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So I haven’t been on here for a while but I was wondering if anybody could help me.  Recently it’s felt like the fetish is taking over my brain, like it’s always on my mind.  It’s really distracting and I honestly hate it.  I know that I can’t just get rid of it, but I was wondering if anyone has any advice to maybe just get it off my mind?  I’m really willing to try anything at this point.

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I know that at first it can be disturbing, you feel alone, strange, but you will see that after a while you will get used to it. What makes you so uncomfortable about having this fetish ? It's part of your identity, wanting to get rid of it is like wanting to remove part of your personality. It is this fetishism that makes you you. And as with everything in life, the main thing is to love yourself as you are. If you really have trouble accepting yourself with your fetishism, I advise you to come a little more here, you will be able to meet other fetishists, feel less alone and gradually accept yourself.

I know some people use inhibitor drugs so they don't have to think about it, but from what I know, that kind of thing never works. Those who take them aren't happy either, and it's not a long-term solution. :unsure:

Tell us a little more, what makes all of this hurt you so much ?

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10 hours ago, Thatonestranger said:

So I haven’t been on here for a while but I was wondering if anybody could help me.  Recently it’s felt like the fetish is taking over my brain, like it’s always on my mind.  It’s really distracting and I honestly hate it.  I know that I can’t just get rid of it, but I was wondering if anyone has any advice to maybe just get it off my mind?  I’m really willing to try anything at this point.

Without trying to stray into adult board territory... is it like compulsive thoughts or is it like being always "in the mood"? Or different yet? Because my advice would be different based on which one it is. 

The first few things in my mind are: 

1. Avoid this place for a bit (i.e. less exposure) to it, so it's less at the forefront of your mind.

2. Alternatively, indulge yourself for a bit and see if that relieves the thoughts for a while.

3. Work through why it's bothering you and take action based on the results of that self-analysis.

Wishing you all luck!

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