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Dampened Spirits (F/F, Glee) - (6 Parts)


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Dampened Spirits

A Glee fic starring Quinn & Rachel (who else would I write about, honestly??)

Summary: Back to being captain of the Cheerios, Quinn gets a little overzealous about her workout routine in any type of weather—at least, Rachel thinks so. Established Faberry, picks up post-S1, post-baby, with Quinn living w/ the Berrys. Just some of my usual sweet fluff!


Boom. Crack! Boom. The heavy bass of the thunderstorm raging outside made Rachel jump slightly in her seat, looking up from her English homework. She gazed out the window, frowning at the heavy sheets of rain pouring from the sky. When Quinn had left for her daily 5-mile run, it had only been sprinkling…and as Rachel's eyes drifted across the room, she noticed Quinn's red and white Cheerios raincoat hanging from the doorknob. "Dammit," the dark-haired girl sighed, wishing her girlfriend would pay a little more attention to things like weather and how she was dressed. Grabbing the abandoned raincoat, Rachel headed out the door.

She drove at a snail's pace through the neighborhood, knowing Quinn's route well enough that she could guess roughly where she'd find the blonde girl, though the torrential rain made it hard to see anything past her own headlights. Finally, a rain-slicked blonde ponytail came into view. Rachel hastily threw the car into park and jumped out, sheltered under an enormous umbrella decorated in gold stars.

"Quinn!" she yelled over the storm, making her girlfriend stop in her tracks and turn back to face her, a confused and impatient expression on her dripping-wet face. The blonde girl was completely drenched from head to toe, her t-shirt and sports bra clinging to her skin. Rachel's tummy did a little sexy dance, even while her heart clenched at the sight of Quinn's chattering teeth and blue lips.

"Rach, what the hell? I'm in the middle of my run!" Quinn snapped, jogging in place so as not to break stride completely while she talked to her girlfriend.

"I know baby, but in case you haven't noticed, there's been some significant weather-related activity that caused me to question the advisability of your continued outdoor exercise." Rachel got as close to Quinn as she could, so the large umbrella covered them both. It was cold enough that they could see their breath in the damp air. "I was going to bring you your rain jacket, but now I think we should just go home. You're soaking wet and freezing, and you're going to catch your death!"

"Sorry Mom, but my workouts aren't optional, and you damn well know it. Do you think Coach Sylvester cares if it's raining?! I have to be able to give 100% in any kind of weather. And anyway, I feel fine. Go home, okay? I'll see you in about an hour." Quinn wheeled around, but Rachel grabbed her arm, stubbornly pulling her back.

"Don't you dare take another step into that rain, Quinn Cordelia Fabray! I don't care what Sue Sylvester says, you're coming home with me right now before you catch pneumonia. If you haven't already." Rachel tugged on Quinn's arm, but Quinn tugged back, and in the slippery rain it was impossible for Rachel to hold onto her.

"Rachel, stop it! You're not the boss of me and I am not gonna die from a little rain. Now take a freakin' chill pill and go home! Jesus!" With that, Quinn was off and running, leaving the little dark-haired diva scowling under her umbrella. Rachel watched Quinn's form retreating into the rain, realizing too late that she hadn't even taken her raincoat after all that.

With a sigh, Rachel got back in her car, pointing it not toward home, but to the grocery store to stock up on supplies in case her stubborn girlfriend really was bringing home a cold. Which she probably was. Not that Rachel liked saying I told you so; but she did like being prepared for all possible contingencies. She just had to make sure she got home before Quinn. It would only annoy the blonde girl more if she saw Rachel bringing home cold medicine and chicken soup when she'd just said she felt fine. She's so cute when she pouts, Rachel thought absently, smiling reluctantly to herself as she drove slowly and steadily through the storm.

In the end, Rachel did make it home first, and got all her just-in-case sickness supplies stowed away before Quinn returned from her run, blue-lipped and shivering, and made a beeline for the shower. Rachel would've liked to follow her girlfriend into the shower, but she had a feeling that Quinn was still cranky and wanted to be left alone. So she patiently waited for the blonde girl to come to her, which she did eventually, toweled off and bundled up in her warmest flannel pajamas. Her hair was loose now, flowing soft and golden around her face, showing off the glinting highlights in her warm hazel eyes. Rachel's stomach did another little dance when Quinn smiled sleepily at her.

"Hey sunshine," Rachel murmured, abandoning her homework to climb into Quinn's lap in the papasan chair by the bed.

"Hey little star," Quinn murmured back, nuzzling up to the smaller girl with a soft yawn. Rachel loved how sweet and unguarded her girlfriend was when she was sleepy; so unlike the dominant, take-charge, HBIC head cheerleader the rest of the school saw when they looked at Quinn Fabray. "I'm sorry I snapped at you before…I just don't like interruptions when I'm working out. I know you were just trying to be thoughtful though."

