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Hey everybody! Been forever since I posted some writing! Sorry to contribute to the overwhelming drabble threads, but I've been having trouble writing and thought this might be just what I need. (Kudos to Dove and Natto!)

As I said in the description I'm planning on posting with various fandoms (possibly some original... maybe...) so here's a list of the fandoms I have so far, fandoms I think I'll end up doing, and fandoms I might do.



Fake (<--would have expected to be putting this one in "Possibly do" which just goes to show you not to rule anything out)

Ouran High School Host Club

Death Note

probably do(I'm currently into and have ideas already for)

Yu Yu Hakusho


possibly do(I've read/seen and will keep in mind but as of now am idealess in order of likeliness)

Hikaru no Go

Rurouni Kenshin




Higurashi no Naku Koro ni

(If you see a fandom on the list not under done that you'd especially like to see a drabble about/would be interested in knowing if I ever posted a drabble for, feel free to PM me with a request and I'll PM you if I ever do a drabble for that series and keep in mind that interest has been shown in that fandom)

I don't see much point in posting the list of prompts here as they're available in so many places and it's already been established that you can't keep an updated score of what you've done, so I'll just dive into the blood drabbles already.

Series: Fake

Characters: Ryo/Dee

(I doubt many people here know the series so here are pics of the characters. Ryo is blond Dee is black haired



Word Count: 187

Prompt: Remedy

Warning/Note: Contains Homosexuality

“Heh-huh… hu… HE-CHUU!”

“You still sick?”

“Good morning to you too Dee,” Ryo said with a sniff, taking the seat at the desk across from his partners.

“Seriously man, it’s been what, three days now?”

“Three days isn’t an especially long time to have a cold,” Ryo replied, pulling a tissue from his desk and blowing his nose.

“You taken any medicine for it?”

Ryo looked up and cocked an eyebrow at his partner across the desks.

“There is no medicine for the common cold Dee. All they can do is help dull the symptoms.” He turned away from Dee and covered his face with his arm. “Huh…Hi—CHHUUH!” He sniffed again then continued. “The only remedy is rest and a healthy diet.” Dee grinned.

“Oh yeah? I got your remedy right here,” he said and before Ryo could react Dee had grabbed him by the tie and pulled him across their desks into a kiss.



“Well, they do say the best way to get rid of a cold is to give it so someone else,” Ryo said as he offered Dee a tissue.

“Shut up.”

Series: Ouran High School Host Club

Character(s): Tamaki, Kyouya

Word Count: 215

Prompt: Idiot

One rainy afternoon found Ootori Kyouya making his way to the third music room for a meeting of the Host Club. He looked up from his clipboard briefly as he entered the music room to see Hikaru and Kaoru talking to Haruhi while Tamaki stood off on his own in an over dramatically depressed pose.

“Okaa-san!” Tamaki exclaimed as soon as he spied Kyouya. He broke his pose and ran over to him crying, by which time Kyouya had already turned back to his clipboard. “Our daughter’s saying fowl things and ignoring me!” he complained.

“Perhaps your grief would be better recognized if you had rain to accent it,” Kyouya said in a tone that suggested he wasn’t actually paying attention to what Tamaki was saying.

“Ah! Brilliant thinking!” Tamaki exclaimed and rushed out of the room. Kyouya looked at the door Tamaki had just left through.

“…He isn’t really… He’s not that stupid.”

“Heeh… hi-kishuu!” Tamaki curled up closer in the blanket Kyouya had given him.

“And why is it I am stuck dealing with you?” Kyouya asked as he placed a cup of tea before the sick blonde.

“Hi- kichuu! Because… huh… hi-kchuu! Ha-Kishuuuu!” Tamaki rubbed his nose with a pout. “It’s your fault I’m sick.” Kyouya sighed.

“You idiot of idiots.”

