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Slayer Strength (A Buffy & Faith Story! F/F) - (3 Parts)


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Hey all,

so this story is for Weevill25, and for everyone who misses the Buffy gang! Hope you all enjoy :D


NB: This story is set in the Faith-was-never-evil universe, with the two slayers already a couple. In case there was any doubt!

Slayer Strength

By WannaBlessedBe

Part 1


“Let’s just do one more sweep, okay? All this peace and quiet is giving me the heebie-jeebies.”

“Gettin’ paranoid in your old age, babe? I say let the forces of darkness have a night off. And then let us have one.”

“You want a night off from slaying? I thought it made you nuts to miss out on a good uggghhh,” Buffy growled playfully, grabbing Faith by the hips and pulling her close.

“Yeah, I know…” Faith grinned a little sheepishly and ducked her head. “I’m just kinda burned out lately. One teeny little night off isn’t sounding so bad…especially if I can spend it in your bed.” Her grin widened suggestively. Buffy blushed, wrapped her arms around Faith’s neck, and kissed her.

“Aww, baby…” She twirled her fingers around the baby-soft hairs at the back of Faith’s neck, preparing to kiss her again, when she felt the other slayer stiffen imperceptibly. Before she had time to extend her own senses back into the graveyard, Faith had her by the hips and flipped her over backwards, a move they had practiced enough for Buffy to react on instinct, kicking out sharply until she felt her heel connect with a skull directly behind her. By the time she hit the ground, the battle was in full swing, with three vamps coming at them from all sides. Though Buffy had started out distracted, she took out the first one easily, while the other two tag-teamed Faith. Normally, the dark slayer hated it when Buffy helped her unasked; she liked to be challenged, to see how much she could handle, before she called for backup.

But right now, it didn’t look like Faith was handling much. The vamps were definitely gaining the upper hand over the dark-haired slayer, whose eyes, Buffy noticed, didn’t have their usual sharp-focused intensity in the heat of battle. She took a hard hit to the chest, and didn’t hit back right away. That was all Buffy needed to see. She jumped on the first vamp and staked him instantly, flipping herself over his shoulders the moment before he was dust, and landing behind the second, who was crouched over Faith on the ground. He was dust before he’d even noticed her there, leaving Faith coughing up his ashen remains on the ground.

“You okay?” Buffy asked, offering Faith a hand. The dark slayer nodded, still coughing up vamp dust as she brushed herself off. The blonde slayer waited patiently for her girlfriend to rid herself of the last vamp’s remains, shaking a fine cloud of ash out of her hair. Then she blinked, her eyes taking on the same glassy sheen they’d had during the fight. She took a deep, shaky breath.

“Tchiioo! Hehh-tchiioo! …*sniff!*” Faith bent forward with her knuckles pressed to her nose, her sharp sneezes echoing around the empty graveyard.

“God bless you,” Buffy giggled, biting her lip with a sympathetic grin. “You really got a facefull of vamp dust, huh?”

“Guess so,” Faith mumbled, rubbing the edge of her sleeve under her nose with a soft sniffle. “Can we call it a night? *Sniff!*”

“Sure, baby. Here, let me find you a tissue…” Buffy rooted around in her pockets, sure she had a pack of pocket Kleenex in there somewhere for makeup emergencies.

“S’okay, B,” Faith shrugged dismissively. “I gotta wash this shirt now, anyhow.” She wiped her nose on her sleeve again, and Buffy conceded the point.

“So is it too late to cash in on that night-off-in-my-bed scenario?” The blonde girl asked playfully, taking Faith by the hand—the one that wasn’t busy rubbing her nose—and tugging her in the direction of the Summers’ house.

“I think I need a shower first,” Faith said sheepishly. “Unless you want vamp dust in your sheets…” She took another shaky breath, the hand under her nose abruptly stilling as her eyes began to flutter. “Ahh-tchiioo!” She doubled over again, cupping both hands to her face this time.

“Bless you!” Buffy exclaimed, her playful banter dissolving into a look of mild concern. “Are you okay, baby?”