"Yes I was," Rachel agreed, threading her fingers lightly through Quinn's blonde hair, making her sigh deeply. "And thank you for the apology. I'm just worried you're pushing yourself too hard, after the baby and everything…you don't have anything to prove, you know." Quinn snorted derisively.

"That's bullshit, and you know it. I do have something to prove, Rach—maybe not to you, because you already think I'm perfect for some reason…but to the rest of the school, I have to prove I'm still good enough to be head cheerleader. And I think I need to prove it to myself, too." Quinn yawned again, snuggling closer to Rachel in the comfy chair and slipping her hand up the back of her girlfriend's shirt.

"I don't think you're perfect," the dark-haired girl disagreed, with a sigh of contentment as Quinn's fingers grazed up and down her back. "I know you are."

Quinn fell asleep in Rachel's bed with the lights still on, and Rachel spent a few minutes inspecting her girlfriend's face and feeling her forehead for a fever; but she seemed perfectly fine, if not utterly exhausted. Maybe Rachel was worrying over nothing. Yawning, the dark-haired girl flicked off the lights and crawled into bed beside her sleeping girlfriend, spooning her in the middle of the large bed. When she was awake, Quinn always wanted to be the big spoon…and most of the time, that was fine, because Rachel liked being the little spoon just as much. But sometimes, she liked to bury her face in Quinn's sweet-smelling hair and hold her close, feeling her toned tummy and playing with her perfect little bellybutton. She barely had time to appreciate the smell of Quinn's apple shampoo before joining her girlfriend in blissful dreamland.


"Hehhh…hetchshh! *Sniffle.*" Rachel was jolted awake by the shiver and jerk that ran through Quinn's body as she sneezed, still curled up in the dark-haired girl's arms.

"God bless you," Rachel murmured sleepily, withdrawing her arm from around Quinn's stomach to rub her eyes. Quinn didn't answer, but whined a little as she sat up, sniffling quietly. "Have you got a little cold, hmm baby?" Rachel tried to keep all traces of I-told-you-so out of her voice.

"I don't have a fucking cold, okay?" Quinn snapped, throwing back the covers and stomping out of bed like a cranky toddler. Rachel wisely chose to keep her mouth shut then; the blonde girl was always a little ornery first thing in the morning, even under the best of circumstances, and Rachel didn't want to get on her bad side today if she could help it. Judging from the cranky expression on the blonde girl's face, and the soft sniffles she was trying to keep quiet, Quinn was in for a rough day. Rachel watched her pause in the doorway, stiffen, and cup a hand drowsily to her face.

"Etchiiew! *Sniff, sniffle*…Ahh…" Quinn tensed, looking like she was going to sneeze again; but then she pressed her knuckles roughly under her nose, scrunching up her face, and managed to kill the tickle in her head. For the moment.

"Bless you, angel." Rachel really, really wanted to offer her girlfriend some cold medicine; but she knew that cranky, just-woke-up-with-a-cold Quinn would only yell at her and storm off in a huff. And she also knew that if she just waited until breakfast, her dads would do the job for her, anyway.

"Thandks," Quinn grumbled moodily, avoiding Rachel's eyes as she pressed the cuff of her pajama top under her little nose, with another whisper-soft sniffle. "I'b gettidg id the shower." Rachel heard another congested, half-stifled "Huh-tchh!" as Quinn stumbled down the hall toward the bathroom.


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YAY! I love all your stories, especially your Rachel/Quinn ones! I'm so glad you're writing this pairing again, and I definitely would love to see more! :clapping:

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Hey Gleeks! Glad you're digging this. Here's another part! Enjoy :bleh:

Dampened Spirits

Part 2

By WannaBlessedBe


“Morning, girls,” Rachel’s dad Jacob said with his usual cheery smile as he glanced up from the New York Times. The dark-haired girl had definitely gotten her bouncing-out-of-bed-in-a-good-mood tendencies from him; but both father and daughter knew not to expect any pre-coffee smiles from their significant others. Michael, Rachel’s other dad, was more like Quinn in the morning, silent and spacey and easily annoyed.

“Morning,” Rachel said brightly, while Quinn gave her usual sleepy nod of acknowledgement before trudging over to the coffee pot.

“Whoa, wait a minute there blondie.” Jacob pushed his chair back from the table and crossed the room to where Quinn stood, her hand halfway to the coffee pot, with a guarded expression as she glanced between the three Berrys, all of them now looking at her. “You don’t look so good, honey, you’re pale as a sheet. Was that you we heard coughing upstairs?” Quinn blushed and tried to look away, but Jacob wasn’t letting her escape—he took her face in both hands, tilting her chin up and feeling her clammy forehead.

