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catmuffinz & 27jj's Justified drabbles!


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This is a collaborative drabble thread brought to you by catmuffinz and 27jaredjensen!

This is where we will post our Justified fic. If anyone else wants to try their hand at some Justified sneeze-fic, feel free to post it in this thread if you'd like! Just make sure to include the following: title (if you have one!), author, word count (if you want!), pairing, and any spoilers/warnings.


Title: On This Lonely Road

Author: 27jaredjensen

Pairing: Raylan/Boyd

::: ::: :::

Boyd Crowder is pouring himself a drink when he hears the sound of a car approaching.

The sky is a blend of faded colors, the sun setting low on the eastern Kentucky horizon. Boyd smiles to himself, carries his whiskey into the living room. He has no doubt who the visitor is, but he peers curiously out the window anyway. Sure enough, through the grimy glass he can see the familiar car pulling up, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake that is hardly visible in the fading light.

From his spot, Boyd watches Raylan Givens step out of his car. He grins and ducks out of sight when the U.S. Marshal rubs his nose and squints up at the house, and he's opening the door before Raylan even reaches the porch.

"Evenin', marshal." Boyd waits in the doorway, lets Raylan make his way up the stairs and onto the porch.

"Boyd," Raylan greets easily with a tip of his hat. He has a serious look about him, and Boyd cocks his head to one side, leans up against the doorframe. His stance is relaxed but his arms are crossed over his chest and his eyes narrow slightly. There are two reasons Raylan could be here, and though he'd like to think that tonight's reason will take them to the bedroom, he's never quite sure; if previous experience is any indication, Raylan is just as likely to be here for work.

"I do appreciate your stoppin' by, Raylan, but I can assure you I haven't caused any trouble-"


A sudden, stifled sneeze from Raylan causes Boyd to take a step back, startled. Raylan sniffs hard and gives his nose a rough swipe in annoyance.

"God bless you."

"What makes you think I'm here because of trouble?" Raylan asks, ignoring the blessing. "Can't I stop by for the hell of it once in awhile?"

Finally, there's the smile that's been missing from Raylan's handsome features. It's only there for a moment, though, because in the next second he snaps forward with another sneeze, both hands cupped over his mouth and nose.

"HTCHchuh! Shit."

Boyd frowns, opens his mouth to say something, but Raylan straightens and steps to him with an impatient sniffle.

"Aren't you gonna invite me inside, or am I supposed to stand out here all night?"

Raylan waits for Boyd to step back and let him in. He closes the door behind him, follows Boyd into the living room. While Boyd pulls another glass from the cabinet, Raylan sits on the couch and coughs hard, the sound wet and rattling. His entire body tenses before he lets out a heavy sigh, and he feels Boyd looking at him.


"I don't like the sound of that, Raylan."

"Well that's touching. Heh-HSHCH!"


"What?" Raylan snaps, pinching the bridge of his nose, but Boyd is undeterred.

"You're sick, aren't you?"

Raylan just glares in reply.

"Just as stubborn as the day I first met you," Boyd says, sinking onto the couch next to Raylan and handing him a drink. Raylan sniffs and takes his hat off, setting it on the arm of the couch before taking a long swallow of whiskey. It burns his sore throat, causes him to cough again, and the rooms spins as he buries his face into his sleeve.

"Damnit," he moans softly, his jaw clenched.

"Are you-"

"I'm fine, Boyd. Quit askin'."

"Well, sounds to me like you're comin' down with somethin'."

Raylan starts to protest, but instead brings his hands to his face.

"I… HPCH-uh! Hh-hchshtx! HTCHchuh! Damnit."

When he looks up, Boyd raises his eyebrows and hands him a Kleenex.

"You were sayin'?"

Raylan grudgingly accepts the tissue and blows his nose, realizing that it's no use denying it now.

"I don't have time to be sick," Raylan groans, his voice growing thick with congestion. He closes his eyes, rests his head in his hands "I have a robbery to look into tomorrow." He cracks open one eye to look at Boyd. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

"Surely you can put off your investigation for one more day?" Boyd asks, ignoring the question with a smirk.

"Afraid not." Raylan kicks his feet up onto the coffee table and leans in a bit toward Boyd so that he's nearly horizontal. His hair is sticking up a little on one side, and Boyd smoothes it down while Raylan coughs weakly against his sleeve.

"You're burnin' up," Boyd announces, his hand sliding down to the side of Raylan's face. Raylan looks up at him and rubs his nose boyishly, his eyelashes fluttering slightly.

