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What's Your Favorite Allergy Scenario?


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I personally really enjoy the stuck sneeze (hayfever) and the person asking for help getting it out. Like that's just a dream.

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i’m a sl6t for allergic torture… 

like they know they’re allergic, but they insist to go around their allergens - whether because they need to or because they want to - and they also refuse to let anyone know theyre allergic. 

they’re hitching, stifling, trying to hide their clearly red eyes behind “oh I smoked too much” or something like that. 

Then one situation puts them over the tipping point - whether its sniffing a flower, a cat jumping onto their lap (classic, but they have a tendency to do that haha), hugging their partner that wore just a bit too much perfume, etc etc. - and their nose can’t seem to stop. 

I especially love when the partner (if there is one) is extra cautious/caring about it (“are you sure?” “I told you you were going to end up miserable, but here we are!” “Wait, you’re allergic to that??”) 

i’m just a sucker for making my sneezy characters sneeze. 

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It's a tie between the allergy denial and the mystery allergy scenarios.  I love the purposely ignoring the allergy part and the trying to holdback of the denial scenario. But I also like the searching for the allergy with the intensity of sneezes to find it out of the mystery allergy scenario.  I love the allergy sneezes that start regular and build with intensity the closer their nose gets to the allergen.

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I’m a big fan of hiding in a dusty place, or anything that starts with a tiny tickle and is extremely slow-burn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My favorites are teasing a partner or being teased by a partner with an allergen and drawing it out for awhile, maybe even trying not to sneeze, and just getting more and more desperate until launching into a fit. This could be in a more, uh, adult context, but I also like the spin-off where you take them somewhere allergy inducing in public/wear a perfume or something that sets them off/etc because then there’s a lot of build up so to speak for any of us with the fetish 😅

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1. Sitting on a bench outside discovering everyone around has been covered in perfume, and sneezes, like, 10 times (haha)

2. Gifting flowers to someone who is highly allergic and is already suffering from hayfever

Not a very long list haha, but I don't really prefer allergies, I usually do illness fics

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Someone who is allergic to flowers and putting them in a flower field then enjoying the fit.  opefully they are wet with some buildup. 😜

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  • 2 weeks later...

simple things 😁 making out, for example. and the one on the top has to put their finger under their nose or pinch it so they don't sneeze- but then they end up to sneeze on the other one's face ♥️ 

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the ones where theyre in denial of having allergies. but are very bad at hiding it. like theyd say they arent allergic but u can see their red nose and constant nose wiping/rubbing and sneezing

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I like it a lot when the sneezer is on a dste with someone who's wearing perfume/colone/a flower broad theyre allergic to, but they try to hide it so they dont 'ruin' the date.

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Allergen getting stuck in a septum piercing. Feather, fur, dust, pollen coated leaf, ESPECIALLY if it was put there on purpose but now they're sneezing to much to remove. I've never seen this done(though if anyone has I'd love to see 👀) but it's one of my few allergy fantasies

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Okay, apart from my personal immediate negative reaction to anything organised religion-related, I very much like the idea of an allergy attack to incense in Catholic church rituals (that's where I know incense is used anyway, maybe it's used in other churches as well). Partly because it's a somber place where you really, really don't want to sneeze, and partly because OH MY GOD THE ACCOUSTICS!!  :twisted: 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/26/2021 at 11:53 PM, Chanel_no5 said:

Okay, apart from my personal immediate negative reaction to anything organised religion-related, I very much like the idea of an allergy attack to incense in Catholic church rituals (that's where I know incense is used anyway, maybe it's used in other churches as well). Partly because it's a somber place where you really, really don't want to sneeze, and partly because OH MY GOD THE ACCOUSTICS!!  :twisted: 

Honestly, HELL YES! this is untapped potential!😈

My personal favourite scenarios are usually sneezing fits caused by spices, flour, or anything with a strong scent.

Another big one for me is the mystery allergy caused by someone's perfume, aftershave, or even fur. I blame the H2O Just add Water episode for this!😅

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Probably when someone doesn't know they're allergic and don't know why they're sneezing - and when they're struggling, and failing, to hide their symptoms.

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When someone has managed to suppress their allergies most of the day, then walk outside... Where lawns are mown. 😈🥵

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