Series: Death Note

Characters: Light, Matsuda (might contain pairing hints(one sided))

Word Count: 471 (This one came out kinda long ;^^)

Prompt: Secret

Maybe some more sparkles would be good… Matsuda thought to himself as he washed his hands, looking at his reflection in the large bathroom mirror of the Kakusha Hotel. Making a sign to put up with their fabricated message from “the real” Kira was the easiest job this case had given him in awhile so he’d finished before everyone else and found himself poking around and finding little ways to improve it to pass the time. But Raito-kun really is something else. Working through college and the Kira case and to top it off, getting the most difficult job in this operation.

“It kind of makes me feel ashamed of myself, being older than him,” Matsuda said aloud to his reflection. He finished washing and drying his hands and was about to leave when suddenly he remembered he’d left his cell phone in the stall, having taken it out of the pocket on the inside of his jacket because he was always paranoid it would fall out. He rushed back into the stall and recollected his cell phone. Just then he heard someone else enter the room. Before he could look around the stall to see who it was he heard them gasping for breath.

Hih-…uh… hih-…uh… …. …HIH-…….uh…HIH…uh..uh-HI---ICHUU!” Intrigued, Matsuda’s curiosity got the better of him and he peeked around the stall to see Light leaning against the wall by the door, his face buried in his arm. Light’s breath started to hitch again. “Hih-uh…” pause. “hih-uh… HI----CHUU! Hi-TCH! Hih-TCHU! Hih…huh……Hih…huh……HIIH…ICHUU!” Matsuda watched in wrapped amazement as the beautiful, composed, collected, mature, sophisticated teenager came apart before his eyes. “Hih…huh…Hi-TCHUU! H-TCHU! TCHUU! HA-TCHU! Hih…huh…….hih…huh……h…HI-TCHUU!” Matsuda and Light both stood and waited to see if anymore would come. However after a moment Light seemed to decide that they wouldn’t and lowered his arm, the movement calling Matsuda back to reality.

“Are you ok, Raito-kun?” he asked, causing Light to start in surprise as he spun to look at Matsuda.

“I’m fine,” Light replied with a smile. In a split second he had changed back to the composed Light Matsuda knew. “Just sometime bothering my nose.” Light waved his hand vaguely around the bathroom as if to imply that something there had set him off.

“Yeah! I know, that happens to me all the time!” Matsuda agreed enthusiastically. He made his way to the door to leave Light in peace and get back to his work.

“Matsui-san,” Matsuda stopped and turned back to Light. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention this to anyone. It was nothing and I don’t want my father worrying.”

“Of course! I agree! It’ll be our secret.” Light smiled.

“Thank you.”

Matsuda left the bathroom and made his way back to Ryuuzaki’s hotel room, however his mind was no longer on Kira.

Our secret…

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*SQUEEEEE* oh my... i simply adore these!!!! i can just picture Tamaki running out in the rain like that :popesmiley: what a loveable baka....

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Ohhhhh. . .you knew I'd eat this up, didn't you . . .?

GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! *runs around flailing like an idiot!!!* OMGGGG!!!! :cryhappy::sillybounce:

Not only did you give me FAKE (I own the WHOLE series; I love Ryo and Dee!!), b-but Ouran as well? Uhm, can I marry you? :lmfao: TAMAKI~!!!!!! He's SO cute, and yes! I agree, chui! He'd totally run out in the rain and then be all miserable and sickly with Kyouyaaaaa. :laugh::lmfao::D

WAHHHH!!!!! :hyper:

Please, sir. Can I have summore? :popesmiley:

:heart: Spoo~

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<3 :gora: so many sexy anime boys with colds >< yeyyyyyyyyyy

love it ;D

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Y-y-you did ALL THREE personal favourites (fandom-wise). GFDAKJGLKDFJG. :D

And by the looks of your fandom list... Imma be a verrrry happy melonbun~ X3

Can't wait for more~ ♥

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Hey guys, sorry for the long time until update. But more importantly THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR YOUR WONDERFUL COMMENTS! I seriously love you guys! ^-^ You have no idea how happy your comments made me :cryhappy:

chui - He is, isn't he ^-^ Thank you soo much! :hug: You're wonderful =3

Spoo - I hoped someone would ^///^ Uwah! Someone else who's read fake! I was afraid no one would know it >.<! I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much! And only if I get to be the husband =3

lalaland~ - They're on sale, 50 % off all your favorite cold ridden bishounen. 70% less health, same great taste. (No, I have no idea what I'm saying. Thanks so much for the comment! XD)

melonbun - Yes! I'm so glad someone enjoyed it all! And someone else who's into Fake?! Yay! I love happy melonbuns! They're almost as good as happy pandas! If you tell me what other ones offered you really like I can try to make sure to get some of them in ^-^

