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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Bless you, Hi

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I wasn't sure if this should be off-topic because I know some chose their profile pic based on the fetish and some not. Basically, explain why you chose your profile pic.

Mine is from that scene from Disney's Alice in Wonderland. It's right before the lizard chimney sweep is shoved down by the dodo while Alice is a giant. Obviously the sneeze scene doesn't have the same effect on me as when I saw it as a kid. But it was one of the first times I realized sneezing was special so it still hold a special place for me for nostalgia.


How about you? Why did you decide on yours?

Edited by Bless you, Hi
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Mine is my absolute favourite pollen; birch. Catkins releasing a cloud of pollen into the breeze. 

I used to have one with black background, but I felt it was time for something a bit brighter. Considering current events, it also seemed fitting that it's blue and yellow, although that wasn't intentional. 

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I'm a wannabe weeb so it's Shouta Aizawa from BNHA because he's hot af.

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Jurassic Park is one of my all-time favorite films, and Ian Malcolm is one of my favorite characters and one that I strongly identify with.

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it is the "heart of virtue" it represents the virtues that each of the three blades represents the virtues which are the foundation of every true warrior, #1 Duty #2 Honor #3 loyalty each must be in perfect balance! of these three the first is duty it's the beginning and the end of the warriors path, without duty a warrior becomes a slave of vain glory seeking and self interest! (an armed savage of no value to anyone themself especially) no true warrior could tolerate such behavior in themself or those around them! we must remember that glory is like a ring in a pool from a stone, which by it's very nature disperses until it is no more, a true warrior does not seek glory they know it will find them, the longest blade represents Honor it is the most difficult to master indeed! it has been said "my honor is my life in that I will live and for that I will die" what is honor? it is the absolute and unselfish adherance to ALL virtues, to truth, to courage, to forthrightness it emcompasses all these and yet is greater, it's the fire illuminating the differences between a true warrior and an armed savage, it's the light which guides a true warrior along his or her path, the third is loyalty to your fellow warriors, the people who you protect, to your people as a whole. only when these three virtues are in perfect balance are you a true warrior and it is not something that can be taught, a warrior must learn it for themselves and mastery of these will take your whole lifetime, but if you do master them then you are a true warrior and an example to follow. anyone can wield a blade or a spear or a bow that is easy to learn, but mastery of yourself and these virtues that is another matter entirely! that is why I have chosen this symbol as my avatar as a reminder of these things.  

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