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Kyles School part 1: The Sneezy Teacher (F)


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The bell rang following students murmuring outside room B102. Kyle (a 6ft 18 year old with dark brown hair and blue eyes) stood up nice and straight for what he knew was his best lesson of the week. Friday afternoon maths with Ms Dodds. Ms Dodds is a 31 year old 5' 3 blonde with pale grey eyes, bright shiny hair and most importantly a cute pug nose. A very tickly nose and a very pretty woman indeed. She was very well known for her sexy girlish sneezes especially in the spring.

Kyle walked into the classroom. He already knew what his first sighting would be as he dumped his bag on the floor next to his desk and took a seat. The weather was nice and warm outside which meant pollen whizzing around the air. And pollen whizzing around the air meant itchy nostrils for Ms Dodds. Ms Dodds was wearing a short sleeved flowered top with tight black jeans, flowered flip flops and her toes sparkled a pale pink. However the most obvious thing about her to Kyle was her sore sexy red nose. "Good afternoon class" said Ms Dodds in a low frustrated voice as she sniffled gently. Only 10 seconds later her breath started to hitch, her eyelids started to flutter and she let out 2 itchy sneezes " Uggh ugh Eh chooo Ugh Eh choo" doubling over on the second sneeze. "Excuse me. So todays lesson is first order differential equa- Uggh Ugh Eh Choooo" she sneezes again this time stronger. She blew her nose hard against a paper white hanky. "Bless you Miss" said Kyle politely whilst fighting the urge to go and stand in front of her face and experience the strike of water particles. "Thank ugh you Kyle" says Ms Dodds having successfully fought of a sneeze. "My nose is feeling very itchy today so apologies to everyone. Anyway, to solve first order differentia- Eh chooo. Uggh Eh choo Ugh Ugh Eh choo I cant stop sneez- Eh chhoooo". Giggles started spreading through the class. "Its not funny guys" snapped Kyle. 

After erruptions of sneezes and moist particles flying through the air the class finally came to an end. All the students except Kyle rushed off out of the classroom in excitement for their weekends. Kyle slung his bag over his arm and headed over to Ms Dodds. "Are you okay Miss?" asked Kyle gently. "I can assure you Kyle Im fine honestly just seasonal allergies ughh no ugh big deal ughhh ugh " Ms Dodds nostrils started tingling again and her pug nose started twitching and all of a sudden she let out a nice wet  "Ehhh Chhhooooooo" all over Kyles face. "Oh no ugh Kyle Im so sorr- Eh Chooooooo". She sneezed again this time however into her hanky. "No problem Miss" said a very turned on Kyle. Kyle smiled in success as he left the classroom and dropped the lavender piece he was holding outside the classroom door in hope that another sneezy fit would occur for another lucky person to witness.

(Apologies if this story was short. I am new to the forum and this is the first time ive written a story. I was actually lucky enough to have an experience such as this except for the part of getting sneezed on the face which i really wish will happen to me some day😅. Any way folks part 2 of Kyles adventures awaits)

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I absolutely love this wonderful story please update soon but take your time there’s no rush and keep up the amazing work 

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6 minutes ago, NickG1998 said:

I absolutely love this wonderful story please update soon but take your time there’s no rush and keep up the amazing work 

Thank you so much NickG1998

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