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What Do You Listen To While...


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Reading, gaming, crafting, studying, just on in the background? 

I used to listen to low-fi YouTube mixes, but some of the songs would distract me too much. 😅 This is my new go-to. It's pretty and unobtrusive, which is perfect when I'm trying to read!

Anyone else? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for sharing that clip, that's really relaxing 😊 I might add that to my list!

I think for me it depends on the day 😂 like some days I'll love like rain music in the background. I find it soothing. This is a regular I listen to: 

On other days, I like more calming piano playing. This is a favourite of mine:

And then when I'm feeling it, I do quite like songs that do have lyrics 😂 sometimes I just need a bit of a boost if I'm having a shit day or if I'm writing, gaming, etc. I'll add one here. I really love Adam Newling. This is one of my favourites of his!


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