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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I told my partner 2 weeks into dating...


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Last summer I started dating a guy, and - since it's a big part of my life that I can't ignore - I jokingly said that I had a fetish about 3 days into dating. I was too afraid to say what it was, so I made him guess, but he had no clue and probably learned a lot about the weirdest fetishes ever in the process.

About 2 weeks into dating, we were sitting in a car late at night. I finally gave him more than enough hints, and when he asked, "is it sneezing?" I cupped my face with both hands and fell on his lap crying. When I heard him say that word and realized what had just happened, I felt like hiding from the world, all of my internal kinkshaming came back, and I couldn't stop crying... But then he started saying that I was normal, that there was nothing shameful about it, and that he fully accepted me and didn't think it was funny or weird... 🥺 that same night I told him I had chhinkni, and he asked me if he could use it (literally my dream come true). 

Since then, he's been telling me how normal it is to have this fetish so many times, I've almost started believing it myself. My partner teases me with sniffles, touching his nose, or rolling his eyes like he's about to sneeze all the time, because he knows how much it turns me on. He has allergies, but my caretaking side doesn't let me enjoy that unless he feels completely fine, which is rare during an allergy season. Allergies aside, he always tries to be near me or warn me when he feels a sneeze coming. I guess he loves it how easy it is for him to turn me on lol. He often takes chhinkni for me, and he's made all of my wildest fantasies related to the fetish come true... 

Since the day I told him, I tried to be as clear and straight to the point about the details as possible. I explained everything I knew about this fetish to my partner when he asked, told him what turned me on, and encouraged him when he did the things I liked. It's still a very tough topic for me, and I still feel awkward talking about it. But I try to be as open as possible to avoid misunderstandings and always get his verbal consent before anything fetish-related.

P.S. When I was single I read several stories of partners who accepted the fetish, and these stories made me feel hopeful. So I thought I'd share my experience. 

Edited by peach_princess
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Hi Peach,
It is a very beautiful story full of hope that you tell us here. It warms my heart to know that this kind of understanding is really possible between partners. I am really happy for you, that you can now live it fully. And I wish you all, all the members of this forum, to find someone who really understands you and that you can all experience this kind of unforgettable moment. The world is gradually opening up to areas which previously seemed very strange to it. You should never lose hope.

Many thanks to you Peach. ^_^

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Wow congrats! This is nice and I'm so happy for you!

I always felt people would be judgy about this and other weird kinks people have? It seems a lot of people aren't as judgemental as I thought though in this area. It makes me feel warm inside!

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@oOMariusOo @March Hare thank you, thank you! 😊💕

@Usagi thank you! I was afraid of it too. Tbh I never thought I'd tell my partner about this fetish, and if I did, I thought it would make him cringe or feel awkward when he sneezes around me. I never thought I'd find somebody so open-minded and eager to take part in it! 😍 


Edited by peach_princess
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This is so amazing! I’m happy for you that you have such a supportive partner. I have a similar story to yours. I made my partner guess...and at the time we were just friends. She totally normalized it and tries to be around me when she sneezes and will ask to use chhinkni. I also still feel awkward about it at times, but communication is key! 😍

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@sneezeblessyou your story does sound like mine, I'm happy for you! 😊

@Anonymous thank you! I hope everything goes well for you too! I know what it feels like, I was very scared too when I told my partner, but it all worked out in the end 💕

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  • 7 months later...

Reading this gave me hope that my partner (if I ever get one) would accept this fetish if I ever tell him. Like you, I feel that I would cry too once I finally tell someone. It would be like releasing a burden from my soul when I do. I know that I am surrounded by people who would see me in a different way if I told them about this fetish, so when I finally have someone who I trust to tell this to, I would be over the moon with happiness. Also, your story is so dream-like. You told your partner after 2 weeks. I would have not told him that early (mainly because I have trust issues), but I am soo happy for you that it worked out in the most fantastic way possible. It's pretty romantic actually. ❤️

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