“Sorry, I—I didn’t mean to,” Quinn stammered, a faint pink blush coloring her noticeably pale cheeks.

“Don’t apologize, sweetheart, you can’t help it if you’re sick,” Michael said, joining his husband in a close examination of their surrogate daughter’s face. Quinn’s blush deepened, and she glanced awkwardly to Rachel for help—but the dark-haired girl wasn’t about to intervene. “You do look awfully pale, Quinn, and your skin’s all clammy. Maybe we should take your temp.”

“No, it’s fine,” Quinn squeaked, taking a hasty step back and bumping into the refrigerator. “I feel fine.”

“Mm-hmmm,” Jacob drawled, eyebrows raised in an exact replica of Rachel’s most severe, I-know-you’re-lying-to-me face. Quinn’s eyes widened anxiously. Rachel tried not to smirk too obviously.

“Okay…maybe I don’t feel one hundred percent fine,” Quinn sighed, rubbing her temples absently. “But I’ll live. It’s just a little cold.” As if on cue, Quinn’s nose began to run, and she sniffled wetly.

“Mm-hmmm,” Jacob drawled again, opening a cabinet below the sink and pulling out a pack of pocket-kleenex, which he handed to Quinn.

“Thadk you,” Quinn murmured, pulling one out and delicately blowing her nose, trying not to make too much noise. “I’m really fi…*sniff!*…fine…” Her little nostrils quivered involuntarily, and she pressed the crumpled tissue back under her nose with a small, sharp breath that caught in the back of her throat. “I don’t need to…*sniff, sniffle*…heh-tchiiew! Ahhh…achhiew!! *Sniffle.*” Quinn’s sneezes were wet and heavy with congestion, her thin body shivering with chills as her nose tried unsuccessfully to expel the bothersome cold germs trapped inside.

“Bless you,” all three Berrys chorused at once, making Quinn whimper in embarrassment behind her hands.

“Thadk you,” she murmured quietly, then finally gave in and blew her nose properly.

“You sound terrible, kiddo. Do you want to stay home?” Jacob asked kindly.

“No,” Quinn whined, trudging over to the table and collapsing into a chair beside her girlfriend, dropping her head into her hands. Rachel automatically reached out and began running her fingers through Quinn’s soft hair. “I can’t miss Cheerios practice. Plus we have a chem test today…” She sighed and glanced wearily up at her girlfriend for support. Rachel smiled doubtfully back.

“Promise you won’t overdo today?” The dark-haired girl asked sternly, anxiously feeling Quinn’s forehead again.

“Definitely,” Quinn agreed, with a weary half-smile.

“And no more running around in the rain?”

“Yes dear.” They grinned sweetly at each other, and Rachel leaned across the table and kissed Quinn’s forehead.

“All right, tough stuff.” Quinn smiled weakly, then frowned in confusion as Jacob set a steaming mug in front of her, filled with something that was definitely not coffee.

“What’s this?” she asked blankly.

“Theraflu. And if you expect to leave this house today, you’ll drink it.” Quinn looked outraged, but whatever retort she was about to concoct died on her lips when she looked between the stern expressions on Rachel’s fathers’ faces. She could snap at her girlfriend when she was cranky, but she couldn’t yell at her girlfriend’s dads; they’d been so good to her, taking her in when her own parents threw her away like garbage, she just couldn’t bear to be rude to them. So she just scowled, grabbed the cup, and took a sip.

“It tastes awful,” she whined, pushing it away again.

“Honey makes it better,” Rachel said gently, taking Quinn’s cup over to the stove and stirring in a large dollop of honey. Then she brought it back to the table, offering it to her scowling girlfriend and sitting in her lap. Quinn took another little sip, and sighed.

“Better?” Rachel asked hopefully.

“Uh-huh,” Quinn nodded reluctantly, one arm going around her girlfriend’s tiny waist, leaning gratefully into her warmth. “Etshh! *Sniffle.*” Quinn jerked forward with an irrepressible sneeze, hastily turning her face into her elbow so as not to sneeze directly into Rachel’s lap.

“Bless you,” Rachel murmured, kissing the top of Quinn’s head. Quinn sighed, sniffled wearily, and took another sip from her steaming cup.

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You are getting me into a "Glee" mood! This is fantastic, like all your works. It's hard not to feel bad for poor Quinn~

Please continue!!

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thanx paws! only one week left before the season 2 premiere-- so much happiness!!!

musiclover-- WHY aren't you watching glee? do you not enjoy AWESOMENESS?? either way, thanks for the praise. it makes me write even more fluff :)

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Yay more Faberry-ness!

