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The Worst Time To Get a Cold - ChicagoMed


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AN: Set sometime early in Season 4. Will and Natalie are just dating at this point, but living together.. It was hard for me to decide if I should do Will x Natalie or Will x Connor. I ended up doing Natalie x Will with some Will/Connor friendship, but I think I’m definitely going to explore some Will x Connor later. Maybe some drabbles? Anyway, I felt the forum needed this, and if anyone knows of any other fanfictions, please post the link! Love this fandom so much! I don’t think there are any spoilers, but since the show will be starting season 8 and this is set season 4, I’m not too worried. Anyway, happy reading (most sneezing will start in part 2). Disclaimer: I own nothing!

“Why do you look so happy today Dr. Halstead?” Maggie asked.

“Why not be happy Mags. Friday afternoon, one more hour left until I can get home and go to bed, no shifts this weekend, not even on call, and the best part, we haven’t been busy at all. Only way this could get better is if Nat were here and I could get some more allergy meds into my system.” Will responded with a slight sniffle. 

“I swear to God Halstead, if you just jinxed us with your arrogance of not being busy I will make your life a living hell next week. I’ll bring you flowers everyday,” Dr. Connor Rhodes said as he came up behind beside him and logged into the computer. 

Will smirked. 

“When are Natalie and Owen getting in from Seattle?” the charge nurse asked. She had missed her best friend immensely this past week while she had been gone visiting her family. 

“Sunday afternoon. I think I’m going to surprise them at the airport and then maybe go for a picnic somewhere.”

“That’d be nice, hopefully somewhere inside. You’ve been sniffling all day, we don’t need you like that again all next week,” Maggie said with a smile just as her beeper went off. 

Will’s face fell as Connor sent him a burning glare and groaned. “You just had to go and jinx us didn’t you?”

“Incoming, Dr. Rhodes you’re going to trauma two,” Maggie ordered. 

“Got it,” Connor said as he ran to meet the gurney. “Halstead, you’re with me on this one.”

Will groaned

“What do we got?” Connor asked the paramedic as she wheeled in a gurney with a very large football player, still clothed in his uniform and pads.

“Rodrick Jones, 22. Took a nasty hit during practice. Went in and out of consciousness on the ride over. Didn’t complain of any pain.  Bp  is 90/60 respiration’s are 17

“Okay, on my count 1, 2, 3,” Connor said as the two doctors, three nurses, and two paramedics moved the man onto the hospital bed.Connor quickly got to work gently removing the boy’s helmet before removing the c-colar and moving the boys head.

“C-spine is clear, how’s he sounding?” Rhodes asked.

“Lungs and heart are good. BP slightly low, but nothing of concern at the moment. Checking out the abdomen now,” Will said as he began pulling the ultrasound acroos the man’s stomach. “ No fluid. Let’s get a chest X-ray stat just to rulle out any breakages that might be a problem once he comes to.”

The X-ray tech got everything situated as Will and Connor backed toward the door. “Clear.” Connor said. 

The X-ray went off producing a picture of the large man’s chest within seconds. 

“Looks like he has 2 bruised ribs on the right, one cracked on the left. April, start an IV. Let’s give him .1 mg of morphine and then start him on some fluids. We’ll reassess once he’s conscious.” Connor said. 

He and Will removed their gloves and made their way back toward the nurses station to begin their reports. 


“Bless you,” Maggie said “Why don’t you take off so you can get some medicine in you?”

“I’m fine Maggie, besides, I’ll wait until our patient wakes up so I can help Connor finish up.”

“You are so lucky. That could have been so much worse,” Connor said, not removing his eyes from the screen. 

Will sniffed, focusing on the task at hand. 

“No sir, you can’t touch that. SIR!!” April’s voice rang out from T2. 

Both Connor and Will looked up to see their patient stumbling out of the, a look of pure rage on his face. After shoved April to the side, Will lept into action, trying to restrain the patient as much as possible while he waited for security to arrive, but even Will was no match. The linebacker threw him into the counter of the nurses station before continuing on through the ED. Will laid on the floor, pain so great in his sides that he had trouble getting a breath. Meanwhile, Connor managed to sedate the football player who collapsed on the floor and started snoring. 

“Get this guy back into Trauma 2, and I want double restraints on him until we determine he’s calm. April, you okay?” Connor asked the nurse who nodded before grabbing a back board and helping the other medical staff get the big boy back to his room. At the same time Connor ran over to Will who was on all fours, trying to stand up as he continued to gasp for air. Connor was beside him in an instant. 

“Will. You okay? Where is the pain?” 

“Rh-hh–hibs,” Will wheezed out, the effort to do so taking it all out of him. 

“With the help of Doctor Choi, the two managed to half carry Will into the closest. 

I want a chest X-ray right now,” Connor barked as Doris inserted the IV and began to inject the morphine. 

“M’fine, just need t-to go home and lay down.” Will chocked out. 

“Not yet man.” Connor said as he backed away. “Clear.” 

The X-Ray came to life again showing this time Dr. Halstead’s chest on the screen. Three broken ribs on the left, one cracked on the right, severe bruising but no displacement and no lung damage.” Connor said, sighing in relief. The last thing he wanted was to put a chest tube in his friend and have to have him stay longer than necessary. 

“ Alright Will. How’s the pain now?” Connor asked.

“Mmm eight, but lessening.” 

“Ok I want .2 mg of morphine now.”

“No, no morphine. Just let me go home and lay down.”

“Will, you need some pain relief. You’re breathing is rough. Let’s get something in you to help you out ok.”

Will shook his head. 

Connor signed. All good doctors were horrendous patients and Will was no exception.

“Ok,” Connor said thinking about how to treat this. “I’ll make you a deal. My shift ends in an hour. Take the morphine now, when I’m done I’ll come discharge you and take you home. Sound like a deal?”

Will wasn’t happy but nodded anyway. He didn’t want to stay but he doubted he could make it more than a step without collapsing from the pain. 

“Ok. Try to get some rest. Promise I won’t leave you here.”

Will nodded again and closed his eyes as Doris injected the morphine into his IV, doing everything he could to slow his breathing and help the pain ease from his aching ribs.


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Absolutely obsessed with this!!! I'm so in love with the Chicago Med fandom! This is amazing! You play Connor and Will so well!!!

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