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Pretense (Genshin Impact, Tartaglia) - 2/?


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I've wanted to write these two for ages, and now I'm finally getting around to it!

For anyone who isn't familiar with Genshin Impact but likes visuals, this is Zhongli and this is Tartaglia (who more casually goes by Childe, but I'll use both names to refer to him in this fic). They're close to each other in canon, and I'm writing their relationship as a romance. I have another thread of Genshin fics, but I'm posting this one as a separate topic because it's going to have multiple chapters.

This first part is short/mostly just exposition (sorry!). Spoilers for the Liyue quest arc from which these two are introduced.

Also, if you like Genshin and haven't seen this, take this soft Zhongli sneeze (where he says 'recently it's been a little cold... am I coming down with something?' jsfakjlzf.) It's just someone talking about him, but his comment lives in my mind rent free.



He’s only started getting settled in Liyue when it happens.

Childe wakes up with the kind of headache he can’t ignore and a faint, shivery feeling that feels undoubtedly out of place. Liyue isn’t cold, even in the winter---hell, he’s used to Snezhnayan winter, and even the coldest of days here wouldn’t even live up to winter at home. 

He supposes maybe it was the missions that’d done it--an influx of new recruits to train, a commission involving debts to settle, a run-in with ruin hunters and another run-in with abyss mages. It’s nothing he can’t handle, but in between dinners with his newest acquaintance--Zhongli, of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor--he can admit he’s been spreading himself thin.

He makes rounds to see Ekaterina. She is waiting for him at Northland Bank, punctual as always, as he slides in. 

Next to her, he is Tartaglia again, as easily as always.

“I am passing off some of my more mundane tasks to the recruits,” he says. “I will inform them of their assignments, but could you handle the compensation when they’re done? The amounts should be standard.” The next breath he takes settles uncomfortably in his lungs, and he finds himself veering away to cough into his shoulder.

She regards him. “It should be no trouble.”

“Great,” he says, clearing his throat. “Thanks, Ekaterina.”

He’s already turning to leave when she calls his name again.

“Just a minute,” she says, studying him for a second. “When is the last time you’ve taken a day off?”

“I haven’t had the time,” Tartaglia admits. “Why? Is there something I will need to do off work?”

She raises an eyebrow. Her Fatui mask makes it difficult to read her expression, but he thinks she might be concerned. “You seem tired. I am only worried you’ll run yourself ragged.”

“No need to worry,” he says, throwing in a smile for good measure. He has no idea if her line of questioning means she can see right through him, and he has no intention of finding out. “I wouldn’t be a Harbinger if I couldn’t look after myself, right?”


He has a meeting with Zhongli at five o’clock.

They’ve arranged to meet up outside of Wangsheng, get food at Wanmin restaurant, and take a walk along the Liyue waterfront. Childe won’t admit it openly, but his meetings with Zhongli are quickly becoming one of his favorite parts of the week.

He’s here to steal the geo archon’s gnosis, first and foremost, but Liyue--with its bustling merchant harbors--leaves him with no shortage of tasks to complete. His secondary role here is to manage financial matters, interface with recruits, resolve any local disputes, and deliver any information the Tsaritsa asks of him. Today, he’s been tasked with taking down ruin guards up north and then clearing a camp of abyss mages past Lingju pass. It’s supposed to be a demonstration to the new recruits.

Normally, he likes having an audience. It gives him an excuse to show off. 

Today, he can only hope the recruits don’t notice the ways in which he slips up. The fourth and fifth time he ducks away to muffle a sneeze into the crook of his arm, the ruin guard comes too close to landing a blow on him. Under the haze of exhaustion and what must be a growing fever, he gets caught in one of the mages’ ice fields and shivers so hard he almost can’t hold his hydro blades still. He wastes a second too long catching his breath and narrowly avoids getting impaled by an icicle.

By the time he makes it back to the city, his head is throbbing, and his limbs are aching. He’s running late--if anything, Zhongli’s probably already concluded he isn’t coming. It’s probably for the best that he won’t have to see Zhongli at all. He isn’t sure he could look presentable right now if he’d tried, and Zhongli--who has no knowledge about what kind of work Childe does outside of Liyue--will probably have concluded that he’s been stood up.