Thank you for writing another great story - I'm battling with my end of year portfolio this week, and this has been a very welcome and wonderful distraction ;).

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Yayy, thanks for the feedback guys! I admit, this is totally my favorite kind of story to write; so I'm glad I'm not the only one who's enjoying it (and getting pumped for new glee starting tueesdayyyy!!! woo woo!)

anyway, hope you like this next part...


Dampened Spirits

Part 3

By WannaBlessedBe


"That gross drink really did make me feel better," Quinn admitted grudgingly from the passenger seat on the way to school, uncharacteristically letting Rachel drive her car. "I can breathe again, and my head doesn't hurt, and my throat isn't so scratchy."

"You say that like it's some huge shock," Rachel joked, smiling at the still-pale blonde girl across the seat.

"It is, kind of. I always thought cold medicine was bunk-- it's not like actually cures you or anything."

"And you say that like you've never taken cold medicine before," Rachel replied bemusedly.

"I haven't," Quinn shrugged. Rachel's eyebrows shot up disbelievingly.

"Your parents have never given you cold medicine when you were sick? What are they, Christian Science freaks?!" The dark-haired girl looked outraged on Quinn's behalf, making her weary girlfriend smile sheepishly.

"No, they're not Christian Scientists-- they don't try to pray away disease or anything. It's just that, officially, 'Fabrays don't get sick.' They see it as, like, a character weakness or something. So when someone gets sick in my house, everyone just pretends not to notice...we don't fuss over each other like your family does. That would be too embarrassing."

"Taking care of each other is embarrassing? That's insane, Quinn. Your parents are supposed to take care of you, not ignore you when you're suffering!"

"Yeah, I guess," Quinn sighed, studying her fingernails to avoid eye contact. "But it's not like it's some big news flash that my family is fucked up. *Sniffle.*" Rachel glanced across the seat again, trying to gage whether she'd upset her girlfriend enough to make her cry, or if she was just sniffling from her cold.

"I'm sorry, baby. I just can't stand the idea of you being mistreated like that...and I'm never letting it happen again, okay? From now on, you're getting the royal Berry treatment whenever you aren't feeling good." Rachel beamed when she made this pronouncement, but Quinn's answering smile was stiff and forced.

"Thanks Rach, but honestly, I'd rather just get through the day as normally as possible. I don't need to be reminded every five minutes that I look like the walking dead." Quinn crossed her arms in a cranky pout.

"Okay, even I think you're being dramatic now," Rachel huffed, pulling the car into the McKinley student lot. "You look beautiful, like always-- you're just awfully pale, baby. And I just wanna make you feel better." Turning off the car, Rachel leaned across the seat to give Quinn a kiss on the cheek. The blonde girl's pout didn't budge.

"Can you...*sniff!*...can you make Coach Sylvester get jury duty or something?" Quinn pulled a crumpled tissue from her pocket and blew her nose, while Rachel just smiled at her and played with the end of her ponytail.

"I wish," the little diva sighed. "But I think I might still be able to make you feel better..." Grinning, Rachel climbed over the seat to straddle Quinn's lap, and began planting soft kisses all over her face, arms wrapped firmly around her neck. Quinn giggled, then sighed and closed her eyes. "Better?" Rachel murmured.

"Not yet...can I have some more?"

"There's always more for you, sunshine." Rachel smiled and kissed Quinn's ear. Then a sharp knock on the window made them both jump and bang their foreheads together.

"Ow! Shit!" Quinn cursed, pressing a hand to her forehead.

"Yo, horndogs, can you stop making out long enough to come to class?" Santana called through the glass, smirking like a frat boy who'd just seen some free porn. Brittney stood behind her, waving cheerily with her usual bright smile. Rachel opened the door and climbed off Quinn as gracefully as she could, glaring daggers at the Latina cheerleader.

"For your information, Santana, we were not making out in the middle of the parking lot. Unlike you, Quinn and I are not exhibitionists."

"Yeah, sure thing Berry," Santana waved her off, as Quinn emerged from the car behind her and the four started walking to class.

"We weren't," Rachel huffed. "Quinn isn't feeling very well today, and I was just trying to help her feel a little better, that's all." Quinn glared at Rachel while Santana snickered.

"Aww, has poor wittle Quinnie got da sniffoos?" Santana cooed, obviously enjoying the furiously annoyed expression she got in return.

"I'm fine, San, thanks. Can we please just go to class?" Quinn snapped, speeding up as if to prove that she was, in fact, completely on top of her game. Santana just shrugged and trailed after her, still snickering. Rachel sighed impatiently, then turned to Brittney, who she found much easier to talk to than Santana most of the time.

"You'll keep an eye on Quinn for me today? She really is sick, and I'm worried she's not letting herself slow down enough to get better."

