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Lost Supergirl Fic


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Okay. So, this was a good few years ago, and it wasn't on here, I think it was on Ao3? (At least that's where I originally found it) Someone wrote a super girl fic, it definitely read like it belonged on here. Essentially, a kryptonian plant called a Fire Flower had somehow come to Earth and Kara was one of the very very few kryptonians who had developed an allergy to this flower, there were a good few chapters to this story too. There's not a whole lot of other details that I can really remember, but I'm like 98% it wasn't a dream bcos shortly after I'd written a fic very similar (not to post to take credit for this one, obvie, just as a jot down of ideas as I was just starting out writing fics like these) anyway I can't really remember how much time passed, but after a little while, it's just seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth, I can not find it anywhere, tell me I'm not the only one who's read this fic! The writing alone is fantastic and I love to find it again for nostalgia purposes as the phone I wrote my version of the fic on has been broken for years 😔

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You're probably thinking of this one?

It's on the adult board.  Although I think the first chapter is available here on the non-adult board:

If that's not it, then try searching for supergirl in the forum and it might turn up.

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@Demosthenes ah thanks, it isn't that one unfortunately, I've already seen this one recently. The one I'm on about definitely wouldn't of belonged on an adult board. Thanks anyway though, I'll have a look.

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