Daisoku - Thank you so much! I'm so glad you found him to be in character. I find Light has a really unique, interesting character so I try to keep him as IC as possible ^^ *finds Daisoku shaped hollow glass figure and pours Daisoku's liquid form in* =3

Also, one fandom I forgot to include in my list above, because it wasn't an anime, is Star Trek. Not that anyone's gonna read this now ;;^^

And with no further adieu, the next installment. (I'm not sure how well these came out, I hope they're good *fret* *fret* :blink: )

Series: Ouran

Characters: Kyouya, Tamaki

Word Count: 506 (*Runs from people who aren't going to rip out my throat* O.O Sorry, this sort of turned into a scene more than a drabble, but I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of parts of it. I’ll try to make the rest more concise)

Prompt: Puppy

Kyouya opened his eyes to see a blond form sitting over him.

“You’re still here?” he asked in a slightly agitated tone, his voice, though somewhat hoarse from lack of use maintained its sharpness.

Tamaki nodded.

“Have you been there the whole time I was asleep?”


“You don’t have anything better to be doing with your time?”

“What could be more important that caring for a comrade in need?!” Tamaki burst out emotionally, as if he were standing by his injured friend on a battle field. Kyouya bit his lip and Tamaki suddenly realized he’d just yelled out when his friend must have a headache. “Ah! Forgive me, Kyouya!” he apologized, lowering his voice. However despite the sincere apology Kyouya turned away, giving the overactive blond the cold shoulder and leaving Tamaki to gaze guiltily at his friend’s back.

hah…hit-chnnn! Hat-chnnnh! Hu-chn!” Tamaki blinked as Kyouya suddenly stifled three sneezes into the blankets wrapped around him.

So that’s why he turned away, Tamaki realized with relief.

“Here.” He offered Kyouya a handkerchief which Kyouya accepted wordlessly.

“Come on then,” Kyouya sighed, motioning at the foot of his bed with a sigh. “If you’re going to be staying here you might as well make yourself comfortable. I’ll get Fyuumi-neesan to fetch you a better chair than that but for now you can take the end of the bed.”

“Is that really ok? I won’t be bothering you?”

If you were really worried about that you wouldn’t be here, Kyouya thought bitterly.

“No,” he replied.

Tamaki gingerly took a seat at the end of Kyouya’s bed, sitting carefully, with his hands in his lap and perfect up right posture as if afraid getting comfortable would disturb Kyouya. Overall he gave the impression of a faithful dog standing by his owner. His personality only served to increase this impression.

Kyouya waited absently for Tamaki to say something. However not wanting to disturb Kyouya the blond remained silent.

What’s the point in him being here if he doesn’t have anything to say? Kyouya wondered, more than a little irritated at his lack of privacy. He closed his eyes. Tamaki’s presence couldn’t bother him in his sleep.

Kyouya woke again to the same unwelcoming burning in his nose. Without even opening his eyes he sneezed three more times into his arm.

hi-tchnnh! Huh-chunnh! Ha-chn!” The lack of light from his windows when he opened his eyes told him it was well into nighttime. From the foot of his bed the sound of soft breathing caught his attention. He shifted focus to the end of the bed where he saw Tamaki curled up in a ball at his feet.

Like a dog who fell asleep guarding his master, Kyouya thought to himself. No, a dog’s not quite right… a puppy really. Kyouya reached into a drawer at his bedside table and drew out a camera with which he proceeded to snap a few pictures of Tamaki. He had no doubt that this pose would fetch a good price from their clients.

