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Kyles School: The complete trilogy


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Hey every body I have completed the trilogy of Kyles school. I already released part 1 as you may have seen but i thought id combine my 3 parts into a a nice trilogy for you guys to read. Please enjoy.......


Part 1 : The Sneezy Teacher

The bell rang following students murmuring outside room B102. Kyle (a 6ft 18 year old with dark brown hair and blue eyes) stood up nice and straight for what he knew was his best lesson of the week. Friday afternoon maths with Ms Dodds. Ms Dodds is a 31 year old 5' 3 blonde with pale grey eyes, bright shiny hair and most importantly a cute pug nose. A very tickly nose and a very pretty woman indeed. She was very well known for her sexy girlish sneezes especially in the spring.

Kyle walked into the classroom. He already knew what his first sighting would be as he dumped his bag on the floor next to his desk and took a seat. The weather was nice and warm outside which meant pollen whizzing around the air. And pollen whizzing around the air meant itchy nostrils for Ms Dodds. Ms Dodds was wearing a short sleeved flowered top with tight black jeans, flowered flip flops and her toes sparkled a pale pink. However the most obvious thing about her to Kyle was her sore sexy red nose. "Good afternoon class" said Ms Dodds in a low frustrated voice as she sniffled gently. Only 10 seconds later her breath started to hitch, her eyelids started to flutter and she let out 2 itchy sneezes " Uggh ugh Eh chooo Ugh Eh choo" doubling over on the second sneeze. "Excuse me. So todays lesson is first order differential equa- Uggh Ugh Eh Choooo" she sneezes again this time stronger. She blew her nose hard against a paper white hanky. "Bless you Miss" said Kyle politely whilst fighting the urge to go and stand in front of her face and experience the strike of water particles. "Thank ugh you Kyle" says Ms Dodds having successfully fought of a sneeze. "My nose is feeling very itchy today so apologies to everyone. Anyway, to solve first order differentia- Eh chooo. Uggh Eh choo Ugh Ugh Eh choo I cant stop sneez- Eh chhoooo". Giggles started spreading through the class. "Its not funny guys" snapped Kyle. 

After erruptions of sneezes and moist particles flying through the air the class finally came to an end. All the students except Kyle rushed off out of the classroom in excitement for their weekends. Kyle slung his bag over his arm and headed over to Ms Dodds. "Are you okay Miss?" asked Kyle gently. "I can assure you Kyle Im fine honestly just seasonal allergies ughh no ugh big deal ughhh ugh " Ms Dodds nostrils started tingling again and her pug nose started twitching and all of a sudden she let out a nice wet  "Ehhh Chhhooooooo" all over Kyles face. "Oh no ugh Kyle Im so sorr- Eh Chooooooo". She sneezed again this time however into her hanky. "No problem Miss" said a very turned on Kyle. Kyle smiled in success as he left the classroom and dropped the lavender piece he was holding outside the classroom door in hope that another sneezy fit would occur for another lucky person to witness.

(Apologies if this story was short. I am new to the forum and this is the first time ive written a story. I was actually lucky enough to have an experience such as this except for the part of getting sneezed on the face which i really wish will happen to me some day😅. Any way folks part 2 of Kyles adventures awaits)


Part 2 : The Exchange Student

The clouds splattered heavy rain outside whilst Kyle and the rest of his biology class set up equipment for their science experiment. It was a special day today as the school had taken in foreign exchange students , one of them being a girl called Anushka. Anushka is one of the three exchange students from India with extremely pretty features including long black hair tied up into a large shiny bun, dark brown eyes and a thin nose with a small stud piercing in her right nostril. She wore mascara nicely on her eyelashes and her nails were painted a crisp white. “Right class , for todays experiment we will be working in pairs and our aim will be to dissect a sunflower petal to explore its material” shouted Mr Ackley. Everybody got out of their seats and rushed around in order to grab the partners that they want. Kyle being extremely slow looked around however all his friends were taken. He then sat back down and as he looked up he met the pretty eyes of a nervous looking Anushka. “Hey uh would you like to work with me? My name is Anushka. I don’t know anybody here and I saw that you haven’t found a partner”. “Of course” replied Kyle sticking out his hand. Anushka’s hand trembled slightly as she returned the handshake. “Lovely meeting you. My name is Kyle”. “Likewise” replied Anushka.