He figures he might as well drop off a letter of apology so he can clear up any misunderstandings early. Except…

Except when Wangsheng comes to view, a familiar figure is sitting outside on the steps.

Childe stares.

He’s two hours late to their meeting. There's no reason why Zhongli should still be here, now that the sun’s half-setting, because no one in their right mind would wait more than a few minutes for dinner and a walk.

But Zhongli is really here--as put-together and devastatingly handsome as always, perched on the steps in his suit as the last of the evening sunlight silhouettes him in gold. And Childe--

Childe is exhausted. The Fatui recruits are always excited for the opportunity to work directly under one of the harbingers, and Childe--who remembers exactly what it was like to be a recruit, bright-eyed and enthusiastic--always entertains them. He exceeds their expectations on principle; it's not easy work, but it's fulfilling. Today, though, judging by the way he’s unsteady on his feet, maybe it would've been more rational if he'd taken things easy for once.

But Zhongli’s waited two hours for him. Spending the evening with him is the least Childe could do in return. And as much as he knows it’d be better to head back and sleep this off, a part of him--a stupid, selfish part--wants Zhongli’s company more than anything. If the price of that company is to keep up the pretense that nothing’s wrong, it must be a small price to pay.

After all, Childe’s convinced everyone he's met with today--judging by the fact that no one’s asked--that he’s fine. What’s a few hours of pretending?

So he gathers himself with a yawn and a cough, stands straighter, and heads up the steps.




Thank you for reading! I would be happy to hear what you think ^^ I promise the next part will have more dialogue (and sneezing).  

Edited by monochrome
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Aaah, I'm excited for this! I'm happy you got around to writing a fic with them, I've been wanting to see what ideas you might have, and now I'm very interested 👀

Childe is definitely the type to overwork himself for whatever reason lol we've seen him do that in his own story quest, and the fact Zhongli waits for looong amounts of time as he always does is so in-character for him! I'm loving this, I'm so interested in seeing what will happen between them now 💕

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Oh my goodness, Chiiiiiildeeee 🥺💖 oh, what a darling, I'm so happy to see this!!! He's so cute, I can't wait to see how their not-date goes 🥺 it's so in character, he's such a kind Harbinger waaah

He absolutely overdoes things, how wonderful 💖


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@Blooming Thank you!! ❤️ You're so right, I feel like Childe just overworks himself as his default LOL, I really love him for it (and I feel like it's part of what makes Zhongli so good for him ;_;) Zhongli is so patient tbh, have you played his quest? His patience is limitless 😭

@Dye HAHA not-date is so funny, that's exactly what it is ;w; I love seeing these two sort out their feelings (hello Mihoyo... canon reconciliation when...) and Childe as someone genuinely kind is my favorite interpretation of him. Thank you for your kind words!! 💖 

@Akahana Thank you so much!! I got around to writing more earlier than expected, I hope you like it 🥺


Part 2! This is technically like, pretty conclusive as an addition to the first part. This took me awhile to actually write 😭 Hopefully it's okay.

Initially I planned to write more (post-Liyue-arc stuff + angst/reconciliation,) can't promise anything atm. I really love these two though, and it probably shows.



Zhongli stands. “Childe,” he says earnestly. “I was beginning to worry that something had happened.”

“Trouble at work,” Childe says dismissively.  “It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle, that’s for sure.” It’s not the full truth, but how can he tell Zhongli that he’s only late because his cold is taking its toll on his usual brutal efficiency? He’s sure that, in conjunction with his lateness, it would only sound like an excuse. “I’m sorry to make you wait.”

“There is no need to apologize,” Zhongli says, unperturbed as ever. “You are worth waiting for.”

Childe grins at him, a little shakily. “Still, it’s cold out. Had I been closer to town, I would’ve sent someone to tell you about the delay. I didn’t think you would still be here.”

“You are the one who suggested for us to meet here,” Zhongli counters. “It was only natural for me to uphold the agreement until you arrived.” 