"Aw, poor Quinn," Brittney cooed, without a trace of irony in her voice (Rachel was pretty sure that Brittney wasn't capable of irony, anyway; it was one of the things that made her so endearing). "Sure Rachel, I'll help take care of her. At least, I'll try. She gets pretty cranky when she doesn't feel good."

"I've noticed," Rachel sighed.

But Quinn seemed to do fine in first period. She was pretty quiet, it was true, but she only sniffled and blew her nose a few times; no coughs or sneezes for the whole hour. In second period, Rachel went to French and Quinn went to Spanish; when they were back together for US History in third period, Rachel immediately noticed that Quinn had put on her red and white warm-up pants under her cheerleading skirt, zipped up her hoodie, and taken her hair down from its usual regulation Cheerios ponytail. She was obviously getting a chill, and Rachel kept a closer eye on her than she had in first period-- not that she could really do anything to help, anyway. Quinn's sniffles were increasing, too, and she sneezed seven times before the bell rang for the end of the period.

"I thidk...*sniffle*..." Quinn paused to blow her nose as they walked down the hall. Rachel couldn't help noticing that her girlfriend's cute little nose was now getting slightly pink around the tip, and her eyes were glassy and exhausted. "I think that stuff I took at breakfast is...*sniffle*...wearing off...hetshhh!" Quinn shivered, bowing over with the force of trying to stifle her sneeze. Rachel had noticed that Quinn seemed more intent on holding them in— as best she could, at least— at school than she had been at home.

"Bless you, angel,” Rachel cooed, lightly rubbing the blonde girl’s back while she blew her nose again. “I wish you wouldn't hold your sneezes in like that-- you could hurt your eardrums." Quinn just glowered at her. “Okay, um…here, I think it’s time for you to have some more magic medicine.” Rachel fished around in her bag and pulled out two orange capsules in a little foil bubble pack.

“That’s not the same as what I had before,” Quinn noted suspiciously.

“Well, no, I don’t have access to boiling water at the moment,” Rachel pointed out, the tiniest hint of impatience creeping into her voice. “But it will have most of the same effects. It’ll certainly dry up your sniffles a little.”

“Fine,” Quinn sighed, holding out her hand for the pills.

“Q!” The voice that barked at them was painfully familiar, and Rachel could swear she felt Quinn tense next to her as Sue Sylvester approached. “Why isn’t your hair pulled back? You’re making a mockery of the Cheerios uniform with your slovenly appearance.”

“I’m sorry, Coach Sylvester,” Quinn squeaked, going, if it were possible, even paler. “I’ll…*sniff!*…I’ll fix it.” Quinn groped in her pocket for a hair band, but Rachel felt her protective instincts surging.

“Quinn’s a little under the weather today, Ms. Sylvester. She’s just trying to stay warm,” Rachel explained, trying to keep her voice as polite and non-confrontational as possible.

“Rachel, will you stop fucking telling everyone that?!” Quinn hissed under her breath, looking furious and embarrassed at the same time.

“Well I don’t really care so much,” Sue Sylvester said disinterestedly. “If you want to stay head cheerleader, Quinn, you’ll wear your regulation uniform properly. And you’ll be at practice at three sharp as usual.”

“Of course,” Quinn nodded, hastily wiping her nose on the back of her sleeve. “I’m sohh…*sniffle*…sorry…ahh-tchiiew!” Too flustered to find a tissue, Quinn just cupped her hands to her face, doubling over again with an uncontrollable sneeze.

“Bless you,” Rachel murmured quietly, while Sue looked revolted.

“You’d better get that uniform washed before game day,” the older woman remarked impassively. “I don’t think the audience will get much school spirit from your snot.”

“Uh-huh,” Quinn nodded woozily, hands still hovering a few inches in front of her face. “Huhhh…hetchhiew! Heh-ishiiew!! *Sniffle*.” Rachel handed Quinn a tissue from her own bag (she’d brought extra, just in case), and fumed at the disdainful look Sue was giving the younger blonde as she blew her pink little nose, shivering with chills.

“Ms. Sylvester, if I may,” Rachel began, her voice much angrier than she intended. “What good will it do you to have Quinn at practice today? She’s clearly not at her best right now, and furthermore, she’ll just pass her cold to the rest of the squad. How well will your practice go tomorrow, with an entire team that can barely breathe?” Rachel didn’t dare look at Quinn while she was talking, sure her girlfriend was going to be super-pissed at her for meddling like this; but she didn’t care.

“Interesting,” Sue muttered, raising an eyebrow in consideration. Quinn, uncharacteristically, said absolutely nothing. “All right, Q, go home and take care of your whole snot-faucet situation. But you’d better be ready to give 100% when you get back.”

