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Sneeze Fetish Forum

How to Stifle?


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I know stifling is bad for me (I think someone actually just posted a thread on it), but I want to learn how to stifle my sneezes in public. I have allergies and I hate sneezing in public, especially during the pandemic. I don't leave my home, but I am required to work in-office, and sneezing at work to me is just a nightmare.

If you're comfortable answering, how does one stifle a sneeze? I can't seem to figure it out. Much appreciated!

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I also hate sneezing in public. The way I learned to stifle is by pinching my nose just enough so that the sneezy sensation becomes manageable but doesn’t leave, then clenching my teeth to make it difficult for the sneeze to escape.

I hope I am making sense. It takes practice, so don’t worry if some sneezes escape.

Edited by bingochamp7
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there's two ways one is pinch your nose closed and keep your mouth shut

the other is like.... use the back of your tongue at your throat to block any air from going out of your nose, and keep your mouth shut

you can practice either by trying to exhale forcibly while trying either technique, ideally you won't be able to

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On 2/20/2021 at 1:05 AM, bingochamp7 said:

I also hate sneezing in public. The way I learned to stifle is by pinching my nose just enough so that the sneezy sensation becomes manageable but doesn’t leave, then clenching my teeth to make it difficult for the sneeze to escape.

I hope I am making sense. It takes practice, so don’t worry if some sneezes escape.


On 2/20/2021 at 12:03 PM, •.*°•☆. Q .☆•°*.• said:

there's two ways one is pinch your nose closed and keep your mouth shut

the other is like.... use the back of your tongue at your throat to block any air from going out of your nose, and keep your mouth shut

you can practice either by trying to exhale forcibly while trying either technique, ideally you won't be able to

Thank you both so much!!! <3 

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I feel your pain beatle. I have severe allergies and hate sneezing in public especially because of this ongoing pandemic... Here's how I do it

As soon as I feel the sneezy tickle I have to stop what I'm doing and completely focus on holding my breath. As long as I do this I can stifle with only a little sound coming out. I'm a bigger guy so my sneezes are kinda powerful and it hurts sometimes but still I'm not letting out sneezes in church or the grocery store etc 

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  • 7 months later...

when stifling a sneeze, its A LOT easier if u always leave one airway for the pressure from the sneeze to escape (nostrils, mouth). if pinching ur nose is ur fancy, u would like clench ur teeth and push the tongue on the back of the mouth and u should be able to stifle with ease. if u want to do an uncovered stifle, u would do the same tongue motion as the pinched stifle but with ur mouse close leaving ur nostrils open, this one isnt necessarily softer, it does feel a lot more satisfying

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