“Five by five…*sniff, sniffle.*” Faith wiped her nose on her sleeve again, and Buffy frowned. “I just need a shower, B. Then I think I need to crash…is that cool?” She looked a little anxious as she asked this, and Buffy was reminded of how badly her fellow slayer had been treated for most of her life, before she’d arrived in Sunnydale. It wasn’t hard to understand why Faith had a hard time with trust, but Buffy was determined to be the one who would change that, no matter how long it took.

“Of course it’s cool, Faith. But I still want you to come crash with me, okay? You don’t have to put out to spend the night, you know.” She smiled gently as she said this, running her fingers through her girlfriend’s dark hair. “And I get grumpy if I miss my slayer cuddle time.”

“Well we can’t have that,” Faith joked, smiling shyly as she wrapped an arm around Buffy’s shoulders, setting course for home. “You just gotta promise me, I mean, pinky-swear-promise…that no one else will ever know about this cuddling stuff.”

Buffy wanted to offer her girlfriend a hand in the shower, but she didn’t want her to think she was trying to push her into getting physical when Faith had just said—for the first time ever—that she was too tired, and Buffy had promised her they could spend the night together without any hanky-panky. So she sent the dark slayer off to shower solo, trying very hard to concentrate on her homework and not the idea of a naked, wet Faith just a few feet down the hall.

She’d actually managed to finish her Math assignment and start on her English reading by the time Faith came back to her room, damp and minty-fresh, and belly-flopped onto the bed without so much as a hello.

“Geez, you’re really beat, huh baby?” Buffy asked gently, abandoning her desk to sit beside her girlfriend, lightly slipping a hand under her pajama top to rub her back.

“Uh-huh,” Faith mumbled into her pillow, eyes closed.

“Want me to bring up some snacks? We got some more of those spicy taquitos you like…or I could make scrambled eggs…or…”

“S’okay, B, I’m not really hungry. Thanks, though.”

“You’re always hungry, Faith. It’s one of your defining characteristics,” Buffy joked, trying not to let her worry show.

“Not tonight,” Faith shrugged, scooting closer to Buffy and wrapping an arm around her leg. “I just wanna go to sleep, okay? You can keep the light on, though, if you got more homework to do. It won’t bother me.” She yawned hugely, as if to prove her point.

“But then I’d miss my cuddle time,” Buffy reminded her teasingly, running a hand through her girlfriend’s damp hair. Faith snickered.

“How could I forget,” the dark slayer teased back. Then she shivered, and rubbed two fingers hastily under her nose, her breath sharpening. “Hehhh…*sniff!*…hehh-tshiioo!” Another shiver shot through her body when she sneezed, and she curled up involuntarily on top of the blankets.

“Bless you, baby!” Buffy exclaimed, frowning. “I’m starting to think you’re catching a cold. Let me feel your forehead.”

“Aww, c’mon B, slayers don’t get sick,” Faith scoffed, wiping her nose on her sleeve as Buffy pressed a hand to her forehead.

“Oh yeah? Then why is your nose still running? That vamp dust from the graveyard is long gone.” Buffy waited silently. Faith shrugged, sniffling.

“Hmm, a convincing argument,” Buffy remarked dryly, crossing the room to retrieve the Kleenex from her makeup table. “Here you go, sweetie.”

“Doe thadks,” Faith sniffled, wiping her nose on her pajama sleeve again. “I’b okay.”

“Faith, c’mon. You’re not okay. You’re all stuffed up, I can hear it. Just take the damn tissues, okay?”

“Okay, okay,” Faith grumbled, sitting up and snatching a tissue from the box. She blew her nose hastily, then immediately dropped it into the trash by the bedside table, one hand already rubbing her nose again as her eyebrows knit together. “Tchiioo! Hehh-tchiioo!”

“Bless you,” Buffy said gently, reaching out to rub her back. “How long are we gonna argue about whether you have a cold, exactly? Cause I’d rather go get you some NyQuil before the store closes.”

“Those weren’t cold sneezes,” Faith grumbled, still rubbing her nose on her sleeve. “It’s those stupid tissues.”

“What do you mean, it’s the tissues?” Buffy frowned quizzically.

“Tissues make my nose itchy,” Faith admitted reluctantly, staring down at her lap. “That’s why I didn’t want to use ‘em.”

