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Ix's Delurking Drabbles


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Damn you and your enticing drabble challenge tempting me to delurk myself! *shakes fist half heartedly* These may be a touch long, I'm trying to keep them short, but I've never been terribly good at writing short things. At the very least I will do my best to keep them under the 500 word limit! Fandoms unfortunately will be mixed and varied. Well, I say unfortunately, might be a good thing. I'll be sure to include in my introductory information for each drabble what fandom I'm using. And now the list of prompts. Don't know how much I'll get done with these, but it's worth a try, no? Will start posting the actually ficness in the next post and leave this one for keeping track of what I've done so far.

1 - Kink

2 - Science Fiction

3 - Frightened

4 - Fake

5 – Pencil

6 – Squint

7 – Misplaced

8 – Joy

9 - Touched

10 – Cough

11 – Hot/Cold

12 – Sin

13 – Care

14 – Frail

15 – The End

16 – Three

17 – Never

18 – Midnight

19 – Promise

20 – Fight

21 – Pollen

22 – Embarrassment

23 – Alcohol

24 – Mask

25 – Mistake

26 – Suspicion

27 – Disagreement

28 – Assignment

29 – Purple

30 – June

31 – Calculating

32 – Fall

33 – Cry

34 – Relief

35 – Breath

36 – Miserable

37 – Chocolate

38 – Violent

39 – Muffle

40 – Swift

41 – Run

42 – Poison

43 – Contagion

44 – Tissue

45 – Sore

46 – Enraptured

47 – Wary

48 – Pathetic

49 – Sweat

50 – Gentle

51 – Milk

52 – Ravenous

53 – Blanket

54 – Needles

55 – Sports

55 – Ruin

56 – Lovely

57 – Hospital

58 – Annoying

59 – Mother

60 – Bike

61 – Idiot

62 – Puppy

63 – Control

64 – Unfair

65 – Similarities

66 – Raincoat

67 – Worship

68 – Attitude

69 – Fuck

70 – Confession

71 – Floor

72 – Remedy

73 – Don’t

74 – Ego

75 – Heartless

76 – Lullaby

77 – Secret

78 – Shut Up

79 – Music

80 – Grudge

81 – Solitude

82 – Magic

83 – Dirty

84 – City

85 – Teacher

86 – Sky

87 – Hypocrite

88 – Tattoo

89 – Money

90 – Childhood

91 – Goodbye

92 – Victory

93 – Weather

94 – Photo

95 – Rage

96 – Internet

97 – Fashion

98 – Favor

99 – Lazy

100 – Airplane

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1 - Kink

Word Count: 115

Fandom: Original

The leather cuffs were just tight enough for him to feel them beginning to dig into his skin. Strapping his wrists firmly together and even more firmly to the headboard. Vivian closed his eyes and let his head tip gently back into the pillows, candlelight flickering over his lean form, stretched gracefully across the satin sheets. A small shiver passed through his body at the coolness of the silk and he shifted.

“Nnn… HXT!”

As though the shiver had teased it out of him. Vivian frowned, managing to look thoroughly irritated with his eyes still closed. How was he supposed to get any thinking done when he kept sneezing every bloody minute?


Damn it!


2 - Science Fiction

Word Count: 274

Fandom: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy



“What did you say?!”

“What? Nothing. You must be hearing things.” One of Zaphod Beeblebrox’s heads looked up as though started and then looked away again rather evasively. The other head remained bent over the Heart of Gold’s control panel apparently deep in concentration.

Ford Prefect narrowed his eyes suspiciously at his semi-cousin, but said nothing. Largely due to the fact that the unrelenting tickle in his left sinus cavity was still, well, unrelenting.

“Heh…” He breathed carefully through his mouth, but it was no use.


“Damn it, Ford!” Zaphod exclaimed exasperatedly, both of his heads looking up this time with identical disgruntled expressions on them. “If you sneeze one more time, I swear on our second mother’s life, I will feed you to the Bugblatter Beast of Traal and I will enjoy it!”

“You said that three sneezes ago.” Ford pointed out absently, too busy concentrating on the still stubbornly remaining tickle to pay much attention to Zaphod’s outrage.

“Well this time I mean it!”

“HKSSSHHHH!!” Ford sneezed again, nearly loosing his already precarious balance from where he sat perched on the edge of the control panel.

“That’s it!” Zaphod snapped. “Computer! Take us to the planet… The plan… The… Hh… HNSSSHHOOO!”


One of Zaphod’s heads glared at the triumphant Ford Prefect while the the sniffled and looked cross-eyed at it’s own nose.

“This is entirely your fault!” He snarled. “Brining your nasty Earth friend and his germs on board my nice sterile ship! I HNESSSHHOOO!”

“Bless you.” Said Ford and Zaphod’s second head in unison.

“I’m going to my room.” Zaphod’s first head grumbled in response.


18 - Midnight

Word Count: 334

Fandom: Richard Roxburgh (Australian Actor)

He was just dozing off when it happened. A soft sound that didn’t quite manage to rouse him, just made him bury his face deeper into the pillow, only partially aware he had heard it in the first place. It wasn’t until he felt the bed shift under the weight of a second body that he finally began to really be drawn back from the edge of sleep, a lethargic frown creeping slowly onto his face as his brain tried sluggishly to wrap itself around this new development. Comprehension was just beginning to dawn as he felt a warm, muscular, only semi-clothed body spoon up behind him.

“Hey there neighbour...” Came a low, sultry, growling whisper from behind him accompanied by the slight scent of patchouli.


“Don’t you ever knock?” Rox murmured sleepily.