“I will,” Quinn nodded weakly. “Thadk you.” When Sue had walked away, Rachel finally looked over at Quinn, braced for an angry rant from her sick, cranky girlfriend. Instead, the blonde girl put her face in her hands and burst into tears.

“Oh, baby, shh,” Rachel crooned, throwing her arms around Quinn’s neck. “I’m sorry, I know you didn’t want me to interfere, but I just couldn’t stop myself…she was being so mean to you, and you can’t help it that you’re sick, and…”

“It’s okay,” Quinn sniffled, taking another tissue from the dark-haired girl and wearily blowing her nose. “I’m not mad at you. You were protecting me…you’re the only one who’s ever done that, you know.” Quinn smiled weakly, and Rachel beamed. “I just…I really don’t feel good, Rach. My head hurts, and I can’t get warm enough…” With a whimpery whine, Quinn dropped her head onto her girlfriend’s shoulder. Rachel held her tight, gently rubbing the back of her neck.

“C’mon, angel face, I’m taking you home. You should be in bed, not killing yourself at school for no reason. Royal Berry treatment, remember?” Quinn lifted her head, a slightly hopeful expression in her tired hazel eyes for the first time all day.

“Does the royal Berry treatment include snuggles?”

“It’s the main ingredient,” Rachel replied sweetly, steering her sniffling girlfriend toward the door.

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Yes! Another installment!

Your writing is spot-on. I could imagine the voices in my head, and that's pretty rare for me. :laugh:

Fantastic job, WBB! Can't wait for the next chapter (and Tuseday)! :hypoc:

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Hey all,

thanks for the feedback! Glad you're still with me. For those who are actually watching the show-- what's up with the new girl being named Sunshine??! That's Rachel's pet name for Quinn...in my fanverse, anyway...whatever, I'm not changing it. Sorry for any unintended confusion. On with the show :rolleyes:

Dampened Spirits

Part 4

By WannaBlessedBe


"Here you go, sunshine. This will help your sniffles a little...careful, it's hot." Rachel handed the steaming mug over to her girlfriend, who was curled up on the couch under a blanket, leaning limply against the cushions.

"Thadk you," Quinn murmured, holding the mug in both hands as if to warm them, and taking a small sip. "Ohh, that feels good," she sighed, briefly closing her eyes as the warm liquid hit her throat. Then her eyebrows scrunched together, and her delicate little nostrils, now a noticeable shade of pink, began to twitch.

"Kshhiiew! *Sniff, sniffle.*" Quinn sneezed into her tea, sloshing a little onto her blanket-covered knees. Rachel watched, mesmerized by the sight of her usually commanding girlfriend looking so helpless and out of sorts; she hadn't even bothered to cover up her sneeze this time, now that they were at home, and the dark-haired girl could see a thin, clear trickle beginning to stream from one pink nostril down Quinn’s upper lip. It would have been sort of adorable if the poor girl didn't look so utterly miserable.

"Bless you, angel. Here, you need a tissue." Rachel pulled a fresh tissue from the box on the coffee table, and gently pinched it around the bottom of the blond girl's nose, wiping the wetness away.

"Rach, I cad still wipe by owd dose, you doe," Quinn grumbled, though she made no move to resist her girlfriend's ministrations. Rachel didn't reply, frowning instead when she felt the warmth radiating from the blond girl's skin.

"Aww, baby, I think you’re getting a little feverish, too...it's a good thing we came home when we did. You're in no shape for school." Rachel smoothed Quinn's hair back to feel her forehead, first with her hand, then with her lips. Quinn sighed and closed her eyes again, clearly enjoying the attention from her girlfriend even if she couldn't quite say it yet.

"The Theraflu will help with that too,” Rachel continued, tossing the wadded Kleenex aside and fussing a little with the blankets, making sure her girlfriend was warm enough. “Make sure you drink it all, okay angel? That's my girl." Rachel kissed Quinn's temple, then stroked her hair quietly while the blonde girl took a few more sips of her hot drink.

"By head feels so heavy," Quinn yawned, blinking woozily as she took another sip from her steaming mug. "I'b sleeeepy..." Rachel grinned and kissed her temple again, smoothing back a few locks of blonde hair while she snuggled up securely against her girlfriend's feverish body.

"Just finish your drink, baby, and then I'll tuck you into bed for a nap. Does that sound good?"

"Will you...*sniff!*...will you lie down with me until I fall a...ahhh..." Quinn took one hand off her mug, rubbing two fingers under her flaring nostrils with a hazy, unfocused expression. "Ahh-tshiiew! Etchhiew!! *Sniffle*..."

