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Fiancée has a cold & has been sneezing a lot


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Hey all, 

My fiancee has come down with a cold pretty suddenly. She was fine yesterday morning and then when she came home from work just kind of said she was a bit tired. That evening she started sniffling a bit more than usual. 

She got up this morning and was still pretty sniffly, but she gets allergies all the time so figured it was no big deal and went to work. 

When she came home this afternoon though she seemed much worse. Her sniffling sounded more frequent and she was sounding a little stuffy. She told me she had a sore throat as well and had been sneezy all day. 

And she wasn't lying. I've probably heard her sneeze twenty times this evening, and they don't come in little fits like her allergies, just single wet sounding cold sneezes: "HITCHOO!" into her hands. Plus a whole bunch of sniffling. 

The crazy girl is trying to put off blowing her nose as long as she can, but her sniffles are sounding very wet and runny, and she keeps rubbing her nose with the back of her hand. 

We'll see how this progresses

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Today she was clearly worse. Her cold has progressed into the classic snotty nose/congestion phase. 

Fiancée decided maybe it was a good idea to stay home from work. When I got home, she seemed pretty sick. 

She sounds really bunged up, her sniffles from yesterday have turned into thick snotty sniffs at her runny nose. And as much as she was trying to hold off blowing her nose, she's had to do it a few times tonight. 

Every 15-20 minutes she's sneezing as well. A big, congested sounding messy "HITTSHOO!!" or two. Sometimes into her hands, often into her hanky though. Apparently she's on her fifth hanky for the day. 

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Thanks for sharing your fiancee's obs. Sorry to hear that she has a cold and I hope she feels better. What do her blows sound like?

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25 minutes ago, honkmaster said:

Thanks for sharing your fiancee's obs. Sorry to hear that she has a cold and I hope she feels better. What do her blows sound like?

Kind of quick (to the point, if you get what I mean) and snotty. I don't think she'll be feeling better for a few days, seems like this colds come on hard and fast

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Today her cold has gone wild and her nose has become super runny. 

No less sneezy though (lucky me), but her sore throat has cleared up at least. 

About half an hour after getting up, she decided she was going to spend the day resting so she grabbed a large handful of hankies from her drawer (about 10 or so) and put them on the side table beside the couch before settling in with her laptop and blanket. 

She's constantly needing to blow her nose as much as tries to deal with it by sniffling, and apparently her sneezes, which sound like "HIHHJHOO!!" have been really wet so she's been using a hanky to cover each one.

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She's having another day filled with taking care of a very runny nose. From what she's told me her nose is permanently blocked on one side and running like a tap on the other. 

Not too much sneezing today, but shes been sniffling wetly a lot and having to blow her nose heaps. 

Yesterday the poor girl went through 15 handkerchiefs, and she's definitely used a few already today. 


While we were having dinner yesterday:

Her: "Oh no, I left by hadky od the bedch" *snff snff snff*

Me: "well that's no good"

Her: "yeah" *breath hitching* "gotta sdeeze" *turns aside and covers nose with both hands, trying/failing to stifle* "HetCHOOO!! HetCHOOO!!" *snff snff snff*

I went and grabbed her her hanky, a smallish pink gingham one with a white stripe around the border. 

Her: "Thagks" *big gurgling nose blow* "Ergh, sorry, that was yuck". 

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3 minutes ago, sneezevibes said:

Great obs! Hope your fiancée feels better soon though! 

Hopefully! She's not so sneezy which is a good sign I'd say but her nose is still super stuffy/runny

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Poor sick fiancée did a count up and has informed me that today she's used another 10 hankies, and is just getting into bed with her 11th - she's been blowing her nose like crazy. 

It's stopped being so runny now though and she's only sneezed a few times today but she's really congested and still kinda snotty just not so drippy. 

Hoping I haven't caught this cold off her but i've just sneezed 6 times in the last couple of hours and my throat is feeling a little raw so I'm not liking my chances

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She's been quite blocked up and phlegmy today. Not so much nose blowing except when she occasionally sneezes as her nose is much less runny. But irritatingly shes still sniffling a fair amount. 

Unfortunately, it seems that I have also fallen victim to this now as I woke up today with a sore throat and runny nose. Achoo! Snrrff. 😑

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wow 25 handkerchiefs in 2 days, that's a super cold :-(.

how's your own cold going?  a snotty head one?

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On 4/4/2022 at 8:06 PM, william said:

wow 25 handkerchiefs in 2 days, that's a super cold :-(.

how's your own cold going?  a snotty head one?

Yep I had it and have already recovered, but dang it was a snotty three days. I'll probably post an obs about it shortly

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