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Down with a cold


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So I seem to have caught another cold. The good news is that it’s not nearly as bad as the one I had back in October. But the bad news is that it began 2 days before my birthday. 

It started on Thursday when I noticed I had a sore throat when I swallowed. I ignored it and thought it could be because I had a coldsore on my lip (apparently you can get a sore throat with cold sores and I was unsure if this was my first time I had a cold sore/outbreak). On Friday I still had a sore throat and noticed my voice felt funny when I woke up, that’s when I knew I was coming down with something. Friday night I went to karaoke with my friends to celebrate my birthday, not the best idea when you’re voice is already giving out but YOLO.

I woke up early Saturday feeling congested, I had to blow my nose a lot and developed a cough. I eventually fell back asleep after an hour and woke up again on time to see my family for my birthday. My voice was hoarse when I woke up, which was probably 110% self inflicted from karaoke. But other than that I felt great. 

Sunday morning I felt a little run down, not poorly but just extra tired. I was congested again and had to breath through my mouth even after blowing my nose. Thankfully though the majority of my voice came back and the run down feeling went away as the day went on. 

Yesterday I noticed just how sensitive this cold has made my nose. I did a lateral flow test just to check if it was more than a cold (it was negative btw) and I started hitching the second it went into my left nostril! When I swabbed my right nostril I must’ve sneezed 6 times consistently and it made me bend over. 

Since I wasn’t feeling sick I decided to have some fun inducing (for some reason when I have a cold, my nose will tickle but I can never actually sneeze). The sneezes were so intense I felt lightheaded. I’m so lucky I can enjoy this cold! 

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14 hours ago, Sawdust said:

Glad you get something out of an otherwise meh situation!

Yes I’ve been lucky with this cold, apart from the cough and sniffly nose I feel perfectly fine! 


5 hours ago, Trynasneeze said:

Bless you! Hope you feel better soon

Thank you! I think I’m at the tail end of this cold so I should be fine in a couple of days. 

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2 hours ago, SneezeAbbie said:

Also, here is a video I uploaded yesterday if anyone fancies checking it out 


I do fancy checking it out thanks! Your sneezes are super cute! Thanks for the upload and feel better soon :)

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I've been sneezing like crazy from a cold for the last few days, really strong,  satisfying forceful sneezes which I always get with a cold. I've been working from home as well so I've been able to let rip and make the most of them 😁, definitely gonna listen to the recording. 

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