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Early fetish memories?


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Apologies if this has been posted about recently and I missed it, but this has been on my mind a lot lately. What are people’s earliest fetish memories?

I have a lot of them, but one of my earliest ones is this one poem book I used to read when I first learned to read. There was this one poem that went:

Someone needs a tissue

Someone’s going to sneeze


Pass a tissue please!

It had an illustrated bunny sneezing on some flowers. I remember getting oddly "excited" about that poem and would read it over and over—clearly enough that I still know the poem by heart 😅

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The scene: 6 year old me has a friend around to play....

"Do you have any Brothers or sisters? I ask

"I got one Sister, she's 16 and she's really annoying me right now"

"Why's that?" I ask

"She's got hayfever and she never stops sneezing!!!!"

I was instantly consumed by a single ambition: 






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On 3/5/2021 at 11:28 AM, haymaker said:

I was instantly consumed by a single ambition: 


This is such a relatable sentiment! I would have been in the exact same mindset, haha

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Lexie13...to keep with the literature theme...my earliest memory was from reading “Phantom of the Auditorium”, which was a goosebumps novel.  i just remember a scene in the book where the main character is trying to hide and she sneezes a bunch from the dust.  i don’t remember anything else about that book aside from that scene and i know I read it a bunch of times over and over.  hadn’t thought about that in awhile till i saw this...haha.  crazy to think we still have those memories from when we were younger.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I remember writing a BUNCH of stories having to do with sneezing when I was around 4 or 5, and even sitting on the couch with a tissue telling my mom I was "waiting for my next sneeze." Ugh. I had no filter. So embarrassing😂

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When I was younger, I would walk over to a friend's house and ride with him and his parents to school sometimes because we attended the same middle school. But I remember his older sister had the craziest morning allergies. Though she was usually in her room, her sneezes were full throttle to hear. I'd be hypnotized while I was there. I started walking over to his house earlier and earlier, once when he wasn't even awake yet lol We'd talk on the living room couch about dumb guy things and watch tv. Sometimes I'd be so enchanted (yes, I used that word, it applies here) by the sneezing going on in the background, my friend would be like, "Yo, did you hear me?" or "Dude, I'm talking to you!" and I'd snap out of it haha

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My favorite episode of every cartoon was always the ones involving sneezing. I used to watch them over and over again. I also used to find a way to work someone with a cold into any pretend play scenario. I even went as far as making my friends pretend they had colds while we were playing house or other make believe games. I had it bad. 

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  • 3 months later...

As a kid I was at a theater with my dad and my older sister and there was one guy who pretended to have allergies and would sneeze all the time. After the play finished we went home and on the way home I asked my sister did the man really sneeze? Did you like how his sneezes sounded? What was making him sneeze? I just kept asking her questions and at one point she was like omg why are you so obsessed with sneezing?

Arrghh cringe. I hope she doesn't remember that

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I remember being so fascinated with noses when I was a toddler. There’s one drawing that I did at the time that stands out and it was of a nostril view of a nose with a tiny feather in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was always uncomfortable with children’s songs containing references to sneezing, and still am. I also used to have a stuffed dog with a speaker in it that would make sneezing and nose blowing sounds, and I absolutely loved that toy as a kid.

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I remember my kindergarten teacher had a very dainty sneeze and would put her finger under her nose when sneezing. Of course at the time, I had no idea why I would watch her do this so intently, but to this day the image of it is completely burned in my brain in the best way and I actually still think about it a lot. 

OH and obviously watching the Cloris Leachman scene in The Muppet Movie was major sneeze fetish awakening content....

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I remember when one of my teachers had a bad cold. He was standing in the middle of the classroom trying so hard not to sneeze as he was explaining something to us. Finally he couldn't hold it back and sneezed a single loud and wet sneeze in the crook of his arm. He didn't sneeze again during class, but he was very congested and sniffly. 

