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Mona's nosy wish (A Warioware fanfic) (F, Gigantic)


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It was a normal day in diamond city. Mona has was walking home from work when she bumped into 5-volt.

5-volt: hey, Mona. How was your day at work?

Mona: Oh, it was fine I guess.

5-volt: You alright? It sounds like something's bothering you.

Mona: (Sigh) it's just that I feel like wario hasn't been noticing me enough lately.

5-volt: (sigh) Mona, I don't know what you see in that guy! All he ever does is make us work on stupid microgames.

Mona: Hey! Those games aren't stupid!

Jimmy: Oh please! Today, he had me work on another dumb game involving a giant nose! I mean what's his deal with big noses anyway?

Mona: Huh. Now that you mention it, He DOES have us work on a lot of games involving big noses. Makes me wonder...

Jimmy: Make you wonder what?

Mona: Oh! Uhh...Nothing, 5-volt. I gotta go.

As Mona made it home, She bagan to think about what 5-volt said.

Mona: Wario DOES have us work on a lot of games themed around big noses. It's almost like he has a thing for them...THAT'S IT! Maybe he actually does! If I were to get a bigger nose, Wario will be sure to fall in love with me! (Sigh) But with the price of rhinoplasty these days, There's no way I could afford it.

Just then, Mona looked out her window and noticed a shooting star so she decided to make a wish.

Mona: Shooting star, I wish for a bigger nose so that Wario will finally fall in love with me.

After making her wish, Mona went straight to bed. When she woke up the next morning, she noticed that she could breathe a lot better! When she went to the bathroom to freshen up, she noticed in the mirror that her nose has grown so big that I barely fit her face!

Mona: Oh my gosh! My wish actually came true! It's a bit bigger than what I bargained for, but I'm happy!

After Mona continued to get ready for the day, she headed straight for work at Mona's pizza. On her way there however, her new nose picked up all kinds of of scents!

Mona: (Sniff) Wow! (Sniff) I never realized diamond city was so fragrant! (Sniff) My new nose is more useful than I thought!

As Mona continued to admire the scents however, she accidentally inhaled a few dandelion seeds that were flying in the wind and ended up tickling her nose!


Mona's sneeze was so big that she ended up blowing all the leaves off a couple near by trees.

Mona: Oh my! (Sniff) I guess a bigger nose means bigger sneezes! I best be more careful about that.

Shortly after that incident, Mona made it to Mona's pizza where he was greated by joe.

Joe: Good morning mon-Ahh!

Mona: what's the matter?

Joe: I...see you got a nose job that didn't go well.

Mona: Oh, You noticed? I actually wanted it this way.

Joe: Huh? Why?

Mona: Nevermind the reason. Let's just get to work.

Joe: Alright. But the pizzas won't be done for another 15 minutes or so.

Mona: That's fine. I'll wait.

Just then, one of the employees actually dropped a sack of flour causing flour to fly all around the restaurant with some of it inevitably finding it's way into Mona's Gameboy advance cartridge sized nostrils!

Mona: (Sniff) Uh oh! (SNIFF) I gotta...ah... hold it...AH...IN!

Joe: Are you alright, Mona?

Mona tried her best to hold it in but it was no use as it only made her nose tickle even more!


While Mona's sneeze managed to clear away the flour cloud, It also left the kitchen a complete mess with dough, sauce and cheese and everything else scattered all over the walls!

Joe: I can't believe it! There's dough, sauce and cheese everywhere!

Mona: Sorry, Joe. I'll clean the mess up right away.

Joe: You know what? Don't bother, Mona! You're fired!

Mona: WHAT!? Y-You can't fire me from my own restaurant!

Joe: Can and will! Now get out!

Mona ran out of the restaurant crying.

Mona: (Sniffle) Pull yourself together, Mona. You May've lost you pizza delivery gig but you're still employed at Warioware inc.

Mona didn't had to got to her second job for another few hours so she went home to relax and try to forget about the whole pizza incident.

Mona was checking her social media when a fly entered her room. She tried swatting it away from her but that turned out to be a mistake as the bug decided to fly up her nose causing it to tickle once more.


When Mona open her eyes, She noticed that she sneezed so hard that her house was completely destroyed!

Mona: OH NO! This is unbelievable! (Sniffle) I really hope my insurance will cover this.

She then checked the clock on her phone and realized it was almost time for her to go to work. So she rushed to Warioware inc hoping Wario will give her a raise to help pay the damages.

As Mona began working on 1 of her microgames, she was greeted by Jimmy T.

Jimmy: Yo, Mona! How've you been doing today?

Mona: (sigh) Jimmy, I'm having a really bad day so far. Could you just...(Sniff Sniff)...what's that smell?

Jimmy: Oh, You must've noticed the new cologne I'm trying out. Ya dig it?

Mona: No, Jimmy. The smell is really bothering my nose! (Sniff) In fact, I...(Sniff)... I think it's gonna...ah...make...AH...ME...AAHHH...AAAHHH...

As Mona felt another tornado like sneeze coming on, her build up caught the attention of the rest of the employees.

18-Volt: Oh crud! I've seen enough cartoons to know this won't end well!

Mona: Gotta...AAAHHH...Fight this one!...AAAAHHHH...Gotta...AAAAAHHHHH... LOSING!



Mona's sneeze was so big that managed to bring down the entire Warioware inc building! Fortunately, Everyone was miraculously unharmed.

Wario: My building! It's completely destroyed! WHO'S RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS!?

All the employees pointed at Mona.


Mona: It...It was an accident!


Mona: But...But...

Wario: NO BUTS! Now if you excuse me, I need to rage nap!

As Wario began to "rage nap", Mona fell on her knees and sobbed.

Mona: This new nose ruined my life! Why did I make that stupid wish!?

Just then, Mona woke up and found that her house was back to normal.

Mona: Huh? I thought my house was...Could it be?

Mona then rush to the bathroom to look at the mirror and found that her nose was back to normal too.

Mona: Oh, Thank goodness! It was all a nightmare! I don't need a bigger nose to make Wario fall in love with me. I'll just have to keep trying! But just to be safe, I best stock up on allergy medication.

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