Childe wonders if he’s like this with everyone--loyal and almost infuriatingly genuine. Surely Zhongli has run into his fair share of people who don’t keep their promises--Childe wonders, not for the first time, if there’s any limit to his seemingly limitless patience.

“Is everything resolved now?” Zhongli asks.

“Yeah. I just ran into some difficulty with recruits. You know how it is,” Childe says. “Business as usual, yet the newcomers can be… difficult to cater to.” He conveniently leaves out the fact that he’s usually the one pushing himself past his limits to impress them--that’s not something Zhongli needs to know. “I had a couple good spars with them, though!” He makes a show out of stretching, stifling a yawn. “If I’m more tired than usual, that’s probably why.”

Zhongli only nods. “If you are tired, we can postpone our walk, and end our meeting early so that you can be properly rested when--”

“No,” Childe says, maybe too quickly. “No, no, it’s okay. You waited all this time for me, and… I’m excited for tonight.” That’s not a lie. He feels better standing next to Zhongli already--something about being in his presence makes him feel strangely comforted.

There’s also the irrelevant, lesser-known fact that Childe hates being alone when he’s ill. But that’s not something he intends to share, either.

“So…” he sniffles as discretely as possible. “...dinner?”

Zhongli smiles to him. “I am looking forward to it.”

They fall easily into step, shoulder to shoulder. Liyue is busy as always, and one of the merchants--carrying something or other, not looking where they’re going--bumps into him, sending him closer to Zhongli. It’s only a moment of contact, but Zhongli is… warm. Childe pulls away quickly so that Zhongli doesn’t feel him shiver.

As always, Zhongli talks, and Childe finds himself more than content to listen. For once, he’s glad that the market is so loud--it makes it so that when he sniffles or clears his throat, it’s not very noticeable.

Halfway through the walk, though, a familiar, sharp prickle settles back in his nose. Zhongli is still talking, so Childe turns away slightly, his breath wavering.

“... hH!”

“The jade plaques are hand-carved, so they are all unique,” Zhongli is saying, oblivious, as they pass a stall that sells jade pendants. “As jade goes, it is priced for its translucency and the evenness in its coloration, though true jade always has imperfections.”

Childe pinches the bridge of his nose in a desperate attempt to stave off the growing urge to sneeze. “A double edged… hH! S-sword,” he comments. “I imagine that if they’re too clear, there’s a chance they… Hiih! … might be counterfeits.”

Zhongli nods sagely. “That’s right. Jade plaques like this are especially valuable, given their history, which makes them a popular relic for dishonest merchants to emulate. It is said that they were originally made to honor Rex Lapis, Lord of Geo, back before his form was--” 

Childe jerks away, cupping his hand over his face as a sneeze snaps him forward.


The sneeze echoes in his cupped hands, barely muffled, and still… loud. He flushes, embarrassed, as he lowers his hands slowly from his face.

“Bless you,” Zhongli says.

Faintly, Childe realizes that Zhongli is looking at him. Childe refuses to meet his eyes. He’s sure that if he makes eye contact now, Zhongli will be able to see straight through him.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Childe says, sniffling again.

Zhongli is quiet for a moment, observing him with his usual scrutiny. Childe wonders if his hesitance is out of disgust. 

“Are you alright?” he says finally.

Childe nods. “I’m fine! Must be that…” he looks around. They’re next to one of the food stands that's heavy on its spices, which he assumes is as good of an excuse as any. “...one of the spices here… hhIH… hIHh’NDGt!” He almost winces, turning away to sniffle with one knuckle pressed to his face. “...doesn’t agree with me, ahaha. Nothing to worry about! Uh, you were talking about the Lord of Geo’s forms?”

“Ah. Yes,” Zhongli says. He launches into the history of jade plaques and Rex Lapis’s many forms, and somewhere along the way, Childe forgets what he’s worried about.

The sun’s going down, and uncharacteristically the cool air is making him shiver. He crosses his arms mid-walk in a mostly-futile effort to conserve warmth, but it doesn’t do much. In between his frequent interjections, his voice is starting to sound worse, too--he supposes he’s overused it in talking to the recruits; it’s lucky that Zhongli is content to do most of the talking.

When they get to Wanmin, Zhongli leads him to one of the tables outside. 

