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Tech help for uploading videos w/ subtitles?


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Hey there. I have a handful of movie clips I'd like to share, but I'm having some trouble. They're all clips from Hong Kong movies, mostly in Cantonese with English subtitles. I figured out how to use VLC player to grab the specific clips I want off of my DVDs, and when I play the clips back through VLC, I see the optional subtitle track I can select. But when I try to upload the videos onto YouTube, I can't get the subtitles to show up.

Any tech-savvy folks out there able to help me out?

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The only way to do subtitles would be to either manually input them using Youtube's caption feature or to screen record you watching the clips in VLC. I would recommend using Youtube's captions for the highest quality. 

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I got it figured out, thanks! Once I get my clips uploaded/subtitled, I'll make a new post to share them.

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