"This is not what I had planned for tonight," Raylan murmurs, his eyes closing against his will. He stifles a sneeze against his fist. Boyd's chest is solid under his head, and as Raylan drifts off, he feels Boyd's lips against his temple, surprisingly soft and warm.

::: ::: :::

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hrhr :bleh: i like those guys

and of course i really like the no-i-don´t-have-a-damn-cold attitude :):)

please more :bday:

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Raylan starts to protest, but instead brings his hands to his face.

“I… HPCH-uh! Hh-hchshtx! HTCHchuh! Damnit.”

When he looks up, Boyd raises his eyebrows and hands him a Kleenex.

“You were sayin’?”

Raylan grudgingly accepts the tissue and blows his nose, realizing that it’s no use denying it now.

I laaaiked this part best. :bday: I've never heard of Justified before, but I like where you're going with this! Hell, I like everything you write. :) I shall have to check out this this "Justified". *rushes to Netflix*

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Raylan + Boyd = :wub:

Ah, I've read this like a jillion times and it never gets old :D I am sooooo in love with your writing :heart: Raylan and Boyd are just so darn cute together it's crazy! :) And the scenario you wrote felt as if it would have fit right in with the show! :D except, this version is sexier!!! :drool:

Anyway, loved it and it's the kick in the butt I need to finish my Justified fic :D Hopefully, if we combine our powers and spam the board with so much Justified fic, we will start a glorious new trend! :twisted:


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hrhr :blushing: i like those guys

and of course i really like the no-i-don´t-have-a-damn-cold attitude :laugh::innocent:

please more :rolleyes:

Hee, they're great, aren't they? Thank you so much for reading!! :heart: More may be on its way:)

Raylan starts to protest, but instead brings his hands to his face.

“I… HPCH-uh! Hh-hchshtx! HTCHchuh! Damnit.”

When he looks up, Boyd raises his eyebrows and hands him a Kleenex.

“You were sayin’?”

Raylan grudgingly accepts the tissue and blows his nose, realizing that it’s no use denying it now.

I laaaiked this part best. :wub: I've never heard of Justified before, but I like where you're going with this! Hell, I like everything you write. :rolleyes: I shall have to check out this this "Justified". *rushes to Netflix*

Aww, so sweet of you to read! You should totally check it out, it's a pretty great show:) Thank youuuuuuu!!!


Raylan + Boyd = :wub:

Ah, I've read this like a jillion times and it never gets old ;) I am sooooo in love with your writing :heart: Raylan and Boyd are just so darn cute together it's crazy! :) And the scenario you wrote felt as if it would have fit right in with the show! :D except, this version is sexier!!! :drool:

Anyway, loved it and it's the kick in the butt I need to finish my Justified fic :D Hopefully, if we combine our powers and spam the board with so much Justified fic, we will start a glorious new trend! :twisted:


Wow, thank you so much!! I'm excited for your fic, and I'm totally on board with this plan. I'm writing another one (Raylan/Winona) and I might add to this one now:)

:heart: :heart: :heart:

:D Love it, really fits with the show and can't wait for some more!!

I'm really happy that you think so! Thank you!

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OMG, youuuuuuu. I have been looking everywhere for Raylan sick!fic and I should've known that someone as fabulous as you would be the one to provide it! This is ADORABLE. <3

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  • 4 weeks later...
OMG, youuuuuuu. I have been looking everywhere for Raylan sick!fic and I should've known that someone as fabulous as you would be the one to provide it! This is ADORABLE. <3

Ahh, YOUUU. Thank you!!!! There really is a lack of Raylan sick!fic. So sad:(

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  • 2 months later...

Hmm. I was kinda feeling some allergic!Raylan tonight. More (and longer) drabbles to come soon!

Title: Straight to Hell

Author: 27jaredjensen

Word count: 100

Characters/pairing: Raylan, no pairing (and no spoilers!)

::: ::: :::

Sometimes, Raylan really hates Kentucky.

Chasing a fugitive all over Harlan isn’t exactly how he wanted to spend his day off, and now his eyes and nose won’t quit itching. Damn allergies. He sure as hell didn’t have it this bad in Miami.

The air conditioning in his car doesn’t provide much comfort, but at least he can suffer in peace. He sets his hat on the seat next to him, cups both hands over his mouth and nose as his head snaps forward.

"HPCH-uh! Hh-hchshtx! Damnit.”

This day can go straight to hell, far as Raylan is concerned.

::: ::: :::


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D'aww a sneezy, pissed off Raylan is just too freakin cute!!! :D And the fact that your writing is as superb and delicious as always makes me SMILE!!! :)

Whee, I should have a drabble up to add tonight (or early tomorrow)!