Quinn's woozy sigh of exhaustion was so heartbreaking, Rachel couldn't help herself from reaching out with a fresh tissue and wiping her girlfriend's nose for her again. This time, Quinn didn't protest; she just closed her eyes and dropped her head back against the couch.

"Poor baby, you're so sick," Rachel crooned, trying to be as gentle as possible with Quinn's irritated little nose. "I wish I could make you all better...here, blow." Quinn scrunched up her eyes, and gave a weak, half-hearted blow into the tissue Rachel held. “Good girl,” Rachel murmured, while Quinn yawned and blinked sleepily, her eyes sliding shut. She looked like she was falling asleep in her seat.

“Baby? Don’t go to sleep yet, okay? You need to finish your drink first, or you won’t get all the medicine.”

“Uh-huhh…” Quinn sighed, not opening her eyes. Rachel picked up the abandoned mug from the coffee table and held it to Quinn’s lips. The sleepy blonde girl opened her mouth automatically, eyes still closed, and took a long gulp. Now that the tea was starting to cool, she could drink it faster, and within another minute or so, it was empty.

“There you go,” Rachel hummed quietly, replacing the empty mug on the coffee table and kissing her girlfriend’s warm cheek. “Wanna go upstairs and lie down, sleepyhead?”

“Uh-uh,” Quinn mumbled, cracking her eyes open hazily for a moment, then turning to sprawl out on the couch, tugging on Rachel’s arm to pull her down, too. “Here.”

“Are you sure?” Rachel persisted, running her fingers lightly through Quinn’s soft hair, but staying where she was, ready to pull Quinn up again and help her up to bed. “It’s not as comfy here as it is upstairs…”

“Too far,” Quinn whined, reaching up to tug impatiently on a handful of Rachel’s shirt. “Here’s good…nice and comfy. Cuddle me, please baby?” Quinn’s drowsy eyes opened a crack to look up pleadingly into Rachel’s, and the dark-haired girl felt her heart swelling in her chest, desperate to do anything that would make Quinn feel even a little bit better.

“Of course I will, angel,” Rachel cooed, stretching out beside Quinn on the couch and pulling the blanket up around them both. Quinn immediately snuggled up against her, pressing her face into Rachel’s neck and wrapping one arm securely around her hips with a drowsy sigh of contentment.



“Will you…*sniff!*…will you tell be a story?”

“A story?” Rachel frowned, trying to remember the fairy tales her dads used to tell her at bedtime when she was little.

“Yeah…a story about us…after high school,” Quinn yawned, her warm breath fluttering against Rachel’s throat, sending little tingles up and down her spine.

“Umm, wow…sure, angel, I’ll tell you a story.” Rachel felt her heart thumping excitedly at the idea of imagining their future together…it wasn’t something they’d really talked about yet. But obviously, it was on Quinn’s mind, if she was bringing it up while half out of her mind on cold medicine—it was kind of like truth syrup, Rachel thought happily. “So, um…well, we’ll both go to college in New York, obviously. We’ll argue about it for a while, because you’ll get accepted to so many good schools all over the country, and at first you’ll be mad because I won’t consider going anywhere but Julliard. But then after one big fight in the middle of Glee rehearsal, I’ll apologize for trying to control your future, and tell you I want you to go wherever you’ll be happy…and you’ll say you won’t be happy unless you’re with me, and Columbia will turn out to be your first choice, anyway.”

“I’b…*sniffle*…dot goihdg to get idto Columbia, Rach,” Quinn mumbled, taking her hand back from around her girlfriend’s hip to wipe her nose. Rachel reached over and grabbed a tissue from the coffee table, pressing it into Quinn’s hand as she continued her story.

“Yes, that’s what you’ll say all through the application process…but in the end, I’ll pester you so much that it’s easier to just submit the application than to argue about it, and you’ll be accepted everywhere you apply—which will include both Columbia and Barnard, NYU, Dartmouth, Amherst, Brown, Berkeley, and UCLA. And OSU, though that will only be to appease my dads, who will harbor an insane fantasy that we’ll go to college in Ohio until the day we actually leave for New York.”

“Columbia…okay,” Quinn nodded, yawning. “Keep go…*sniff!*…going…et-chiiew!” Quinn pinched her crumpled tissue loosely to her nose, curling up against Rachel’s shoulder as a weak sneeze overtook her. Rachel felt a little bit of the damp spray misting her neck and upper arm, but it didn’t bother her—it was Quinn, after all.

“Bless you,” Rachel murmured, kissing the top of Quinn’s head before continuing. “Okay, so anyway, we’ll move to New York. We’ll get an apartment on the Upper West Side because it’s close to both our schools, though we’ll both realize after the first year that we prefer the cultural life downtown. We’ll keep our apartment because it’s more convenient, but we’ll start spending time in SoHo and the village; mostly for our weekly family night with Kurt, Brittany and Santana.”

