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I've had such a sneezy day


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It started this morning not long after I got up. 

I was having a shower and after getting a bit of water up my nose I felt a wild tickle. Not bothering to cover as I was in the shower I sneezed:

"HEHHSHOO!! HEHHSHOO!!" then again a few seconds later, "HEHHSHOO!!"

Half an hour later I left the house to head to work - was pretty cold and rainy - before I even got into my car:

"EEHHSHOO!!" again uncovered as I was outside. 

About an hour into work I was talking to someone when I had to pause, and "HEHSHUH!!" sneeze (into cupped hands), then sniffed, tried to talk some more, and "H'SHUHH!!" again. Those ones left me a little sniffly. 

A couple hours later I was just doing some work by myself when I felt another one coming, cupping hands over nose I sneezed again: "HUH-SHOO!! Snrff. HEHSHOO!!" Left me a bit sniffly again. 

Then the kicker, about 3pm. I could feel the sneeze coming for miles, about 30 seconds before I actually came, my breath started to battle with it, keeping my hands over my nose. Then finally, "HIHHSHOO!!" but the tickle didn't go. Ten seconds later, "HASHOO!! HASHOO!! HASHOO!!" I kept working and sniffled for a bit. Then two minutes later, "HEHSHOO!! HEHSHOO!!" Tried to sniffle it away but then another few minutes after that, "HEHSHOO!! HEHSHOO!!" again. I finally went and blew my nose. 

Now five minutes ago, I sneezed twice more but am home now. So 18 sneezes so far today. 


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16 hours ago, cupcake said:

Wow bless you!!! Does this happen often? 

Not really. I'm not an overly sneezy person, I'd say I rarely go a day without sneezing but normally once or twice. And I only get allergies about 1-2 weeks a year. 

I have been coming down with something though. I've had a sore throat for about four days

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On 5/18/2022 at 6:38 PM, sneezevibes said:

That definitely sounds like a very sneezy day! Thanks for sharing though! 


On 5/20/2022 at 5:45 PM, Lindaa97 said:

Bless you bless you! It sounds amazing, I wish I was there  to cover your sneezes for you

Thanks guys! It turned out to be a very sneezy 4 days, I have one crazy head cold right now!

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5 hours ago, Wild Man said:

Bless you! that's a lot of sneezing! haha I hope you have enough tissues on hand!

Haha actually took me until three days later to buy a box, but there has been one heck of a lot of nose blowing these past few days

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5 hours ago, Trynasneeze said:

Haha actually took me until three days later to buy a box, but there has been one heck of a lot of nose blowing these past few days

haha! I always get so snotty when I have a cold! Like, it's hard to contain, I've seriously had to miss class cause I was struggling to contain my snot lol

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