“Aww, baby! Why didn’t you just say so?”

“Cause. It’s…*sniff, sniffle*…it’s embarrassing. I don’t wanna be some high-maintenance girly-girl…” She trailed off, holding her hands a few inches in front of her face for a moment, as her eyes fluttered and snapped shut. “Ahhchiioo! …*sniff*…Hehh-tchiioo!”

“Bless you, baby.” Buffy kissed the top of Faith’s head, and hopped off the bed, crossing the room to her bureau. A moment later she came back with a clean red bandana, folded into a neat square like a handkerchief. “Here, this should be better.”

“Thadks,” Faith mumbled, and Buffy was relieved that she was finally done arguing. The blonde girl waited patiently while her girlfriend blew her nose, unsurprised by how wet the sound was. “Ughhh,” Faith sighed when she was through, dropping her head limply onto Buffy’s shoulder.

“Aww, Faithy…it’s okay,” Buffy hummed, wrapping her arms around her sniffling girlfriend. “I know you wanna be strong all the time, but you’re still human, you know. It’s okay to get sick, even for slayers. I’m gonna take real good care of you…okay?”

“You sure? I can…*sniff!*…still go back to my place. I don’t wanna give you my germs or anything.”

“It’s too late for that, anyway, and even if it wasn’t, I’d still be sure. I want you right here where I can take care of you.”

“Ohhh…okay…” Faith murmured, drawing back from Buffy’s arms and hastily raising the handkerchief back to her face. “Hehh-tchiioo! …*snifffffff.*”

“Bless you, honey.” Buffy kissed Faith’s forehead, and got up to get her some cold medicine. She didn’t see the dark slayer’s shy, astonished smile follow her out of the room.

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Allow me to be the first to say "EEEEE! She posted another story!!!" I mean, um...

Seriously, I think it says something about your writing that I read fics from you in fandoms I'm not only not in, but have never even seen the source material for (SoN: 0 episodes; Buffy: 1 episode--OMWF--multiple times). And I love them every time. I lloked up Faith (so I could understand this), and now I actually want to watch Buffy so I can have Faith's voice in my head.

All of which is a long way of saying "Thanks! You're an amazing author, and I look forward to reading more!"


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Yay, Buffy and Faith! Totally one of my new favorite pairings. I sort of jumped around excitedly like the weirdo that I am when I saw that you posted this. Amazingness, as usual. Are you continuing?

Because that would be far beyond awesome :D

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Hey all,

so this story is for Weevill25, and for everyone who misses the Buffy gang! Hope you all enjoy :omg:


NB: This story is set in the Faith-was-never-evil universe, with the two slayers already a couple. In case there was any doubt!



ok now i'm done freaking out. :laugh:

seriously WBB you have outdone yourself and if its not too much to ask i too would love to see this story continued.....it holds for such a fabulous plot with lots of hanky/bandana sneezes and faith....awwwww she's so cute..... :wub:


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:winkkiss: This is a wonderful start - I do hope there will be more!? This is my all time favourite ship and as always you've done an amazing job writing them ahhh I'm so happy right now :). Thank you!
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omg you write Buffy and Faith SO well, and I'm not even a Faith fan. You have a habit of converting me to things missy.... :winkkiss:


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Awwww! Buffy... Faith... girlslash... sneezes... slayer cuddle time... Whedony dialogue. Love it!

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WOW!!! Thanks for all the amazing feedback, guys. I'm so happy that there are still so many die-hard buffy fans around here! It's obvious this story is gonna have to go on for a while...I hope you'll all enjoy this next bit :)


Slayer Strength

Part 2

By WannaBlessedBe


Faith was already asleep when Buffy got back with the cold medicine, and the blonde slayer didn’t have the heart to wake her exhausted girlfriend. It turned out not to make much difference, anyway, because Faith woke coughing while Buffy was still scrambling to finish her homework.

“It’s okay, baby, I’m right here,” Buffy cooed, sitting beside the shuddering girl on the edge of the bed and rubbing her back.

