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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Husband just now . . .


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Sitting at our kitchen table just tooling around on my tablet. It's a rare quiet moment in our house where the kids are occupied and everyone is fed so no one wants anything. Husband is in the other room on his computer. 

Suddenly I hear a harsh, loud, "Hhhaaah ESSSHHHH AAhhhhh". 

*melts inside*

Husband: "Sorry about that!" 

Me: It's . . fine? 

Husband: I've been really sneezy lately. 

Me: *internal inferno* Really? You OK?

Husband: Yeah I feel fine, just a little bit of mild congestion and sneezy. 

Me: . . . . OK. *sooooo many reactions all at once*

Husband: I shouldn't get tested or anything, should I?

Me: I mean . . . if it gets worse, sure. 


So now I shall be sitting on pins and needles for the remainder of the night waiting to see how his version of 'sneezy' plays out. Because I'm fairly certain that it differs from my own definition. 😆

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Adding - for visual reference, my husband is a big linebacker type of guy. 6'2, solid frame, very closely shaved hair with a goatee that is a mix of red, auburn and a hint of grey that I find endlessly attractive. 

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So … funny story, that. 

He actually is aware, or at least he was. When we were about a year into dating, I told him. We experimented one time, and that was the end of it. It just … the end result was not worth the effort and the discomfort on his end. He’s just not really a sneezy guy. And we never went back to it at all. 

Then about a year ago, he brought it up again and asked if it was “still a thing”. At that point I had pretty much repressed all things SF related and had done so for years so I answered honestly and said no it wasn’t really anymore.


I’m not sure whether or not I’m going to bring it up again. We shall see what happens. 

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Fwiw, I just got over omicron and it definitely caused me to be more sneezy than usual without feeling like a cold (not nearly as much congestion). It was one of the first symptoms at the start and first to go away as it ended. 

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