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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Crush sneezes (M)


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hi!!! this is my very first observation so i’m sorry if the sneezes aren’t spelled well; also english is not my first language so there will be a lot of mistakes.


so there’s this guy in my class and i have a huge crush on him. he’s 6’00 feet tall and he’s very fit (he does a lot of sports); he has brown eyes and brown short curly hair. he dresses very well and yeah he’s just my type. we’re really good friends and he sneezes a lot because he’s allergic to a lot of things, especially pollen. 

so it was spring and one morning at school he had a very bad allergy. he sniffled all day and sometimes i saw him trying not to sneeze. finally, during the maths class i was looking at him and saw him throw his head in his elbow and stifile a sneeze “AA-ngxt”; i blessed him and he thanked me. i was blushing really hard and in 10 minutes he sneezed like 5-6 times, always stifling the sneezes. i always blessed him and he thanked me. at that point he was sniffling like crazy and, at the end of the class, he sneezed again for the last time 

“AAAA-ngxtCHOOO”, he tried to stifile the sneeze but it was too powerful and it ended up being a very loud and aggressive sneeze. everyone was looking at him because the sneeze was so powerful, i was totally freaking out but i blessed him again and he thanked me as always. that day was for sure one of the best days in my life

so that’s it, i really hope you enjoyed this observation (and sorry if there are some mistakes), byeee😚

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