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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Autocorrect is trying to out me XD


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Oh man, I feel ya! :rofl:  Luckily, given how many insanely weird autocorrect things I've received from people, I feel like you can excuse almost any weird word that pops up. :P 

Like, if it's a sneeze spelling or something... just follow it up with something like lol wtf was that?? I think autocorrect is drunk today!

(because it's better to have an excuse ready and not need it, than to need an excuse and not have one ready ^^ ).

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Me typing: “Would you be willing to sell your lovely maltese cat to me? Let me know if you are open to a real commitment to sell and we can discuss these details 🙂

Autocorrect: “Would you be willing to sell your lovely sneeze attack to me? Let me know if you are open to a real sneezing fit to sell and we can discuss sneeze details 🤧

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Tell me about it! I find it especially frustrating on my phone which always pops the word sneeze up as suggested, whenever I try to type anything beginning with 's'! For this one reason alone I am terrified to let anyone else use my phone to search for anything, because although I am a pro at covering my tracks, this continues to happen unless you regularly instruct the phone to 'forget' sneeze as a commonly typed word :lol:  

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I feel your pain. Have had words pop up while other people have been using my phone, very awkward.

I'm lucky enough that my last 4 partners over the last 20 years have all known about my fetish and 3 have more than welcomed it (a story for another day) so haven't had to worry about them 😁

I'm recently single so have had to delete some of my dictionary and page links again just in case, wouldn't want something to accidently spring up.

"Darling, what's sneezefetishforum?"

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My phone tries to add "sneezing" if I type various words like women, loud, stuck, [insert any of the top 100 girls names]. It's very risky when you type fast and send without looking!

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17 hours ago, Bless you, Hi said:

Autocorrect: “Would you be willing to sell your lovely sneeze attack to me? Let me know if you are open to a real sneezing fit to sell and we can discuss sneeze details 🤧

Please tell me you didn't actually send that to anyone. :lmfao: 


I'm so super paranoid that I always triple check before sending anything, but man. I still live in eternal fear. :lol: 


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My phone has literally gotten to the point that upon opening a new tab, it automatically suggests the word “sneeze.” Like I don’t even type the letter S or anything. It’s a blank, empty search bar, and it still assumes that’s the word I should type. 
My phone just knows me and my secrets too well. 😭😂😂

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