“Wanmin is well-known for its variety,” Zhongli says. “While it offers Li style and Yue style food, you will find that Chef Mao also fulfills even the most specific of customer requests.”

“Specific customer requests, huh,” Childe says. “Does that mean you’ve ordered something off the menu here, xiansheng?”

Zhongli smiles. “I have ordered everything except for the seafood dishes.”

“I forgot about your aversion to seafood,” Childe admits, laughing. “You will have to tell me the story behind it someday. Besides that, what do you suggest?”

“I think I have something in mind,” Zhongli says untellingly, looking contemplative. “First, sit down.”

Childe obliges. Sitting down is a relief--as much as he would never admit it, their short walk has left him exhausted. He resists the urge to slump forward on the seat. Worse, the persistent itch in his nose from earlier is back.

“Stay here. I will order for you,” Zhongli says, laying a hand on his arm, and Childe--

Childe actually shivers, which is embarrassing, to say the least. Luckily, Zhongli doesn’t seem to notice.  “Don’t forget about the mora,” he says, and fishes for a pouch of coins from his pocket. “Here. I’m sure Chef Mao has dealt with his fair share of your forgetfulness.”

Zhongli smiles sheepishly, which is probably more endearing than it has any right to be. “Thank you, Childe. I will be back in a minute.”

As soon as he disappears around the corner to talk to Chef Mao, Childe exhales, lifting a hand to rub his nose. It’s a bad idea. Suddenly the tickle from before is back, and he’s snapping forward with barely any warning, his eyes squeezing shut.

“hHIH’NGDt! hH!..HIHh’GKtt! hhH....

Stifling isn’t very relieving at all. If anything, it seems to make him more congested. He casts a quick, desperate glance towards the restaurant. It’s still loud outside, the marketplace as raucous at night as it is at day. Surely Zhongli won’t notice if he-- 

“hIIH…. hIIH’ISChH-u!” Well, it’s not like he has much control over it now. “hHh... hiIH’IZCHhew!” He gasps again, ducking lower to muffle the sneeze in the crook of his arm. “hIIh’IISCHEEW!”

They’re forceful in a way that suggests that this is going to be a really awful cold,  but it’s relieving to succumb to the urge at last. He sighs, sniffling hard, and lowers his arm. Zhongli is still ordering, it seems. Childe is suddenly grateful that he’d chosen this moment to step away.

His eyes are watering a little, so he blinks quickly. Finally, Zhongli comes back to sit down across from him.

“That was fast,” Childe says, wincing a little at how congested his voice sounds. “I hope you gave him a tip?”

"Of course," Zhongli says, sliding back the pouch of mora. 

They fall back into conversation easily enough after that. It’s only when Zhongli goes quiet that Childe snaps out of his reverie.

“You have been quiet,” Zhongli remarks. “Is something on your mind?”

Childe blinks at him. “Ah. Sorry,” he says, muffling a cough. “I’m still listening. I can talk more if you want me to.”

“No,” Zhongli says. “There’s no need. I was only wondering if it would be better if I refrained from speaking so much.”

Childe frowns. Zhongli has the wrong idea--Childe likes listening to him--but he can’t help but wonder if he’s worse company than usual. “I like listening to you,” Childe insists. “If… it’s okay. I just… I’ve talked a lot today, so...” He looks away, feeling his face grow hot at the admission. “I think I’m, uh, losing my voice, or something.”

Zhongli frowns at him. “Will you have recruits to train tomorrow?”

He tries to recall his schedule for the week. “Don’t think so. Tomorrow’s errands will… hiH!...’NGDshH! be more straightforward. I--” he coughs again. “I hope.”

“That is a relief,” Zhongli says. “Regardless, you should save your voice. Your assurance that you are still interested is enough.”

I’m always interested, Childe thinks, as Zhongli launches back into another story about Liyuen history. His voice is smooth and low and, in every capacity, as comforting as always. Childe falls into it entirely.

It’s only when the food arrives that he finds himself staring down at a bowl of still-steaming soup.

It’s not something he’s had before. He takes an experimental sip. The warmth is immediately comforting; it's exactly the sort of warmth he's been craving all day. He doesn’t have much of an appetite, and he can barely taste it through his congestion, but what he can discern of the flavor is...

