word, disappears into the night.

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OH, this is cute!! I like the premise a lot~ You do so much world-building in just this little piece of dialogue exchange. It feels so real, and I like that there wasn't any big explanation about all this. We can figure it out just from their conversation. And the spellings are (chef's kiss) wonderful~ Thank you so much for sharing!! ❤️

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, y’all. I know it’s been ages since I’ve posted on here, but I’m back with the next part of this story. Hope everyone’s doing well. 💕


Part 2


“Meryl Jade?”


“Uh-huh. *snrf*”


Zander exhales through his nose. The expression on his face is blurred with thought. “Here. Use this instead.” He tosses me a yellow tea towel. It’s worn out, but clean. “Curses can be nasty.” I fold it and blow my nose, which helps a little. “The thing is, curses, unlike the common cold, can’t just be remedied with sleep and herbal tea.”


“Or, *cough, cough* basic spells.” I clear my throat. 


Zander’s cheekbones look even more sharp as he sucks in his cheeks, staring at the ground. “Dude, what were you even doing up in High territory?” Cool, because this is what I needed.


“I was-“ Think. “I was dared to go sneak past the guards. I thought was a simple stunt, but... look, I know I shouldn’t have done it.” I look up at him sheepishly, hoping he’ll believe me. Maybe pretending like I’m dumb enough will make him feel sorry for me. He paces to the other side of the room and pours himself a drink. I catch him looking back at me, and unconsciously tear my gaze away, tugging at the corners of the tea towel.


“Who else knows?”


“Just you.” He stands still, staring at me. “And my roommate.”


“And she tried reversing them. Which... can’t really be done on this sort of thing.”


“Hih- Ob-hhuh’TSCHhh!! *snf* Obviously.” I rub at my nose with a curled knuckle. “So, do you dow how to... *ahem* do you know know how to break a curse?”


“Well...” He glances out the window, tilting his head thoughtfully. At this point I’m just glad he’s not freaking out about it. “I’ve dealt with one before, years ago.”


“Oh yeah?”


“Yeah. Remember Christie?”


“Ohh. *snf*” I wince, diverting my gaze.


“Yeah. Crazy bitch... Yeah, you ever believe in bad luck? Well if I did at first, I had no idea what I was in for.”


I sniffle as my nose gets runnier, prickling sensation in my sinuses making it hard to focus. “Oh.... *snrf* What happened?” 


He tips his glass in my direction. “You’ll want to look into that as soon as possible. Symptoms?”


“Hold- huh’KSCHH!! Huhh, huh’KSCHhioo!! *snrf* Ugh, sorry. My nose feels like... *snrff* it’s burning. Ahhnd, ub.” Talking about this seems to be making it worse. “Huh’ISCHH!! *snnrf* My throat’s starting to hurt.”




“*snrf* I’ve heard there’s, like... *sdf* hhpotiods you cad take?” I blink through watery eyes. 


“They dull the effects. But they’re mostly temporary, unless you get the good ones.”


“Well I wouldn’t... *snrff* bide.” I wipe the dampness from my eyes again, every sniffle feeling like the air I’m breathing is coming from a furnace. What’s happening? For a second, I’m overwhelmed and my nose is dripping. The burning is slowly intensifying. “*snrf* hehh...” I turn away and bury my face in the cloth. HRRISCHHhh!! HRRISCHHIOO!!” I wince. “Huh’TSCHh!! Huh’TDSCHH!! Ughh...” My face is wet with tears. If I keep wiping my eyes with my hands, I’m going to rub them raw, so I press them dry with the towel. “*snrf* Hh’b sorry... ‘ss juhh!-just- k’TSCHhioo!! Ugh.” 


I’m so preoccupied I didn’t realize that Zander wasn’t standing in front of me anymore. I rub hard at my nose with the heel of my palm, but the itch feels so deep, that rubbing isn’t going to help at all. I start to feel warm. There’s the sound of something splashing into a liquid, which fizzles up immediately. I think I’m starting to sweat. Zander’s footsteps come back into the room. On the table, he places a glass filled with a murky yellowish-green concoction.


“Red. Drink that.”


“Hehh.... Whad is it?” My throat feels even itchier just looking at it. It looks like swamp water.


“It’s a relaxer, just drink it. It’ll help.”


I hold my breath and take a sip. And another. And another. It tastes strongly of lemon and spices, a bit salty - not terrible. The overwhelming hot sensation slowly recedes. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.


“That was...” I swallow and exhale. “That was awful.”


“I study potions, not cuisine, my dude.” He sits at the chair across from mine. I actually laugh, attempting to dry my eyes again. 


“Not the potion, whatever that... just was...”


“Now look,” Zander steeples his hands. “What I can give you, I would only guarantee lasts a few days. To nip this in the bud, you’re going to have to do something more difficult.”


“And what’s that?”


“Well, the only other way is... get Meryl to forgive you.”


I almost choke. “What?”


“You have to make things right. Apologize.”


I lean back. “But I can’t go back to-“


“You were out with the team last night, weren’t you?”


“Yeah.” I lie through my teeth.


“Well, this time, go alone. Bring her something nice. I hear knives are all the rage these days.”


“What if she, pff, I don’t know, kills me?”


