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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Caught a Cold in my Nose (F)


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I caught a cold! It's my first one in many years!

I started off feeling just a little off, a little sniffly on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, I woke up with a runny nose and a few sneezes here and there. I then went on to sneeze once or twice an hour with 2-4 sneezes each time. I work from home so my work station had tissues all over it. I never sneeze I don't have seasonal allergies so this was new for me.

They are very powerful sneezes; I always sneeze with a lot of force.

Thursday evening was the worst. I kept having fits every half hour. Later in the evening I had to stifle a few to be quiet and not wake my roommate but that just made me sneeze even more. I was very stuffy too, especially my left nostril, it was clogged.  I was also blowing a lot. My nose was running all night so I put a tissue right under it so I could sleep.

The tips of my nostrils are already chapped and red from the tissues and toilet paper I've been using. I've been using a chapstick to stop the burning.

I woke up today feeling less runny but as soon as I lifted my head off the pillow I sneezed twice. The tickle kept getting stuck all day so I had to induce a few times to coax them out.

Fast forward I got some work done today and decided to head back to my bed to relax. I dropped a few things on the bed and was getting ready to lay down when I felt the familiar tickle and my nose began to get a lot more runny. I knew my hourly fit was upon me and I knew they were too powerful to suppress so I grabbed the handful of toilet paper I had brought with me (that i didn't have a chance to break into different pieces) and brought it quickly to my nose before I then sneezed three times.

Good thing I cancelled my plans tonight!

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Bless you and welcome to the forum 🙂

Sorry to heard that you are feeling sick, but those sneezes sound hot 😛. Could you describe them ? Are they like wet ?, Or more like screamed (or both xdd) ?

Also would like a description about yourself if you want. I feel curious.


Get yourself better 😉

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Bless you and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear that you're sick and I hope you get well soon. 

Sounds like you need to buy some softer tissues or handkerchiefs too so that your poor nose doesn't get chapped

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