“This is delicious, xiansheng,” he says, letting his eyes fall shut in his indulgence. “What is it?”

“Bamboo shoot soup,” Zhongli answers simply. “It should be a good remedy for your cold.”

Childe nearly drops his spoon.

He blinks, surprised. “What?”

Zhongli stares back at him, his eyebrows furrowed. “Your cold,” he repeats. “You have been showing symptoms of it all evening. It is not unlikely that you have a fever as well, if the way you have been shivering is any indication. Were you not aware that you were ill?”

Childe buries his face in one hand. “I knew! Just... was it so obvious?”

“Did you intend to keep it a secret?”

“Not exactly, but…” he sighs. “I didn’t want to cancel our plans over something so trivial. You had already waited so long for me, so it wouldn’t have been fair if I’d just… used it as an excuse to - hIHh!

Childe feels his breath wavering. He shuts his eyes in desperation, ducking away from the table. This is really the worst timing. 

“hIihh… hIIH’NDGxt! snf… s-sorry, I... hIIH’ISSHHEEw!”

He flushes as another shiver racks his frame. It’s… embarrassing, to say the least, to sneeze so openly right in front of someone he admires. 

“Bless you,” Zhongli says. When Childe looks up at him, he looks sad, his shoulders hunching as he stares down at his own food.  “Childe, are you only here because you felt obligated to uphold your end of an agreement?” His voice is soft, as always. He doesn’t sound accusatory--only uncertain, but somehow, that makes it worse. “I would not have thought any less of you if you had been honest with me.”

“That’s not it,” Childe says, and fuck, he wants to say anything just to get that hurt expression off of Zhongli’s face. “I came because I wanted to see you.” He blinks past sudden exhaustion.  Suddenly his breath catches wrong and he’s coughing harshly, hurrying to press his forearm to his face as his shoulders shudder with the effort.

“I… realize I might not be great company right now, though,” he admits, wincing. His voice is really shot.

Maybe it would have been better had he been less selfish. Maybe he should have cancelled their meeting the moment he’d started feeling bad. Or maybe he should get rid of his strange over-reliance on the funeral consultant in the first place.

Zhongli reaches for his hand. Childe wants to pull it away, on instinct, but Zhongli’s grasp is firm and strangely, hopelessly grounding.

“You are always good company,” Zhongli says sternly, with as much conviction as he has when he recites history or recalls fact. “If you wanted to see me, you could have just asked. For you, I would have said yes.”

“You indulge me,” Childe accuses him, sniffling. Zhongli smiles, as if he’s taken it as a compliment.

“Perhaps. Will you let me walk you back home after we finish our meal?”

Childe wants to protest. They had a walk planned, after all, but he’s exhausted, and the trip back to the inn he’s staying in suddenly seems much less arduous when he considers he could be walking back with Zhongli.

“Zhongli, you are proving my point,” he says, cracking a smile. “...If you don’t mind, though, I would love that.”

He’s really going to miss Liyue when he leaves.

Edited by monochrome
always fixing typos
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Poor, sweet Childe... Sweetest and most lovely Zhongliiiiii 🥺🥺🥺🥺 he knew the whole time because of course he didddd

I adore how his sneezes are spelt, and how he slowly starts to succumb to just how terrible he's feeling, I just wanna wrap him up in a blanket 🥺 and Zhongli is so caring to him 😭 wonderful amazing work as always!!!

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Omggg this is amazing! I'm in love with the way you spelt his sneezes, I feel like loud ones are really fitting of Childe! And gosh, him just trying to hide his illness while Zhongli basically knew all the time, and even ordering some soup for his cold aaahh 💕💕💕 I did play his quest and maan, this guy has patience for days lmao

Also I forgot to mention in my first reply that soft Zhongli sneeze you linked, that was so cute and I appreciate it.

Thanks for writing such amazing Genshin Impact content, it's so good!

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Aw they're so sweet!!  Silly Childe thinking he can hide his cold from an ex-god lol, I'm sad that he's planning on leaving eventually but I love the angst :)

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