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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Difficult Morning (Self-obs / Male)


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Hello everyone, as it's been a long time, I wanted to write you a little Self-obs on my Saturday morning. :unsure:

After the exhausting day I spent on Friday, I woke up in the early morning with an incredible headache and a completely stuffy nose. At first I thought I had just slept badly or not enough, I thought it would be better when I got a little more awake, but the more the hours passed, the more I had a headache. My nose gradually became unclogged but it started running a little instead and I soon realized that I also had discomfort in my throat.

Around 10 a.m., I felt very weak and even though I had wrapped myself in my blanket and turned up the heat, I still felt increasingly cold from head to toe. . I was shaking a little, I even added a second blanket on my back to be able to warm up and I helped myself to some warm honey milk. Gradually, my nose continued to run more and more. No matter how much I blew my nose, I kept sniffling very wetly. (Fortunately, I was alone at home, so I sniffed without embarrassment.) But after a while, I got so tired of constantly sniffing, that I made myself little handkerchief plugs for myself put in each nostril. And from there it all went downhill...

Well, not immediately, at first I didn't suspect anything but gradually, the plugs that I had stuck in my nose began to tickle the inside of my nose. I rubbed my nose carelessly until this tickling intensified. I figured if I could sneeze the tickling would go away, I removed the plugs from my nose and sneezed three very wet sneezes almost instantaneously :
« hh.. ha HA-TSHEEEW.. HARTSHEEEW.. .. .. he..HE.. .. HETSHEEEEW !! »

I kept sneezing like that a few times, always groups of 3, 4 or 5 with lots of buildup. Fortunately, I was able to rest for a few hours during the day and I no longer sneeze. I still have a little sore throat but I'm breathing normally. I send a thought to all sick people today and I wish them to recover. Bisous. :razz:

Edited by oOMariusOo
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Sorry you caught a cold, but I enjoyed reading about your sneezes and other cold symptoms.

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  • 1 month later...

You poor thing! I just got over something similar recently, and I'm happy to read that I'm not the only one who will make those plugs. They always work for a bit, but they DO backfire if you're not careful!

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