“Then you die.” I look up at him. He’s entirely serious. I narrow my eyes in confusion, my mouth open but no words find their way out. He leans forward and speaks clearly. “This kind of curse - you wrong someone powerful, they get to decide your fate. That’s why people aren’t supposed to go to High Territory uninvited. They’re relentless.” He says, like the name is bitter in his mouth.


“Ain’t that right.”


“Until then, I can offer you stuff to suppress the effects, but it’ll only worsen overtime.” Great. I suppose curses develop immunity? Zander gets up and walks over to one of his shelves, looking over all the tiny labelled bottles filled with liquids of different hues.


“That’s... great, thanks.” It feels as if flames are lingering around my nostrils, coming and fading, without warning. I blink hard, my eyes sore from being touched. They stare at the floor, going out of focus.


Visit her. Right. Just go back. Apologize.




“So,” The woman jeers, pacing slowly across the room. “You’re the one they’ve been talking about.” I try to pull my wrists apart but they’re bound together too tightly, behind my back, away from my face. I can hear the upturn of the corner of her lip as she speaks. “What an honour.”


There’s a very unpleasant burning sensation in the centre of my face, and it’s making my eyes drip tears down my cheeks. I squeeze them shut and open them again. My collarbone is wet. 


“Smart boy. Clever boy.” She chuckles.


“*snnrff, snrgk* hhuh, hi- ughh...” I can’t even breath properly. My nose won’t stop running and it’s burning so bad....


“I bet you’re a kind young fellow. Hmm? You would do anything for those in need. You’d hate to see them suffer...”


“They suffer... becahhause of your greed.” 


My vision is blurred by tears. I hear the flapping of a cape and footsteps approaching behind me. “They suffer under their own circumstance!!”


Something strange happens- I cry out, but the next moment, I can’t breath for a second. And then the next breath I take, the air is hot and my nose is on fire. “Huhh!! Ub’TSCHHhh!!TSCHH!!Huh’TSCHhTSCHTSCHhh!! Huhhh, huh’KITSCHHUHhh!! Huh’ESSSHHIOO!! Huh’TSCHh!!Ah’TSCHH!!” I feel a weird sensation pulse through me and I start to sneeze and sneeze, the burning sensation feeling like barbed wire that’s twisting deeper and deeper into my nasal passages. Tears stream down my face and I can’t wipe them away. I sneeze until I run out of breath, my face warm and flushed. I feel a subtle change, as if the barbed wire had loosened, as I’m able to draw breath again. I cough over the congestion all the sneezing has caused, my throat aching. 


“That gives you no right to steal.”


“Hahh... *sdf* ahhh...” I pant for air, unable to breathe through my nose. “Those.... those people... they dod’t eat. *snngkk*”


“And that’s my problem, why?”


My head feels heavy. I squeeze my eyes shut to clear them again. “Please. These.... *sngk* these peohhple.... huhh... *sdf*” It’s burning so much I can barely think. 


“You thought you could get away with it”


That feeling, before. The sneezing? I could barely breathe, but it would probably help me a lot right now. “ihhhHihh.... *sddf* hehh....” Focus. I can feel the burning sensation behind my eyes, which are constantly welling up with hot tears. My nose is so stuffed and drips down to my shirt, now soaking wet.




The weird sensation courses through me again. “Oh-!” My breath gets cut off for a second, and then comes back all at once, my nose burning like never before. “Heh! Ohh, huh- hih! HAESSSHHIOO!! HAESSCHHhh!! ESCHHhh!! ESCHh!!ESCHH!!-eschh!” My chest expands with a huge breath. “Huh’TSCHH!! Ah’TSCHH!! Huh’TSCHH!!TSCHH!!” My face is wet with tears and mucus. The sneezes just keep coming. “AESSHHIOO!!! Huh’ HAESSHHIOO!! guhhh... huh’GTSCHhhieww!! huh! Huh’-! *snnrgk* unhh... *snrgk* hehh? Hunh... *snnrk, snnnnrk*”


I can’t sneeze anymore. “*snrk* huh...? *snddrk*” No. Come on. “Huh’- hih! *snrk*” 


“Aww, what’s wrong?” Her voice is nearer now.


I cough, mucus sputtering from my lips.




I squeeze my eyes shut. There’s a molten heat behind my eyes. I try gasping, trying to build up a sneeze, but all it does is make my eyes water, and then my nose seems to burn even more. I sniffle hard, and cough some more, ridiculously congested. The itch is unbearable, unreachable. Unconsciously, my wrists tug with anguish at their restraints.


I hear a chuckle. “There, go on.”


“HURRRISSSHHUHHhh!! *snnnrk* Huh’KTJSCHHhh-!!” I sneeze hard, expelling a ribbon of mucus that dangles from my nose. “Huhh... huh!’Hah! HuhhyY’JDSSCHHh!!! *sngk* guhh.... *snnnrgk*  Huh.... ARRRUSCHHIOO!! Hahh *sdnrf*” 


“Pathetic.” She lets out a laugh like tinkling bells, a sound so near yet so far away. I hear her footsteps come nearer. I can barely turn my head before she leans closer. “Now,” her breath tickles as it breezes over my ear. “If I see you back here again,” I cough painfully. “You’ll regret it.”




I can’t do it. 


I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.

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