“Fuck,” Faith whined miserably when the coughing subsided, curling herself up with her face pressed into Buffy’s leg. “Why’s it so fucking hot in here? *Sniff!*

“It’s not,” Buffy frowned, touching the back of her hand to Faith’s forehead. “You’re getting a fever, sweetie. But I’ve got some medicine all ready for you…I promise you’ll feel better soon. C’mere, just sit up for a sec…”

“Awww, B!” Faith whined, jerking her head away when Buffy offered her the little cup of red syrup.

“What’s the matter?” Buffy asked blankly.

“I don’t want it,” Faith grumbled childishly, picking up the crumpled handkerchief from the bedside table and wiping her nose roughly.

“Tough noogies, slayer,” Buffy said sternly, in the authoritative tone she usually saved for patrol. “It’s gonna make you feel better, okay? So just close your eyes and swallow.”

“Geez, B, you’re such a romantic,” Faith grumbled sarcastically, rubbing the handkerchief under her nose some more.

“And you’re a big baby,” Buffy replied, smiling gently. “Do I have to bribe you with a spoonful of sugar, like we do with Dawn?” Faith pouted, sniffling quietly as she stared down sullenly at her hands. “C’mon Fai, don’t you wanna feel better?” Faith’s scowl melted slowly into an expression that Buffy was starting to recognize—eyes half-closed and unfocused, lips slightly parted, eyebrows knit together—and she waited patiently for the sneeze that was keeping the dark slayer from responding.

“Huhhh…*sniff, sniffle*…hehh-tchioo!” Faith’s shoulders jerked as the shivery sneeze doubled her over, with the slightly damp handkerchief pressed firmly under her nose.

“Bless you, my stubborn girl,” Buffy said gently, still holding the little cup of cold medicine. “Ready to surrender?”

“Uhhh…*sniff!*…just a...a sec…*sniff, sniff*…” Another shiver ran up the dark-haired girl’s spine as her nostrils twitched into perfect pink circles, and she held the handkerchief shakily a few inches from her face. “Ahhchiioo! …*sniff.*

“Aw, bless you baby!” Buffy reached out and rubbed her sniffling girlfriend’s back, feeling the warmth of her skin radiating through her pajama top. “Please, just take the medicine, okay?”

“’Kay,” Faith mumbled groggily, reaching for the little cup and downing it without complaint. Though she didn’t ask, Buffy handed her a glass of water in exchange for the empty cup. “Thadks,” the dark slayer sniffled, taking a grateful sip.

“Aww, baby…you’re all stuffed up,” Buffy cooed, smoothing a few locks of dark hair behind Faith’s ear.

“I doe,” Faith mumbled bashfully, staring down at her hands again. “You dod’t have to tell be how stupid I souhd. *Sniff!*”

“That’s not what I meant!” Buffy exclaimed, frowning. “I just feel bad for you, that’s all…I wish I could make it all better.” She scooted closer to her girlfriend in the bed, and kissed her temple.

“You are,” Faith sighed. “Sorry I’b such a brat…” She cocked her head at her blonde-haired partner, and smiled shyly, in a way that Buffy had come to recognize as Faith’s I-can’t-believe-I’m-about-to-tell-you-this face. “It’s just…doebody else has ever takenhd care of be like this before. It feels a little weird, you doe. *Sniff!*”

“Oh, baby…” Buffy sighed, throwing her arms around the dark slayer and hugging her tightly, without another word. When they finally pulled apart, they were both smiling bashfully at each other. Then Faith cupped the damp handkerchief back to her face.

“Hehh-tchhh! Ishiioo! …Huhh…*sniff!*” Faith rubbed her nose with a miserably ticklish expression, sniffling wetly.

“Bless you, sweetie-pie,” Buffy murmured gently, smoothing a damp lock of hair back from her girlfriend’s face. “I think you need a fresh one of those if you’re gonna keep on sneezing…hold on, baby.” Despite the blonde slayer’s instructions, Faith couldn’t help sneezing again before Buffy came back with a clean handkerchief, which the dark-haired girl took gratefully.

“Thadks,” she sniffled weakly, dropping the soggy one on the bedside table. “Ughhh, I forgot how shitty it is to have a…a cold…huhh-tchiiew! …*snifffffff.*”

“Poor baby,” Buffy cooed, gently running her fingers through Faith’s hair while the dark-haired girl yawned and blinked sleepily. “Why don’t you lie down and try to sleep now…you’ll feel better in the morning, I promise.”

