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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Restaurant Fajitas Sneezing


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Ok silly title aside. I have an observation to share and a question to ask.


This happened many years ago at a local restaurant where I ordered steak fajitas. The steak was brought out on a cast iron skillet that was still hot and the food was sizzling. Once it was placed in front of me I was immediately attacked by one of the strongest "in the wild" urges to sneeze ever. Like I have seasonal allergies and that's more a low level tickle that builds. This was like doing chhinkni it was so intense. I remember sneezing a few times despite by usually rock solid public mental block.


So my question is has this happened to anyone else with cast iron skillet served Fajitas or other food? Any theories to why? Any chefs here to let us in on the secret ?


My best guess maybe there was some peppercorn on the skillet and at that temperature it was burning into a fine particle but honestly it has been many years since I ordered and can't quite remember.


I'm curious to your thoughts!





Edited by Sawdust
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I think this has happened to me while cooking and I think it is because of the smoke from the part of the meat/fat that is being charred.  Or some substance from green peppers, onions.

Nice obs btw.  :)

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Thanks for sharing your experience and ideas! It is such a random memory for me and the experience was unlike anything I've ever had before.

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Honestly, and I have only noticed this the past couple of years, whenever I cut onions, I get the urge to sneeze. Sometimes I actually sneeze, but most of the time it goes away because I have a pretty good mental block too. This just happened to me a couple of days ago, when the onions did indeed make me sneeze. So I wonder if it was the onion fumes that made you sneeze? 

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I am a big fan of onions in my cooking so I can't say it is necessarily that. Onions do make me cry though like the classic archetype. Thanks for sharing your experience and theory though.

I am leaning towards some kind of spice/combustion thing because I use peppers and onions all the time but maybe not at the same heat level the cast iron pan is at. I imagine they are quite hot and the closeness of the material to your face while sitting down versus standing up cooking at the range may also have something to do with it.

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I wonder if it might be the oil from jalapeños cooking. I, too, have definitely felt a similar sensation when cooking with chilis and smelling the area close to the heat. That's my theory! 

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If I have learned anything from this is that I think I have a unique experience but many members also have those same experiences! I appreciate all the theories so far.

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