“Could everybody please come and grab a sunflower from the cabinet” exclaimed Mr Ackley. Kyle got up from his desk and began his walk to the cabinet until he was interrupted by a soft hand wrapping around his wrist. “Um Kyle. Do they have any face shields for us to wear during the experiment?” asked Anushka in a low voice. “I wouldn’t think so” replied Kyle. “Its not like we are using any dangerous chemicals”. “Um. Okay” replied Anushka forcing her lips into a smile. Kyle returned with the sunflower. Anushka’s nose couldn’t help but start twitching as he placed the flower onto the table. “Are you okay?” asked Kyle concerned. “Perfectly fine” replied Anushka with a slightly fast, irritated tone. “Cool beans. Lets break off a petal to put into the dish then.” said a confident looking Kyle for he had suspicions as to what was about happen. As Kyle and the rest of students started to break the petals, thin yellow particles of flower dust started to spread around the air and into Anushkas nostrils. The particles tickled and scraped against the inside of Anushka’s nose. Her eyelids started to flutter and her breaths started to hitch and she let out a huge batch of some of the sexiest girly sneezes Kyle had ever witnessed.


Ms Dodds has some damn good competition thought Kyle. “Bless you” said Kyle trying to hide how turned on he was. Anushka tried to reply but she only managed to get halfway through before her nose started tingling again and she let out another artillery of sneezes.

“Im fine I just have aller -  oh no its coming agai- AHHHH TSCHIIII AHH AHH AHTSCHIIIIII AHTSCHIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!”

Kyle pulled out a clean tissue from his pocket and handed it to Anushka. She wiped the mascara running down her cheeks and blew her nose revealing a sexy contrast between her sore thin red nose and her bright gold nose stud. Everyone around the room burst into hushed laughter as Anushka ran out of the room. “Go check if shes okay Kyle” demanded a frustrated Mr Ackley. “Of course sir” replied Kyle. Kyle ran out of the room and saw Anushka heading into the girls bathroom. He patiently waited 5 minutes until a tired looking Anushka stumbled out and looked at Kyle. “Im really sorry Kyle I have a terrible allergy to sunflowers” said Anushka. Unfortunately for her Kyle had accidentally carried his sunflower petal into the corridor with him. He quickly stuffed it into his pocket at this realisation. As the petal brushed roughly against his pocket, yellow particles started to whizz around the corridor entering Anushkas nostrils again causing them to itch severely.

“What ugh wha why again is it tickling AHTSCHIAAA AHTSCHIAAA !”. Anushka let out 2 tired sneezes and Kyle put his arm on her shoulder. “Its okay. Bless you” he said. Anushka looked up at him but the tickling started again and all of a sudden she let out another “AHTSCHIII” all over Kyles face. Instead of apologising she pulled Kyles face towards hers and gently kissed him on the lips. “I can tell your enjoying this Kyle” she said. “Oh ergh not at all why would you say that?” asked a blushing Kyle. Anushka then let out one final “AHTSCHIIII  !!!!!!!!!” all over Kyles chest and that’s when Kyle lost control. He grabbed Anushkas face and they started kissing extremely hard. Of course the kissing was interrupted with an “AHTSCHIII” every 20 seconds!


Part 3: Emilys Sneezy Cold

It’s a cold morning when Kyle awakes from a deep sleep. He gets out of bed and yawns as loud as he can. It then occurs to Kyle that he can hear sniffles coming from his sister Emily’s room. He walks out into the corridor and knocks on Emilys door. “Emily are you okay?” asks a concerned Kyle. Emily opens the door and replies “Of course why wouldn’t I be?”. Emily is an 18 year old 5’4 brunette with sparkly hazel eyes and a very pretty smile. This morning she is wearing purple pajamas, flip flops and her hair is tied back in a messy ponytail. “Erm, okay are you sure? I mean I thought I heard you crying.”. “Oh its nothing, just a bit of a sniffle. Why do you worry about me so much?” Emily asks laughing. “Because Im your brother and I love you why else?!” exclaims Kyle. “Aww Kyle you’re such a gem” replies Emily in a sarcastic voice as she embraces Kyle in a hug. Kyle stands still and concerned and watches as Emily lets go, walks past him to the staircase and lightly jogs down the stairs. Emily is not a sneeze fetishist like Kyle but when a cold hits her it hits her hard in the nostrils and Kyle knows this. Hence he goes down the stairs and into the kitchen and explains his worry . “Emily I think your coming down with a cold so I think you should stay at home.” “Kyle Im fine honestly, just a slightly runny nose that’s all. “ After eating her cereal Emily goes back into her room. She puts on some socks and changes into her school uniform.