“And ruin the fun of surprising you like this? I wouldn’t dare.”

He didn’t have to look to know there was a chesire cat smile plastered across the face of the owner of that voice. A hand slid shamelessly over his sweat pant clad thigh and between his legs and he swatted it lazily away again.

“I’m tired Hugh...”

“And I’m horny, mate.” The hand was roving rampant over his arse and thigh again.

“You’re always horny, Hugh.” He swatted the hand away again, a bit more insistently this time. “That’s your problem, not mine. I just had a really long day of wire work, mate, I’m beyond exhausted.” He turned his head and coughed lightly into the pillow. He could have sworn he could actually hear Hugh pouting behind him.


He couldn’t have sounded more pathetic if he’d tried... Well, he probably was trying. Bastard.

“For a supposedly grown man you sound an awful lot like a whiny child.” Rox muttered.

“Aw come on, mate. I’m bored, I’m far from home in strange country without my wife. I’m lonely.”

“Find someone else to harass then. I told you, I’m ex… exhaus… Eh!EGSSSHHHRRRFFF!! Exhausted.” He sighed tiredly.

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Very nice; very funny! Excellent Hitchhiker sneezes, which are rare [though I crammed a reference into mine].

Very good to see you back. More to come, we hope.....

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Haha, very nice. I especially enjoyed "Science Fiction"...yay for the Hitchiker's Guide! ;)

And welcome back!

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I gotta say, Kink and Science Fiction were my faves so far, but all of them were very well written! Glad you de-lurked to drabble! Thank you! ;)

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Good to see you, YAY for delurkation!

I love them all but Hitchhiker is just perfect!

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:drool: Thank you so much for the compliments! I'm glad people are enjoying my little bits of nonsense. So here are a couple more.

Oh, and um, I can't seem to edit my first post to update my list. I could have sworn I used to be able to on here even after a few days... Not quite sure what to do about that...

12 - Sin

Word count: 285

Fandom: Original

Thou shalt not kill.

Rain pelted the rooftops of the city sky scrapers and the streets below, shinning like falling jewels in the glow of the street lights and reflecting their rays in puddles on the wet pavement. Atop a tall block of offices crouched a small, compact man with hair the color of glowing coals. A jagged scar ran the length of one side of his face, it visibility broken only by the pirate style eye patch that covered one of his milky golden eyes. In each gloved hand he carried a short katana styled blade of polished black and before him lay the inert form of another man, face down in the collecting rain water.

Thou shalt not kill.

Carelessly, as though it were nothing more than a sack of potatoes, Fritz rose and kicked the body over so that it lay on it’s back, lifeless eyes staring up at him, and studied it’s face with obvious disgust.

“Mörder.” He spat, kicking the corpse back onto it’s face with rather more force than necessary and used the back of the dead man’s blazer to clean the dark blood from his blades before resheathing them.

“Go to… NGXT! Go to hell.”

Genetically engineered soldiers were not supposed to catch colds… Fritz glared at nothing particular and spat on the body in front of him. With any luck you could take germs with you into the afterlife and spend the rest of eternity with a head cold.


Just his luck. With a snarl Fritz turned and simply dropped off the edge of the office block, disappearing into the darkness of the streets below with one final “HXT!” released through tightly gritted teeth.

*Mörder - German - "Murderer" (Or so I am led to believe by certain online translators.)


82 - Magic

Word Count: 293

Fandom: Enchanted Forest Chronicles

“See, now what did I tell you about going and testing new spells without putting up the proper safe guards?” Morwen inquired exasperatedly, peering disapprovingly over the rims of her rectangular glasses as she studied the two men in front of her.

“Now I’ve got to spend god only knows how long working out how to reverse this backlash. You’re lucky it’s nothing more serious, imagine if you’d gone and done something extreme to the king of the Enchanted Forest!”

“It was a very simple spell…” Telemain pouted. “This was not supposed to heh… EH! Eh’GRRRSSSHHHH!! Habbed.” He finished congestedly.

“That is not the point.” Morwen informed him.

“He’s right though.” Mendanbar put in quickly, his own voice slightly muffled by the handkerchief he had clamped firmly over nose and mouth and had been sneezing into approximately once every minute. “It Ih… KSSSHHHUH! It was only a preliminary formality to make sure the framework for the primary spell wasn’t faulty. Something must have gone wrong with the-Eh’SHUH! H’SHMPH!

Mendanbar sighed and blew his nose.

“The foundation calculations.” He finished.

“You’re getting to be almost as bad as Telemain.” Morwen commented, not looking up from where she was pouring over a heavy, leather bound, volume. “And bless you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Telemain snapped.

“You’re absurd inability to talk in normal terms is rubbing off.” Morwen replied absently.

Telemain looked about to object, but only managed to deteriorate into a brief, but forceful fit of grating sneezes.

Morwen sighed.

“Outside, both of you. I’m not going to get anything accomplished with the two of you distracting me like this. And if you can find me some stinging nettle and butterbur in the garden all the better. I suspect I’ll be needing some.”

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wow...I love these. great de-lurkings. want to give us more?

I love forever with a headcold idea...haha. Great imagination

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BWAHAHAHAHA, I didn't even know it was you at first!!! :) Grandma DENSE sez hai!

Yeah... I love these to little bitty letter bits. And you, too. :) :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

But...I didn't comment on these before?

The afterlife with a head cold. Now that would be heaven indeed!

And spells with a backlashsneeze. Perfect.


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*gigglehappysquee* i do love a certain Roxy with a certain Hugh. :inlove: absolutely delicious....

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  • 7 years later...


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