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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Hay fever is back with a vengeance!


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So,yesterday I woke up with a runny/stuffy/tickly nose so I blew it and noticed my throat and ears were tickly too. "It's that time of year" I thought.

Every year my allergies start at the end of February so I kind of saw it coming.

Throughout the day,I sniffled a lot,I was a bit stuffed up and sounded a little congested as well : I fought off a few sneezes that were threatening to come out because I was around other people and was too embarrassed to sneeze in public (especially during this pandemic).

I noticed my stuffiness got a tiny bit better when I was at school as I was wearing a face mask,but when the window was open it got worse,obviously.

At night,I had a never-ending sneezing fit : at first I had induced,but then the sneezes just wouldn't stop and they did only after I took an antihistamine.

Last night I wasn't able to sleep properly as I couldn't breathe through my nose at all : both my nostrils were completely blocked,I had to breathe through my mouth.

Today the congestion got a lot better and I sneezed only twice,even though I'm still a bit stuffed up,my eyes and throat are all itchy and sometimes my nose too.

Sorry if it was too long.

I will keep you updated.

Edited by Zumil4702
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