First lesson of the day is Maths with Ms Dodds. Ms Dodds is dressed smartly in a grey suit with her hair tied into a bun, wearing black heels. Emily takes a seat in front of Ms Dodd’s desk where they are both in front of an open window. “So class today, we will be learning about graphs so could you please take out your rulers and your sketch books?” exclaims Ms Dodds whilst rubbing her hands together. “Sure as long as you don’t drench us as you usually do” laughs a boy at the back. “My allergies are fine today thank you very much” replies a nervous and embarrassed Ms Dodds for she knows that what the forecast was showing this morning is not in her favour. Only ten minutes later the clouds rage and rain starts to pour heavily into the court outside the classroom. Before Ms Dodds can reach the window cold air sweeps into the classroom. The air particles make their way into Ms Dodds’s nose and start to dance against the inside of her nostrils. Her eyelids start to flutter and her breaths start to hitch leading to an explosion of sneezes,

“EH CHOOOO EH CHOOOO EH EH EHCHOOOOO !!!!! It tickles so mu- EH CHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The class bursts into laughter but fortunately for Ms Dodds her misery is about to be shared. Emilys nose starts to tingle really badly. The air particles rub against the inside of her already sniffly nose so hard that her nose starts to twitch. She raises her finger and places it under her nose,

“ Im gonna sneeze oh my- HUH ishooo HUHH ishooo HU ishooo UH UH HeShoo Heshooo Heshoo UH Heckshoo HUH ishoooooo. Excu- HUH eshoooo oh excuse me”

“Bless ugh you Emily” says Ms Dodds before another volley of sneezes takes over her,


Ms Dodds’s sneezes are very powerful and lady-like in comparison to Emilys gentle repetitive tishoos. However equally sexy and girly. “Thank ugh you miss bless you too ugh HUH shoooo HUH eshooo HUH eshoooooo. Could I uh heshoo g- hehshoooo go get some tissues from the bathroom for HUH ishooooo, both of us ugh MISS?”. Ms Dodds replies in sneezes,

“Please do UH EHCHOOOOOO that Emi- EH CHOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!.”

Emily quickly gets up and runs into the corridor. The tickles in her nose take her over so possessively that she forgets where the bathroom is and randomly turns left in the hope that it is in that direction. “Where is the fricking bathroom- HUH ishooo HUH ishoooo oh please stop UH ishooooo.”

Kyle spots Emily in the corridor and runs out of his class without asking. “Oh my goodness Emily are you okay?” he asks. “Im sorry Kyle I should have listened to you earlier HUH ishooooo.” sneezes Emily. “Bless you sis. Its okay. Here take these tissues. I have a feeling you could use them.” says Kyle handing the tissues to Emily. Emily grabs the tissues and runs back in the direction of her classroom.

Inside Ms Dodds is standing with her shoes off over the heating vent on the floor, still shivering whilst the rest of the class giggle and do their work. “Emily are you okay? My sneezes have subsided for now” she says. “Im fine now miss. My nose is very sore but ugh im ugh ugh HUH ishooooo fine” replies Emily. “That’s good. Im just going to go get some warm tea from the office for us both.” says Ms Dodds walking out of the classroom in her bare feet. In the corridor she comes across Kyle standing outside the classroom with a concerned expression. “Hey miss is Emily okay now?” he asks. “Yes she is fine just a little sneezy that’s all.” she replies. “Kyle I truly am sorry for sneezing on you the other day I promise.” she says. “No problem at all miss, really!.” replies Kyle with a smile. But Ms Dodds’s apology soon loses its meaning as the scent from Kyles lavender cologne starts to spread in her nasal passages and cause a burning she has never felt before,

“That’s good to ugh know ugh Kyle ugh ugh its coming a big ugh one a big ugh ugh UGH UGH EEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH CCCCCCHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she sneezes so hard that she falls into Kyle whilst soaking his t shirt. Kyle smiles and cuddles Ms Dodds as she fires strong sexy sneezes into his chest.



Thanks for reading. Whose sneezes did you find sexiest out of Ms Dodds, Anushka and Emily ??????????????? Personally Anushka is my favourite sneezer. Its my dream to have a hot sneezy indian girl such as her as my wife.

Edited by FadedRose
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9 hours ago, brownsasha11 said:

Welcome. Congrats on submitting your first story. Truly interesting concept

Thanks for reading. I will definitely write more for you guys.

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Wow this is great, I love your stories!

Allergy attack induced by plant dissection class hits my buttons just right!:razz:

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21 minutes ago, strong sneeze32 said:

Wow this is great, I love your stories!

Allergy attack induced by plant dissection class hits my buttons just right!:razz:

Thanks my friend. And yeah it sounds like a fun experience doesnt it 😅😅😅

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Hey guys. I apologise that this thread had been removed to make some adjustments regarding one of my characters age ( I wasn't aware of the forum rules regarding character age being 18 +).

I was getting a lot of views at the time so I really hope that you lovely people start reading this story again 🙃

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