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Russo - Ukrainian War: Support Thread


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Since the 20th of February 2014, Russia annexed Crimea and intervented Donbass region, occupying 7% of Ukraine. Russia killed 14 000 people.

24th of February 2022, Russia started a full invasion. This already led to 150 deaths just in 2 days.

If you are worried about me and maybe you want to send some support, you are very welcome, my family ❤️ 

In case you want to help Ukraine financially, please visit https://bank.gov.ua/en/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi

Aso what you can do - demand from your government to help Ukraine, go to demostrations, be active online etc! 


- maximally hard sanctions, with disconnecting Russia from SWIFT and trading embargo; 
- full isolation of Russia in all formats;
- maximal military support of Ukraine: weapons, ammunition; anti-aircraft is very important;
- immediate sanctions for all Russian oligarchs, not just few individuals like that’s been done so far;
- maximal financial aid for Ukraine
- the most important is helping with anti-shelling, at least from the air


Thank you!


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I am so glad to see that you are safe.  May it stay that way.  Scary times.

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Thank you for sharing and for offering resources. Sending all my love to you and others of Ukraine. Stay safe and take care

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My heart goes out to you. I truly hope this can pass as peacefully as it can. I send you all of my thoughts, wishes, and prayers.

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I hope you are staying safe but not just physically. Mentally and emotionally too. My thoughts go out to you💜💜💜💜

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Thanks for letting us show support.  There are demonstrations in France and a fund has been set up.  But the feeling is that it's too little, too late.  But we are not giving up.


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It is absolutely insane, what's going on in this world.... so sad to see the international community somewhat united in the fight against coivd and now there is such needless violence and loss of human life. It's extremely upsetting and it's hard to just go about normal life when Ukrainians are living in conditions like this... and it is absolutely nothing compared to you and your country are actually going through on the front lines. Thank you for posting some resources and please stay safe ❤️  Hopefully this will pass as soon as possible.

Edited by Melody
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  • 1 month later...

Not to complain much, but they cut my teacher's salary (public sector, yes...) from 300 net to 175 USD. 75 goes for the room I rent and 100 left to live...

Edited by ukrsneeze
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you everyone for donating my PayPal, I feel like one big family with you guys, I'll never forget your help! Always looking for male sneezes for you. With love, Ivan!

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