“Will you lie down with me until I fall asleep?” Faith asked in a small voice, looking up at Buffy with her wide brown eyes. She’d never made this request before; it was always Buffy who wanted cuddles, and Faith who went along with it.

“Of course I will,” Buffy murmured, leaning in close and kissing her girlfriend’s hot forehead. “Lie down now…that’s my girl.” Faith curled up in a loose ball, shivering slightly until the blonde slayer twined herself around her girlfriend.

“That feels good,” Faith sighed sleepily, burrowing as close to Buffy as she could.

“It sure does,” Buffy whispered, smiling gently in the darkness. It wasn’t long before they were both fast asleep.

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ok i'm done now....NO I'M NOT THAT WAS AMAZING!!! now i'm done. but seriously i shall be jumping up and down clapping my hands and squealing for an hour or two...


more? :blushing:

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Oh please let it go on for a while! :) It's fantastic, thank you so much for updating it!

Poor Faith, I'm a real sucker for tough girls getting wiped out with colds <_<.

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You've done it again, girl! I have been lurking around this forum for years and there have only been 3 or 4 people who have made me come out of hiding to offer any kind of feedback whatsoever, and you've consistently been one of those people! This story is perfect me! And is everything I hoped it would be, please continue! They're one of my favorite pairings :D

and ps, your other fic with the girls from Firefly - incredible. Love the scattered Firefly fans around here!

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Hey faithful readers,

sorry it's been a while-- I've been soooooooo busy lately! I know that sounds like a cop-out but I assure you it's true. we just had our winter board meeting at the non-profit where I work, and I haven't had a day off since the weekend before last, and I am friggin' exhausted! but I didn't forget about y'all, see? hope you'll enjoy this little update :)


Slayer Strength

Chapter 3

By WannaBlessedBe


Faith woke up coughing again around four in the morning. A gulp of water from the cup on the bedside table calmed the itchy burn in her throat, but it was hard to fall back asleep then—she was so hot and sweaty, and her throat hurt, and every time she started to nod off, her runny nose would trigger a sniffle that startled her back into alertness. She didn’t want to wake Buffy with all her restless shifting around (though the blonde slayer was nearly impossible to wake, anyway—a fact that Faith had tested using far more pleasant methods in the past), and eventually she started to get bored lying there wide awake, so she slipped out of bed and padded down the stairs, pulling on Buffy’s favorite hoodie to ward off the chill settling into her bones.

Hichiiew! …*sniff, sniffle.*” She stumbled at the top of the stairs, grabbing the railing for support as the unexpected sneeze doubled her over.

“Buffy? Is that you?” a small voice called from below. Crap.

“Doe, id’s just be, kiddo,” Faith sighed, blowing her nose as she stumbled the rest of the way down the stairs to where Buffy’s little sister sat curled on the couch, eating ice cream and watching cartoons.

“Oh. Hey, Faith, I didn’t know you were sleeping over.” Dawn grinned up at her innocently, chocolate ice cream smudging her freckled face. “You got a cold? You sound funny.”

“I guess,” Faith grumbled, flopping down on the couch beside Dawn and blowing her nose.

“Bummer. Want me to make you some tea? We have one that’s really good if you have a sore throat. Mom gets it from the natural foods store ‘cause she says Whole Foods is a ripoff.”

“How come you’re awake, half-pint?” Faith asked, relieved that she’d managed to clear some of the congestion from her head.

“No reason. I just woke up and I couldn’t go back to sleep. How come you’re up?”

“Same reason, I guess,” Faith shrugged. She pulled the quilt from the back of the couch and wrapped it around her shoulders. Dawn raised an eyebrow, and reached out to feel her forehead.

“Whoa, you’ve got a major fever,” Dawn frowned, her expression exactly like Buffy’s when she was being serious and protective. “Maybe I should go get Mom.”

“Nah, don’t wake your mom, half-pint,” Faith said hastily, embarrassed at the very idea of one more person seeing her in her current pathetic state. “It’s cool, I’m five by five.” She wiped her nose and grinned half-heartedly at the now wary-looking twelve-year-old.

