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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneaky dust inducing ;)


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Hey all! I’ve been staying at my parents house for a little over a week and I’ve been feeling very *erhm* in the mood. I can’t just go ahead and start inducing any time of course because between my sister and my parents someone else is always home. So tonight as everyone was going to bed and I was feeling particularly devious I decided I should have a little fun. 
Now I’m not really allergic to dust but sometimes if I sniff enough into my nose it will just act like a good physical irritant and I can have a couple sneezes. To add to this my room is currently very dusty because I haven’t been home to stay in it for about 3 months. So I walked around and collected a bunch off some shelves and such and started getting it all up in my nose. The initial results were pretty typical for me, a very slight tickle that builds over time and gets snifflier and ticklier the more I sniffle. Sometimes it takes a good ten minutes to build up to sneezing but this time I could only make it to the hitching phase. The tickle was right there on the tip of my nose and it felt like the sneeze was right there with every shaky inhale. I sat there on my bed with my eyes half closed, lips slightly parted, head tilted back, “hhhih… hih.. hhhitching” for what felt like an unbearable amount of time before I decided to manually induce to get rid of the tickle. My choice inducing instrument for tonight was a long strand of mint dental floss. I poked it into my sniffly, tickly nose and the results were immediate. I wanted to just let them out with force to clear my poor sinuses but my sister was sleeping in the room next to mine and my parents sleeping in the room above me so I had to keep it under control and do my best to stifle. I left the floss in as I sneezed rapidly “tshh! Tshh! Hitshh! Tshh!” In my infinite foresight I didn’t get any tissues ready 🤦🏻‍♂️ so I started muffling them into my blankets and making a royal mess while I was at it “humptshh! Hmmptsh! Uhtsshh!” 15-20 wet sneezes later I was all sneezed out. My nose still tickles a little but I can’t get any more out. All in all though it was just the release I needed!

Maybe one day I’ll make some audio recordings if you guys are interested in that. Cheers!

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Bless you! Great obs, gotta love a sneaky inducing 😇

very interested in any recording you are willing to share! 

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Sounds like a fun time. Sorry you couldn't let them out like you wanted to, but what you described sounded amazing!


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Got to love sneaky recordings, I often do them. Bless you too 

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