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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Couple’s Cold (M/F, LONG)


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The same summer cold has afflicted our entire household, from me and my wife (“C”) to our son. For each of us it’s manifested itself in the form of various symptoms over the past few days, and the sneezing in particular seemed to hit both of us around the same time yesterday.

We both had limped through the workday fighting runny noses and sinus headaches, so I called my wife while I was on my way home.

“My head feels a little better, but I’ve been sneezing so much today…”

Her case was proven not a few seconds later, when she sneezed directly into the phone. Her sneezes typically tumble out the same way: a drawn out, breathy buildup with an intense, often girly-sounding finish, and often in doubles.


“Bless you!”

“*snff* See? That’s been mby day! I swear, l’ve sneezed like, a hudred times today.”

This seemed to present some nice opportunities for caretaking, as she tends to require a ton of it when she’s in the throes of a cold like that.

As soon as I got home, I could hear her blowing her nose from our upstairs office. To be fair, I probably could’ve heard her from several blocks away; my lovely lady blows like a trombone, and always has 😁

I went upstairs and pushed open the office door, only to find a most delightful wonderland of cold suffering: C sat behind her computer, and the screen’s backlight highlighted just how red and irritated her nostrils had become. A box of tissues sat to her right on the desk, and several used tissues lay crumpled on the desk and floor. She greeted me, and we chitchatted about our day for a minute before her eyes narrowed, and she wound up for another huge pair of sneezes.


“Ooh, bless you!”

“Ughhh, gross *snff* I’m so tired of sdneezing.”

She sniffled and groaned miserably before pulling a tissue from the box beside her and blowing her nose.

As we tag-teamed making dinner for ourselves and our son, she sneezed several more times, and blew her nose using paper towels from a roll in the kitchen, as she had left her tissues upstairs.

We all soon sat down to eat, C sniffling constantly and rubbing her nose on her wrist. Before too long, a pre-sneeze squint slowly began to seized her face, and she hitched several times only for the sneeze to abandon her.

“You okay?”

“….whew, thought I was gonna sneeze.”

Not ten seconds later, that sneezed returned for a vengeful double:

“hhhHEHHCHOO! hhHEHCHOO! *snnfff* Agh, I knew I was gonna sneeze!”

The second sneeze here was rather more, erm, “productive,” as C sniffled harshly and got up for more paper towels. As she blew for what must’ve been the umpteenth time that day, she winced at the rough paper’s effect on her sore nose. At that I vaulted up the stairs to the office, grabbed the tissue box, and brought it down to the table, kicking myself for not doing so before.

It was just as well, since she was overcome by two more sneezes just minutes later.

“Bless you! Jeez hon, you weren’t kidding about the sneezes!”

“I told you! I’ve been sneezing all ding dong day!”

Dinner wrapped up quickly as per usual, punctuated here and there by sneezes and blows, a few of them from me this time!

After our son went to bed, C lay down on the couch with the tissues and switched on the TV, and I started in on some dishes in the kitchen. Strangely, even though I was fighting the same cold, I had been only stuffy/sniffly that day rather than sneezy, but something (the steam from the sink, maybe) seemed to open things up enough to loose some sneezes. Mine are almost always singles, and are quite a bit messier by comparison. One sneeze tumbled out of me rather quickly.


“Bless you” called C from the other room. 

A couple minutes later, I sneezed again, and this one left some more visible traces, but led to a cute exchange.

“HEHEECHUHH!! *snff* ughh, dammit.”

“Bless you.”

“Thags *snfff*”

“You got the sneezes now, huh?”

“Yep, guess so.”

“Well, I’ve got the tissues in here if you need one.”

I did need one, actually, so I ventured into the living room, pulled a tissue from the box resting in the crook of C’s arm and blew my nose.

Several times more I sneezed while finishing up the dishes, having to stop at least once more to blow my nose in between. When I finally sat down on the couch opposite C, she offered a most adorable apology.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what honey?”

“I was all sneezy and now you’re all sneezy ‘cause of me.”

“Ohh, I was sick anyway. Those sneezes aren’t from you, I guarantee.”

From there, the evening carried on with much of the same: both of us sneezing and/or blowing our noses as we got caught up on Drag Race All Stars. By the time we were ready to chug some Theraflu and head to bed, our shared box of tissues had in fact been emptied.

Jewel’s “Cold Song” comes to mind in the best ways 😊 If you read this far, I hope you enjoyed it!

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Sorry you're both suffering, but that's such a cute story!

I love how C "blows like a trombone"! I blow my nose like a foghorn, so I find that I don't have any problem keeping my nose from getting blocked up when I have a cold, its just that constant nasal itch that's difficult even for me to blow out, I don't know if C is the same?

Feel better soon, hopefully you've got plenty of tissues in and your son doesn't catch it as well.

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This is so adorable!! It's such a domestic situation, a couple sharing a cold. Both of you chatting about it and taking care of one another, UGH SO SWEET ❤️ I'm sorry you're both unwell, but thanks for sharing these cute obs ^_^ I hope you two feel better soon!

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I love how intimate it sounds. 😍 

bless your wife many times. It sounds like a very sneezy cold. Give us an update 

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Aww this is so sweet, and the fact you both watch Rupaul’s Drag Race? That’s an amazing couple right there!

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On 7/20/2021 at 11:27 PM, Lindaa97 said:

How is she doing now? Give us an update

We’re all pretty much on the mend by now. Still enduring a residual runny nose here and there and some sneezing, but nothing too bad.

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On 7/17/2021 at 1:43 AM, Rick said:

Sorry you're both suffering, but that's such a cute story!

I love how C "blows like a trombone"! I blow my nose like a foghorn, so I find that I don't have any problem keeping my nose from getting blocked up when I have a cold, its just that constant nasal itch that's difficult even for me to blow out, I don't know if C is the same?

Feel better soon, hopefully you've got plenty of tissues in and your son doesn't catch it as well.

Thank you! Our son is doing fine; in fact, I’m pretty sure he’s the one that brought the cold home from daycare in the first place, so there’s bound to be more episodes like this in the near future!

C sometimes has difficulty actually blowing out what needs to be. Despite being rather loud, her blows are often not terribly productive, so she winds up having to blow several times in a given moment.

Edited by GhostLily342
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On 7/25/2021 at 2:55 PM, Saimou said:

Beautiful obs ❤️🔥! Does C know about your fetish? If you don’t mind my asking…

She’s known about my fetish for years now, but since she doesn’t share it, it’s not something we really discuss on the regular. I do think she sometimes does things like sneezing in a more girly pitch, commenting on her nose if it’s more itchy or sneezy than usual, or blowing in front of me because she knows I enjoy it 😊

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