“You are so not. You’re, like, one-and-a-half by a quarter.” Faith chuckled, then started to cough.

“Ughh…I guess I’ve been better…*sniff!*…but please don’t wake your mom, okay Dawn? I just wanna chill here with you for a little while, if that’s okay.”

“Okay,” Dawn smiled shyly, her adoration for the dark slayer plain as day across her face. “But I’m definitely making you tea.” She was up and through the door to the kitchen before Faith could protest, and back almost as quickly. Faith had to admit the tea felt good on her throat, and she settled into the soft cushions contentedly to watch cartoons.

“Hehh-itchhoo! …*sniff, sniff.*” Faith sneezed into her tea, hastily picking up her crumpled handkerchief to wipe her nose.

“Bless you,” Dawn said officiously, glancing away from the TV with a speculative expression, like she was waiting to see if Faith was going to sneeze again.

“Thadks,” Faith mumbled, trying to keep her eyes open as she rubbed half-heartedly at her nose. “Huhhhh…*sniff, sniffle*…hichhiiew!” She cupped the slightly damp handkerchief back around her nose just in time.

“Geez, bless you. I guess even superheroes can catch nasty colds, huh?”

“Guess so,” Faith sighed glumly.

“You sure you don’t want my mom?” Dawn asked uncertainly, cocking her head to study Faith’s pale face and fever-bright eyes. “She wouldn’t be mad, you know. She loves you just like you’re part of our family.” Faith blinked at the earnest expression on Dawn’s face, and smiled gently.

“Yeah, half-pint, I’m sure.”

“Okay,” Dawn sighed, and flung her arms around Faith’s neck, hugging her tightly.

“Did I miss the memo on the slumber party?”

Buffy was stumbling sleepily down the stairs, yawning and rubbing her eyes as she made her way toward the two figures on the couch.

“Hey, B,” Faith smiled, curling up against Buffy’s side the moment the blonde girl sat down beside her.

“Hey baby,” Buffy murmured back, leaning over to kiss the top of Faith’s head. “Can’t sleep?”

“Uh-uh,” Faith sighed, closing her eyes with a soft sniffle.

“Poor little slayer,” Buffy cooed, running her fingers soothingly through Faith’s hair. Then she rounded on Dawn, her expression changing in an instant. “And what are you doing awake at this hour, might I inquire?”

“I was just having a snack. I can have a snack if I want,” Dawn said defensively. “And Faith needed someone to take care of her.”

“Yeah, that would be me, not you,” Buffy replied acerbically. “You can’t even take care of a goldfish.”

“I made her tea!” Dawn snapped.

“You made tea for your goldfish?” Buffy teased, trying and failing to keep the smirk off her face.

“Why do you always have to be such a big, bossy, pain in my”—

“Okay, okay,” Faith groaned, sitting up and putting her hands out to push the two bickering sisters apart on the couch. “Can we call a temporary Summers sisters’ truce on account of the innocent bystander, here?” She sniffled wearily, and the other two immediately fell silent, identical pouty expressions on their faces.

“Sorry,” Dawn grumbled reluctantly.

“I’m sorry too, Fai,” Buffy sighed, pulling the dark slayer close again and kissing her temple. “You just relax, okay sweetie? We’ll be good.” Faith sighed, suddenly drowsy again, and curled up with her head in Buffy’s lap. A moment later, she felt Dawn pulling her feet into her own lap, and covering her with the fallen quilt.

“Thadks,” she murmured absently, rubbing the crumpled handkerchief under her pink nose, which was starting to run. “Ahhhchiiew! …*sniff.*”

“Bless you,” Buffy and Dawn chorused together.

“Mm-hmm,” Faith murmured. Then she was fast asleep.

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Well, it's the first B/F story I've ever read, and OMG I'm loving it more than I could say! They're so sweet and sexy! I adore protective Buffy, and sneezy and feverish Faith is just... awww! :):wub:

I love your writing so much!

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Awwwwww that was so adorable! Dawn's character was perfect too (and you made her likeable, which is impressive, because sometimes on the show she was a tad annoying to me lol).

Simply can't wait for you to update this, I love it!

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