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Unexpected Fit from Inducing (long)


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Haven’t posted much and it’s also been a while but thought I’d share my inducing success from earlier today. 

Overall I’m not really a sneezy person, up until moving to a new area about 8 months ago I’ve also never really had allergies but I’m noticing that I’m potentially developing some as the seasons are changing. 😅 

Anyway I ordered some new chhinkni and decided to induce to see if I could get any sneezes and because my nose has been sorta itchy/runny today. In the past even when the chhinkni was new/fresh I’d only maybe ever get a max of 5-6 sneezes if I was lucky and wasn’t expecting much so I wasn’t prepared for the resulting fit… 

Used a small amount at first and it was definitely strong, made my nose super itchy and eyes water but initially no sneezes. Waited for a bit and then decided to use a little more, once I added some I only had to wait about 20 seconds until.. “Egh-Tshuu!… Uh-Tchshh!…..uh-Tchshh!” 
The first three were super messy and I didn’t think my tissue would cut it but also don’t a handkerchief so I used one of my thin t-shirts that was folded next to me to muffle because I still had to sneeze but didn’t want to be too loud because my roommate is home. I sneezed at least 5 more times which sorta sounded like “Egh-sxhchumph! Ih-chu! Heh-sxhschumph! egh-Tshieuu! Ih-sxhnst!” 
I attempted to make them quiet/ stifle the last one so it resulted in a pretty wide range of sneezes with a couple seconds in between them, lol.
After the last attempted stifle I still had to sneeze more! I’ve never had the sensation of still needing to sneeze so bad, especially after already sneezing so much. I blew my nose into my tissue and also sniffed a few times which was enough to trigger the rest of the sneezes. The next four were the most rapid sneezes I’ve ever had experienced, it was super weird like I couldn’t get them out fast enough..  I tried stifling again still holding my t-shirt up to my face… “Ih-sxhchu! Heh-ihsxhchu! Ih-sxhh..Heh-sxhchumph!” 
And then I just kept going, now just trying to muffle the sneezes but not really trying to stifle anymore.. “Heh-ihsxhchumph! Ih-sxhchumph!.. heh-sxchuu!” Near the end of the fit they started getting more spaced out and was hitching a few times “heh.. heh.. Hih-tshieu! heh… Ih-sxhchumph!” The last sneeze sorta built up and I was definitely relieved when I was finally able to get it out. “Heh..heh…. Ih-…Egh-Tchsxhuumph!!” 

Overall I think I sneezed like 22 times and was trying really hard to muffle them into my now pretty wet t-shirt because of being embarrassed of my roommate being able to hear the fit.  Definitely wondering if my potential developing allergies had any effect to the chhinkni being so successful this time because I’ve used it multiple times in the past and never had such a crazy result. But hope you guys enjoyed my long self-obs, will very likely try inducing again because it was super satisfying but a little worn out now from sneezing so much. 😅

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4 hours ago, sneezevibes said:

@Starlight2337 I ordered this batch off of Amazon 😅🤷🏻‍♂️ Definitely a strong batch for sure, lol. 


@RAV4girl Thanks! ☺️

Do you mind sharing the  product page link / seller name? There are so many questionable sellers on Amazon these days!

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