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When I was about 10 I stumbled upon a audio wav of a woman with a cold sneezing on YouTube and I used to make my Littlest Pet Shop toys be sick by tucking them into bed and making them sneeze. Sadly I never got to do any caretaking in real life just yet :ohwell:

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16 minutes ago, SneezeAbbie said:

When I was about 10 I stumbled upon a audio wav of a woman with a cold sneezing on YouTube and I used to make my Littlest Pet Shop toys be sick by tucking them into bed and making them sneeze. Sadly I never got to do any caretaking in real life just yet :ohwell:

Omg I used to do the same with my LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) toys and other dolls too! I totally forgot about doing this until you mentioned it lol! I really hope you get the chance to do some actual caretaking! 😁

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6 hours ago, Yukkii said:

Omg I used to do the same with my LPS (Littlest Pet Shop) toys and other dolls too! I totally forgot about doing this until you mentioned it lol! I really hope you get the chance to do some actual caretaking! 😁

Glad I wasn’t the only one, and I hope so too!

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On 8/30/2021 at 7:12 PM, SneezeAbbie said:

When I was about 10 I stumbled upon a audio wav of a woman with a cold sneezing on YouTube and I used to make my Littlest Pet Shop toys be sick by tucking them into bed and making them sneeze. Sadly I never got to do any caretaking in real life just yet :ohwell:

I also played vet with stuffed animals and dolls as a kid. I would always give them really bad colds that just made them sneeze a lot. For some reason my sister and a few friends liked to play the same game with me when we were all little kids, which is mortifying in hindsight although they probably don’t remember it.

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I remember looking at Anime Boys Sneezing Compilation on YouTube, and I remember liking it. At the time I didn't know why I liked it. One time while watching these compilations, my mom called me and I didn't switch tabs on the computer. When I came back, I saw my older brother(by three years) looking at the compilation and playing it. I internally freaked out and ran in the bathroom to panic.

At some point, I was like, " Why am I freaking out?" and got out of the bathroom, but right after getting out, he asked me why I was watching the compilation. I had never lied so quickly in my life, and my family used to make fun of how I was such a bad liar. I was not a bad liar that day!

"I must have accidentally clicked on it."




He left. 

I was right when this happened, so yeah. 😆

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I remember a book that came from McDonalds that was about a man who always got stuck trying not to fall off a cliff and I no longer remember what it was called, but I was obsessed. In this one particular book, there was a sick bull and the main character was trying to give him a red hanky and the bull charged at him sneezing and I was just so fascinated and didn't know why. I told my blood sibling I was so focused on and how she needed to be, too, and good lord I hope she don't remember that. 😳 there were other times that occasionally the only thing I'd remember of a person was how they sneezed and what they looked like while doing so. Gradually, over time, I came to only be attracted to certain ones. Oh! And my mother found out and called me out to my therapist five years ago about how I was 'reading on this forum' and she said it was disturbing and I was all blushing super hard but now I think like. Well mom at least I didn't make it obvious. I would also watch sneeze compilations on yt and hoped to heck I didn't get caught.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The earliest memory I have of this was being read that “true story of the three little pigs” book. I think I was just fascinated by the idea of someone losing so much control to the point he’d accidentally blow someone’s house down. Anyway, that’s probably the reason I like destructive sneeze stories so much lol

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  • 1 month later...

I remember at primary school we used to sing a song at Christmas called “When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney”. This was 30+ years ago so I only remember the last three lines

”his nose is tickling too / when Santa got stuck up the chimney / achoo achoo achoo “

That song always made me feel weird, even at 7 or 8 years old.


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On 4/20/2021 at 12:46 AM, Jettous said:

My favorite episode of every cartoon was always the ones involving sneezing. I used to watch them over and over again. I also used to find a way to work someone with a cold into any pretend play scenario. I even went as far as making my friends pretend they had colds while we were playing house or other make believe games. I had it bad. 

Omg same! I felt award because my interest in sneezes began around 6, but apparently is normal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always used to love scenes in cartoons or books that had sneezing in, I just used to rewatch/reread them over and over again. I can't remember exactly what it was, but I was watching something and rewinding the scene with somebody sneezing over and over again and my sister went "you like stuff like that, don't you?"

I was about five at the time, so I didn't think anything of it, but... hope she doesn't remember that 😅

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