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My turn for a cold


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As many of you know during the week, I'm a truck driver around the UK 🇬🇧.  I work long hours and usually work till Saturday late afternoon. A few weeks ago I got an invite to a friends party which was Saturday so I had to take it off work, so I finished work last Friday at 6pm.

When I get home I usually have a routine of putting my clothes ( including coloured hankies which have been used ) into the wash. Then having my dinner and try to relax for a few hours before bed. 

Saturday came so I was up fairly early to do some chores round the house, have breakfast, do some food shopping and then get ready for the party. The party was great and ended through to Sunday morning. 

Fast forward to Monday and I had a productive day starting at 4am and finishing at 7pm. I'd sneezed a few times during the day which was weird because I normally sneeze maybe once or twice during the day. I had used a grayish handkerchief with a red border to blow my nose a few times, the last of my blows in the truck being a deep honking blow. I drove home in a works van because my truck was in the garage for a service and 3 or 4 more times I sneezed again resulting me to give my nose a few wet blows one handed.

I arrived at home Monday night, put my soaked grayish hanky into the wash basket and grabbed a plain white one from my cupboard handkerchief shelf, gave my nose another wet blow and then made some dinner 🍽.  It was then I thought I must be coming down with a cold. Monday night I got Tuesdays clothes ready for work and then put 3 hankies out also. 

Yesterday I woke up, blew my nose a few times into the white handkerchief, put that into the wash basket and had a shower, got changed for work and made a coffee too. I then blew my nose on a large white handkerchief with a red border. By the time I arrived at the garage to pick my truck up, that handkerchief was also soaked.

Yesterday during the day I sneezed a few more times and used another handkerchief to blow my nose ( a white one with blue chequered design on ). I used this until last night and that became soaked too.

This morning I grabbed my other fresh handkerchief that I got from home yesterday, ( a white handkerchief with a very light brown border ) and gave my nose a snotty blow. My right nostril has decided to start becoming blocked so I've blown my nose a few more times to relieve it. Good job I have plenty of hankies and tissues in the truck.

( sorry for the description being long, I'm sure it'll continue later too )

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that seems the start of a snotty head cold, thanks for the good description, i loved it!

good you are well stocked on handkerchiefs...is it possible for you to share some pics of your hankies?

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Oooh it definitely is one of them and I still feel congested. Surprisingly enough I didn't blow my nose as much for the drive over to where I'm delivering now but now I've had to used another fresh handkerchief for today.

Ooh I definitely have enough handkerchiefs, I always make sure I'm well stocked up for a week on the road.

I'd love to post pics of my hankies but for some reason the file says it exceeds the memory or something so I don't know how to get around it. Unless you want to get intouch via kik.

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With a snotty head cold like that which my girlfriend has just had and has come back much to her displeasure I hope you did have enough handkerchiefs as I know how snotty she was and how many handkerchiefs she went through.

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