Series: Yuu Yuu Hakusho

Characters: Hiei, Kurama

Word Count: 235

Prompt: City

Hi-kishuu!” Hiei frowned, aggregately rubbing his nose. The god damn, filthy, human city air was absolutely torturous to someone with the acute senses of a demon. A small chuckle drew the fire demon’s attention.

“What the hell are you laughing about?” Hiei snapped at the red headed kitsune.

“It’s just that, for all your cruel attitude, you have a remarkably cute sneeze,” the fox commented. Hiei raised an eyebrow.

“You humans have a warped sense of humor," he said coolly. "However, what more would you expect from a race that would come up with the concept of cute?!” Hiei spat the last words as if it burned his mouth to even utter it. Kurama only chuckled again causing Hiei to scowl even more. However, unlike most times, the scowl didn’t stay firmly in place for long. Annoyance turned to agitation and Kurama could see Hiei’s nose begin to twitch. He watched intently, waiting for it.

…huh…” There it was! For a split second as Hiei’s senses were overwhelmed, the scowl fell from his face. His expression went blank and his eyes drifted out of focus. For that second Hiei's cold demeanor was gone and you could appreciate the cute, almost childlike structure of his face.

ha-kishuu! Hah-uh…i-kushuu! Huh-kishuu!” Hiei straightened up rubbing his nose so hard it looked like he was trying to take off his upper layer of skin. “I hate the Human World.”

Series : Yuu Yuu Hakusho

Characters: Hiei

Word Count: 215

Prompt: Don’t

Don’t touch me!

“Or what? You’ll infect me?” Yuusuke jeered.

“Heheh, maybe he’s being compassionate and selfless and tellin’ us not to get to close or we’ll get sick too,” Kuwabara volunteered with a grin.

“Oh, is that what you’re doing? You’re too sweet Hiei, a real sugar-bun.”

Don’t call me that!” Hiei growled. “I swear, if you say one more word I’ll slit both of your throats!”

“Now now, sick boys shouldn’t get too worked up. Be a good youkai and eat your soup,” Yuusuke said in a fake motherly tone.

“Over your dead body!” the youkai spat. Ignoring Hiei Yuusuke took a spoonful of soup.

“Open wide for the choo choo train,” he managed to say, gritting his teeth to suppress his laughter. Hiei swatted the spoon from Yuusuke’s hand, sending it flying across the room and lunged toward the detective with his hands aimed at his throat. The two boys fell to the ground with Hiei on top of Yuusuke attempting to strangle him while Yuusuke writhed on the ground in a mixture of laughter and suffocation. Meanwhile Kuwabara stood nearby them trying to suppress his hysterical laughter while Kurama stood off to the side sweat dropping. All he could think was that it was a good thing he’d confiscated Hiei’s katana.

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Oh my goodness. I love you. I really, REALLY do. :hug:

First off, the Ouran drabble made my night. Completely and utterly. It almost felt like a sequel to my story with Tama and Kyou. :cryhappy: A wonderful read indeed, and the thought of Kyouya being a triple-sneezer KILLS me (in a good way, of course :blink:). The YYH ones were gold, my love. GOLD. Hiei's a blast to mess with. Oh God, and I was trying so hard not to DIE laughing at "Don't". WAHA! Perfect imagery right there.

Wow, your drabbles are seriously fantastic. Keep up the good work!

:heart: Spoo~

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omg... LUFFFFFF!!!!! :blink: soooooooooooooo wonderful! Tama-koinou!!! (ok..i prolly killed that spelling but what a puppy-kun!) seriously... these are such a good read. i just adore your writing, And.

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  • 3 years later...

O.O..... MORE!!!!!!!!

*drags Kira of into a dark alley and does stuffs to him*

More anime boys yes!!!

Add some DNangel, DMC and such too :D and some Inuyasha perhaps

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  • 1 year later...

Aww, Hiei sneezing, it's such a nice idea to picture. City was so frickin' adorable! There's not enough Yu Yu Hakusho content on here in my opinion. Lol

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Aww, Hiei sneezing, it's such a nice idea to picture. City was so frickin' adorable! There's not enough Yu Yu Hakusho content on here in my opinion. Lol

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