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Might be coming down with something (self, m)


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As you all might know my fiance is currently battling a cold she came down with on the weekend. 

Anyway this morning I woke up with a bit of a sore throat so it may be my turn 🤦

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Definitely catching it. I sneezed about six times yesterday, and today the sore throat is terrible. I typically get fairly sneezy with a cold so I will keep updating 

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On 8/25/2021 at 3:30 AM, Trynasneeze said:

Hahaha she'll probably just keep saying sorry for getting me sick

This is me whenever I get sick and my fiance ends up getting it soon after hehe.

Keep us posted!

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Well I've woken up today with quite a stuffy nose (not runny at this stage though), sore throat is still there and I had quite a sneezy evening last night and so far this morning. 

Fiance is almost better but after realising I was getting sick has been apologising a few times for spreading her cold as I expected she would

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What a day so far. 

It's late evening and I've sneezed 19 times today. All singles. And getting frequent reminders from my fiance that I should cover my sneezes. 

I often work from home, a place where I'm not too predisposed to always cover my sneezes. 

My nose is super blocked up on one side and my sore throat hasn't gone completely. The strange part is that my nose isn't really runny at all. It's been blocked all day and I've got a sneezy tickle that keeps bothering me on and off. But even after sneezing I've only been a tiny bit sniffly which goes away fairly quick. 

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It's only halfway through the day so far and I've sneezed no less than 20 times (I lost count). 

The sore throat seems to have gone (thank god - I hate sore throats). But when I woke up my nose was super bunged up still. I still don't really have a consistent runny nose but every time I sneeze (which is all the time) it does leave my nose quite sniffly. 

But at least one good blow on some toilet paper is enough to sort it out for a while at the moment.

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