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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I felt a little sorry for him


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Small observation made this morning. I don't know if it was the onset of spring or just the sudden change in temperature we had a few days ago that produced an excruciating sneezing fit in this man, but I was able to witness it while waiting for my bus. Usually, I don't pay much attention to male sneezing, but since I was able to fully observe the scene and it's been a while since I've posted on the forum, I took the time to watch in order to memorize every detail and send it to you here. ^_^

We are therefore the morning of Tuesday February 23, the weather is gray but hot despite everything. We had had a big cold spell the previous weeks, it wasn't until yesterday that the weather quickly warmed up. So I was waiting for my bus on the sidewalk, according to the schedule, it would arrive 15 minutes later. It is only after two short minutes of waiting that I hear a few meters from me: "Humpfft .. Hmptt .. Hummfft ...", I quickly turn my head out of curiosity and I see a group of 5 people, around 20 to 25 years, chatting around the corner. (There were 4 men and a woman wearing their masks). One of the men had taken it off so that he could sneeze into his two hands those three little stifled sneezes.

Physically, he was rather tall, thin, he wore glasses and a scarf on his head. Her hair had the distinction of being black with dark green strands. His nose was rather large, slightly trumpet-shaped and his nostrils of medium size. Once he was done he took a handkerchief to wipe his nose, blow his nose a little and seconds later his eyes narrowed, his mouth slightly open, I could even see his tongue sticking out a little. Cupping both hands in front of him with his handkerchief he had just used. I could clearly see that another round of sneezing was about to start again. "Hu .. Humppff .. Hummptt ... hh HUMPPTT !!" It seemed to despair him more and more. He took a few steps back to get away from the group he was with. I wasn't close enough to hear what he was saying, but I could clearly see that he was extremely embarrassed by the situation.

So he was walking away from the group and about to blow his nose again with another handkerchief which he took out of his pocket. Cupping his cupped hands against his sinuses, he took a deep breath so that he could blow his nose, but he stopped abruptly because a sudden tickle seemed to have returned. Pulling his hands away from his mouth so he could breathe normally again, he turned completely and was now facing me. I could see his eyes closing again, his nostrils quivering and reddening slightly. I could see his head tilt back at first as if the tickles were going to come from far away and finally be kicked out at an incredible speed. This is how he started sneezing again, but wanting to stifled again I felt like he lost control with the first two sounding a bit wetter than the others. "HumPSheew .. h. h.H HepSHeew ... ... h Humpppsh .. Hummpt Humpsht !!" With each sneeze, his head and chest had even come to eject forward. And with the second sneeze of this last series, his own glasses which were posed on his nose, had ended up jumping out of his face because of the power of this one.

This sneezing storm seemed to have subsided. His eyes and nose seemed a little wet, so he took a new handkerchief out of his pocket, blowing his nose gently to squeeze the rest of the liquid that was still there from his nose. He moved closer to the group and put his mask back on his nose, probably thinking his ordeal was over. But not even two seconds after he put his mask back on, he immediately took it off and two more sneezes came out. "Humpt .. Hummpt ...". That's when I got a little closer, I felt like they were talking about his sneezing. If I understood correctly, I think the problem was with his mask, but I'm not sure what I was able to hear from their conversation. There was too much traffic for me to hear properly. Anyway, a few minutes later he was not wearing his mask and they left then.

There you have it, the story is authentic. At least that's how I remember it, I hope you enjoyed it, I tried to detail it as best I could see. I personally liked the scene a lot. Even though I'm more drawn to female sneezing, it is still quite pleasant. Tell me what you thought of it. Once again, my apologies if there are any spelling or vocabulary mistakes, the French / English translation is not always reliable. :razz:

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In a way, yes, maybe well. Most people are not used to sneezing while wearing a mask, or they may think they can better control what comes out of it. Sneezing with a mask in front of your mouth is not always easy either. Sometimes you need to take a deep breath in order to then sneeze and it is also sometimes very difficult to breathe comfortably with a mask placed over your mouth and nose just before a sneeze. I myself have already had trouble sneezing with my mask on and I needed to take it off to be able to sneeze more freely. It's a bit the same as it happened with him. ^_^

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Thanks for this extraordinarily detailed description - especially as you are not particularly turned on by male sneezes anyway - that's real devotion to the community !


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On 3/1/2021 at 9:13 AM, atchoum said:

Thanks for this extraordinarily detailed description - especially as you are not particularly turned on by male sneezes anyway - that's real devotion to the community !


Really enjoyed reading this; thanks!!

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@All and @atchoum
Thank you to all and to you too Atchoum, your comments touches me a lot. I try to do the best to keep the forum alive, I don't post often lately but when I find myself facing such a scene and where I have the opportunity to fully detail what I see, it would be a shame to let this observation lose in my thoughts. ^_^

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Thanks for sharing! I really loved this detailed observation. Sneezing and masks... i know masks make me sneeze sometimes. I can imagine that when i am troubled with hayfever it will even be worse...

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