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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Things people without the fetish don't do


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Hello guys, I wanted to start this thread because I've always been someone who hear/see things that normal people don't seem to care about.

Of course, we all care about the sneezy itself but I want this to be more oriented on similar action that could be related to the fetish.

I've kinda wrote some of this I noticed with some people I know that I suspect a lot to be fetishist, and also some of this I already did without realizing.

- Dodging the word sneeze (or spell/say wrong)

- Staring at Cold/Allergy meds... when you don't need any

- Talking about Dandelion without context

- Pointing out when pepper/dust is mentioned*

- Enjoying a cold (well for that part only)

- Either saying nothing when someone sneeze or blessing them everytime.


* One of my friend started to make bad jokes (by writing them on screen). He made a joke with pepper and sneezing, said he found it on Google but he didn't copy/paste the joke. And this is the ONLY joke that he justified himself... Not gonna lie, I find it really suspicious...


If you have other things in mind or you think some of this don't make sense please let me know :)


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Omg I didn't even notice until you posted this but I totally dodge the word sneeze and bless people every time 💀 I actually bless people for like. Everything. Even if it's not actually a sneeze 💀 Wishful thinking I guess haha

Maybe also add avoiding the subject or talking about it juuust a little more than is normal?

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I would also add that some with the fetish get embarrassed when sneezing in public because they have a mental block. For most people sneezing isn’t a big deal, so if I see someone who visually looks embarrassed after sneezing, it can be a sign.

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I must be an odd fetishist, because I don't do any of those things. I can get really bothered when I get excited by someone else's cold/allergies though, even though they have no idea I am.

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I definitely hate blessing people when they sneeze! It feels so awkward to me! I feel like my only other big one is the amount of time I spend searching interviews of celeb crushes for a sniffle 😂

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I simply can't bless anyone, it feels like they will find about about my fetish somehow 😅 and saying the word "sneeze" or blowing my nose while being surrounded by people is such a struggle for me 

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I guess I'm the standard fetishist 😂😂

I don't like talking about colds or sneezes,I never say "sneeze" and I have a mental block about sneezing/blowing my nose in public.

Also,I never bless other people when they sneeze,it would be so embarrassing! 


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I totally agree with these two :
- Dodging the word "sneeze" in a conversation.
- And when someone sneezes, bless her every time.

You can add :
- Getting weird after a sneeze.

Not long ago, I phoned an acquaintance on the internet and sneezed during the call. Very quickly, she talked about my sneezing and since then, every time we call, she tells me that I seem to have a cold and asks me "innocently" if I'm going to sneeze. Ever since then, I kind of try to sneeze when I phone other people to see their reaction. :razz:

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I want to know what it means if someone takes the time to note that they sneezed painfully in a text chat, apropos of nothing. 

I thought it was just the person being random and talking just to talk.  But it's been a consistent behavior with this individual over a number of years and now I am really wondering if it is a covert solicitation of attention/affection, hoping to hear "bless you" or some other comforting word.  Because why else would one do it?

To be honest, if it's the case, I don't really want to give them what they want... 😈... but I do at the same time...

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