“They’ll all be there, too?” Quinn asked, with another yawn.

“Mm-hmm,” Rachel nodded, smiling as her fingers ran through Quinn’s silky hair. “Santana will be pre-law at NYU, Kurt will be studying fashion design at Parsons, and Brit will be at the Alvin Ailey School of Dance. We’ll all have dinner together every Thursday at our favorite diner, followed by karaoke at Joe’s Pub. But they’ll start coming uptown on Sundays, too, once they realize you’ll cook for them. You’ll even make Thanksgiving dinner for all of us when we realize we all have too much to do to go home for the holiday weekend.”

“I’ll call your dads every five minutes when I’m making it,” Quinn interjected sleepily, “but everything will come out perfect. You’ll go downtown to the 99-cent stores and get table-runners and centerpieces and fake china…”

“And Brittany will make us all watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, which we won’t want to do at first because we’re so busy cooking and decorating; but Santana will give us the evil eye until we give in because she’s still completely whipped. Oh, and Kurt will be going through boys left and right of course, but he’ll end up bringing Mercedes to Thanksgiving when she surprises him with a visit.” Quinn giggled sleepily.

“Santana will always be whipped,” she agreed absently. “God help the first idiot who cat-calls Brit on the streets of New York…”

“Mm-hmm,” Rachel agreed, smiling softly. “Anyway. After your first year at Columbia, you’ll declare your major in Biochemistry. I’ll go through a brief period of insecurity that you’re going to leave me for some braniac who you meet in your neuroscience lab, but you’ll be patient and reassuring, and I’ll realize I’m being stupid and get over myself. That’s when we’ll start experimenting more in the bedroom.”


“Oh, don’t worry, it’ll be all your idea. You’ll bring home some fuzzy handcuffs to start, and we’ll take turns tying each other up until Santana and Kurt start to notice the bruises on our wrists…then we’ll go to Babeland and pick out a few toys. It’ll be fun, and it will also take your mind off the pressure of all the fellowships you’ve applied for.” Rachel paused, lightly scratching her nails over Quinn’s scalp, knowing her girlfriend would have something to say about this.

“That will definitely take my mind off…huhhh…off school…” Rachel pressed another tissue into Quinn’s hand, feeling her sharp breaths and the stiff arch of her back. “Hehh-tchoo!!” Quinn pressed the tissue to her tender nose with a little shiver, followed by a soft sniffle.

“Bless you, sunshine.”

“Tha…thadks…kshhiew! Hehh-itchiiew!! *Sniffff.*” Quinn’s exhausted body jerked with the force of her congested sneezes, her forehead pressing briefly against Rachel’s collarbone.

Bless you.” Rachel rubbed Quinn’s back while the blonde girl blew her nose half-heartedly.

“Ughhh…I’b tired of sdeezidg,” Quinn sighed wearily, rubbing the wadded-up tissue absently under her wet, pink nose. “I just wadt to fall a…asleep…ahhchiiew! *Sniff.*

“Poor little angel,” Rachel cooed, handing her sniffling girlfriend a fresh tissue. “Do you want to save the rest of the story for another time?”

“Doe,” Quinn whined, beginning to sound a little more irritable as her breath hitched yet again. “Keep…uhhh…keep goidg…heh-tshhiew!! *Sniff.*

Rachel obediently kept the story going, while Quinn sneezed about twice a minute for the next five minutes before her itching, runny nose finally settled down again. By that time, Rachel had them at their college graduation, with herself landing a role in a treatment for a new off-broadway production, and Quinn winning a Rockefeller summer research fellowship, which would lead to her acceptance at Cornell medical school, where she’d study oncology. Halfway through her description of their long, sleepless nights of studying and rehearsals, Rachel felt Quinn’s body go completely limp against her; but she kept on quietly narrating their future, even after the blonde girl started to snore softly in her arms.

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Aw, poor sick, sniffly, sneezy Quinn. That is one miserable cold she's got. :rolleyes: But I thought this part was so cute with Quinn all drowsy and sleepy and Rachel describing their futures. :heart: Can't wait for more.

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Fantastic as always!! I love the story Rachel's telling Quinn. Amusing in a way :drool:

Like Rachel, I'm a great caretaker. This summer, during my play, my friend came down with a fever around intermission, and I had to stay with her. I'm surprisingly good with the ill ones.

Or maybe it's just that sneeze interest kicking in =b

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This is too cute! Quinn with a fever, and being so sleepy and cuddly is almost too much for me to handle! Adorable, this is great as always :) Hope there's more

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awesome dude! i can actually picture this happening and you really captured the charcheters of quinn and rachel. Can't wait to read the rest!

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