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How to describe? Nose [twitch/crinkle/wiggle]


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What is the correct term for when someone's nose moves considerably, usually the tip/nostrils moving down towards the chin, but without the mouth moving? Nose twitch doesn't seem quite right.

I've always liked women who have noses which seem to move of their own accord, maybe even without realising it (or even better when they're trying to fight off a tickle), but I don't really know how to verbalise it. Some people do it all the time like a tic, many times an hour, for others it's just a thing they do when there's irritation

I dated someone who had really long build ups to sneezes and her mouth just kind of hung open without moving, but her nose was wiggling like crazy trying to encourage the tickle. She had quite a large Roman nose and the whole of the soft part was compressing significantly without her mouth really moving or her hands touching her face. It was fantastic and I crave it again!

TL;DR I really like a specific kind of nose twitch lol

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I don't speak English very well, but in my language I would say verbs like "tordre" (twist), "tortiller" (squirm), "frictionner" (rub), "trembler" (tremble), "vibrer" (vibrate), "agiter" or "secouer" (shake). I don't know if these verbs are the most qualified in English, but from my point of view, they are the most precise in French. Or at least, these are the ones that seem most fair to me at the moment, I might find others tomorrow. Why are you asking this question, why do you need it ? ^_^

Edited by oOMariusOo
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I personally tend to go for "twitch" when I write about that sort of thing, but mostly because I think it sounds good. I think a lot of people (on this site, at least), prefer to describe that action as a flaring of the nostrils, which works in both a sneeze and non-sneeze capacity. Does that sort of sound like what you're describing?

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5 hours ago, Adw said:

I think I know what you're describing. Is it sort of like what's going on here for this girl in her build up? 


Oh yes exactly this, some women can do this without their mouths moving.

Is this a wiggle?

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10 hours ago, Shining Light said:

Oh yes exactly this, some women can do this without their mouths moving.

Is this a wiggle?

I think of wiggle as side-to-side movement. Crinkle maybe?

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