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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Revolving Door Sneeze

shy guy

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The early grip that winter has taken in the metro Detroit area loosened over the past two days, resulting in a fine, sunny afternoon, perfect for taking a walk outdoors. After spending the morning sorting through the mass of paper on my desk, I eagerly left the office and headed for the door when lunchtime arrived.

Perhaps it was the dust from my desk, the bright sunlight shining through the lobby windows, or a combination of both, but I immediately felt a sneezy tickle building in my nose. To exit the lobby one must pass through an automatic revolving door; the door in our lobby is set to move at a snail's pace, so I stood to one side, handkerchief in hand, in order to sneeze away the tickle before I entered the door. But alas, the tickle faded away without a sneeze, so I entered the revolving door, keeping my hanky in hand just in case.

Well, the tickle returned as I slowly shuffled through the door, and this time there was no turning back. I was about halfway through the door as I sneezed forcefully into my handkerchief, 'HERRRRECSHHHHH!" Just as I was finishing the "ESCHHHH" part of the sneeze, I heard a startled, high-pitched "Ohh!" from right behind me. Unbeknownst to me, someone had slipped into the same door section that I was in!

I probably would have tried to hold back the sneeze if I had known someone else was in the same closed space, but at least I had covered my nose and mouth well. As we emerged from the door, I looked back at my revolving door partner, a young woman wearing hospital scrubs. I smiled and said, "Sorry about that," holding up my hanky to provide her some reassurance that I hadn't just shared the contents of my nasal passages with her. She kind of half-smiled (or maybe it was a grimace), but didn't say anything. Oh, well, a "Bless You" would have been nice, but the weather was beautiful and the sneeze felt great!

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I'm really sorry that lady didn't bless you ... I hate when that happens. A sneeze without a blessing feels like a sneeze that isn't finished.

Well, here's a belated bless you for you!

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I just wanted to say I really like this obs, you have a very eloquent way of putting things. And your avatar goes well with it, it's like it's illustrating the story!

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I actually thought that was really cute how you apologised and tried to "reassure" her! I probably wouldn't have said bless you either (too shy! :) ) but would have definetly offered some kind of response and a smile. That was a cute obs! ;)

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