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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Roommate (F) driving me wild with her adorable sneezes with audible build-ups


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I’m going to lose my mind, friends 

let’s call her K. She is a petite thin brunette, bubbly, warm human being in her early 30s. Just the most adorable human. 

usually, she’s fairly expressive with her sneezes...she’ll stop mid sentence and you can always see the sneeze slowly building as her face gets the most desperate expression, she’ll hitch once or twice and let lose with a classic “ahhh...CHOOO!” She’ll always punctuate the ‘choos!’ With a little girlish shout!


Her sneezes are an easy 9/10 at the best of times. The other day tho was something special. I’m in the next room and I hear her suddenly making gasping sounds. Almost like she’s exhausted or working out. They just sounded so desperate...


”hah...hah...” she hitched

I’m sitting there in the next room thinking she must be tired or something. The hitches just sounded too good to be true to be a prelude to an actual sneeze


Then I hear, full on audible full voiced build ups, getting louder, “Ahh...AHHHH!”

Can this be real?  Is she about to sneeze?


Wieusuiwdjdhepe  I almost lost it right then and there. I should point out that she thought she was alone and did not appear to be exaggerating them on purpose. This is just how she sneezes.


I’ve never been attracted to a roommate before.  It does not help that she is also cute and sweet and hilarious and charismatic and we have a blast together  


someone help me please 


Edited by justme
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