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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sneezy work crush (M)


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At work, everyone seems to be coming down with colds, including me. Today I noticed my coworker was getting a little sniffly too. He's in his mid-20s, with fluffy brown hair and blue-green eyes, wide jaw with some stubble, tall and broad and well-built. He has a wide, slightly downturned nose. Overall, he's a really handsome guy, and several of our coworkers seem to have a bit of a crush on him... including me. :)

He was sitting at the table across from me while I was working on a project. He had a little packet of tissues sitting on the table, and he took one out and started to blow his nose. It was very quiet and gentle, like he was trying not to disturb anyone. So polite, lol. He kept blowing and blowing, and when I thought he was finished, he started up again with a nice big honking blow. Of course, I was trying very hard to look as if I was focusing on my work, so I didn't see any of this, just heard it - but I guess all that blowing must have tickled his nose and made him sneeze because I heard a sudden "AAHtchk!" It was such a cute sneeze, I only wish he hadn't stifled it! What a dream it would have been to hear him let out a nice big unstifled sneeze. Two of our coworkers blessed him, before another "AAAHtchkn!" and yet more blessing. For a moment I thought he might have a full-on sneezing fit, but after another wet nose blow and a few sniffles he seemed to be just fine. I'm hoping I'll get to hear some more sneezes from him before his cold clears up, his sneeze is terribly endearing.

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ahhh this has me invested hopefully he forgets tissues or is too sudden and releases an unstifled sneeze hehehe...:wub:

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