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getting over mental block… and a cold


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My boyfriend and I have been together almost two years, and due to my mental block, he hasn’t heard me sneeze until a few days ago. I doubt it’s something he even thinks about. He sneezes quite a bit, though, and he’s always a blesser when other people sneeze. He even said bless you once when I coughed. Maybe it sounded like a sneeze. 

For reference, he’s about six feet tall with dark brown curly hair and beard and green eyes. His skin is very fair, his nose is a bit prominent. I’m a little on the shorter side with a smaller build, blond hair, and olive skin. 

I came down with a cold recently. The first few days were the most miserable. My head hurt, my nose hurt, my sinuses hurt, and I stayed in bed most of the day. After those symptoms improved, I found myself with more energy. Even though I felt better, I started to get some nasal symptoms. 

I woke up very congested on the fourth day  after my boyfriend had left for work. The first few days of the cold, I hadn’t sneezed much. Maybe not even at all. This day was different. I had fits of six and seven sneezes about once an hour during the morning. Admittedly, I enjoyed this as I do not often have fits like this. Blowing my nose did get to be a chore though. I ended up getting through most of a box of tissues that day. 

My boyfriend checked on me straight away when he got home. After he had changed into his sweatpants, he came to sit next to me on the couch and see what he could make for dinner. We usually share cooking responsibilities, but he had insisted on cooking for me all week while I was sick. 

As he was talking, I could feel a sneeze building. This isn’t uncommon for me, but because of my mental block, the urge usually subsides pretty quickly. He must’ve seen my face changing because he paused to wait for me to sneeze. I turned to the side and covered my face to be polite, still not expecting anything to come out. 

To my surprise, I did sneeze. Twice. While he was looking at me. I couldn’t believe it. 

“Woah, bless you! That sounded a little juicy. Hang on, I’ll grab you a tissue.” He laughed and walked off to the bedroom. When he came back, he held out the Kleenex box, and I grabbed one and blew my nose into it. I was still stunned that it actually happened. Im sure he saw how red my face was.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, ya know. It was only slightly juicy,” he teased. “And besides, your sneezes aren’t near as juicy as mine.” While this is true, his only point of reference was pretty close. 

Later that night, I sneezed three times after I got out of the shower. While my sneezes aren’t very loud, the bathroom acoustics amplify everything. The first two were a bit softer, and the last one was almost harsh. 

“Bless you, bless you, BLESS YOU!” My boyfriend called from the bedroom, sort of mimicking how the sneezes sounded to him. He couldn’t see me blushing this time, but I definitely was.

I sneezed again yesterday while I was on the phone with him. I interrupted my own sentence but continued talking without much of a pause afterwards. But he started his next sentence with “bless you by the way” and carried on with his side the conversation. 

Sadly, I think the sneezing part of this cold is just about over. The cold made the tickle stronger and the sneezes more inevitable. But I’m hoping that being able to sneeze in front of my boyfriend has chipped away at some of the mental block. I hope I can look forward to more bless you’s in the future. 

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I’m so happy for you. I think your mental block is getting better and I’m sure you can look forward to more blessings from your boyfriend.

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This is great! So happy for you :) I think now that you’ve been able to sneeze a few times in front of him, you’ll be more confident and hoping that mental block stays away!!

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  • 1 month later...

Doesn’t it feel kinda good when the block unblocks itself! I hope this lasts for you, sneezing in front of others is one of my favorite parts of the fetish! 
I must admit, though, all the “juicy” talk would have KILLED me

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