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MY TURN!!! :twisted:

I had hoped to have a drabble up yesterday but life intervened :twisted: Anyway, though, I bring two, new drabbles- one super short and one that's a bit longer.

Many thanks again to the fantastical 27jaredjensen for letting me write with her awesome self! :drool:

So yea, onto the drabbles!


Title: Coincidence

Author: catmuffinz

Word Count: 142

Characters/pairing: All the marshals, no pairing

“Goddamn, this is just too funny!” Art laughed, shaking his head from behind the safety of his office.

“It’s on hell of a coincidence all right.” Tim nodded, smiling against the back of his hand.

“Think we oughtta tell Raylan?” Rachel asked.

“Oh hell yes, but he’s prob’ly figured it out by now. I think I oughtta head right into that interrogation room and tell Boyd, too.” Art’s grin widened. “Although, I think I’ll let Crowder suffer a little more before movin’ im.” He glanced over to the interrogation room, where Boyd Crowder was still sneezing at a pretty steady rate.

In another part of the office, Raylan, too, was sneezing. Now all he needed to do was sit back and see if the two of them would figure out that whoever cleaned the marshals’ offices at night had switched cleaning products.

Title: Can't think of one so...Untitled :drool:

Author: catmuffinz

Word Count: 549

Characters/pairing: Raylan/Boyd

“Heh-Iptssh’ue!”, Boyd sneezed, twisting away from the bed to avoid disturbing Raylan. It didn’t work.

“Mmm, bless you.” he mumbled, sniffling. He blinked up at Boyd. “Say,” he drawled, “you’re not comin’ down with the cold I’m just now getting over, are you?” He studied the other man lazily, but with obvious focus.

Boyd smirked back at him, taking a quick swipe at his nose. “No, Raylan, but you’re not gonna get any better if you don’t rest some more. Go back to sleep; I‘ll get up here in a minute and make us some breakfast.”

Raylan raised an eyebrow. “Don’t deflect this back at me. I heard you sneezin’ while you were makin’ dinner last night.”

Boyd shrugged while sliding out of the bed. “Used too many spices.”

“Bullshit.” Raylan sat up. “In case you forgot Boyd, I’m a U.S marshal. And I happen to find it insulting that you think I didn’t notice how you kept hidin’ out in the bathroom whenever you had a coughin fit or-” he broke off as the dull, fuzzy itch that had been hibernating in the back of his nose came suddenly to the forefront. “hh-HPCH-uh! Hxxchst!”

“Stay here, Raylan.” Boyd gave him a sidelong glare. “I’ll holler when breakfast’s done.” And with the conversation having ended, Boyd headed down the stairs.

While continuing down, he reflected that there may have been some truth to Raylan’s accusation. Since last night, his throat had been sore and after he had woken up, he had noticed a throbbing ache just behind his eyes. The sneeze from earlier hadn’t done him any favors. Worse, however, was that it had aroused Raylan’s suspicions. And the fact that he could feel an itchy prickle still hovering in the back of his sinuses.

Halfway through making scrambled eggs, he began to feel infinitely worse. His nose had started to run and his headache had intensified. He had to lean away from the skillet every few minutes to sneeze off to the side. He had to abandon the stove altogether after a particularly violent coughing spell had forced him to sit down. When he looked up again, a glass of water was sitting across from him on the table. “I didn’t hear you come down, Raylan.” Boyd said, disappointed that his statement came out as more of a croak than a sentence.

“I didn’t think you did.” Raylan said simply, letting the scrambled eggs from the skillet tumble out onto two plates. “Now, eat this,” he slid one of the plates over to Boyd.

“Raylan, you’re still sick. You oughtta be in b-huh- bed….” Boyd trailed off, cupping his hands over his nose and mouth. “Hih-HXCHSH! IchxxSHT! Huuh-ECKTsh’ue!” The last sneeze brought with it a wave of dizziness and Boyd sniffled wetly against the back of his hand while the kitchen spun.

Raylan set the box of tissues from the bedroom in the middle of the table. “Tell you what, Boyd.” Raylan said, taking a bite of his eggs. “We finish up breakfast and I’ll head back to bed, and if,” he pointed his fork directly at Boyd, “you admit you’re sick, you can come back to bed with me.”

Boyd smiled, despite how awful he felt at the moment. Maybe being sick wasn’t gonna be so bad…


Done! I hope to have more up soon! :D

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Whoooaaaaa man. LOVE. Ahghghgg the first one is so great, them being all sneezy at the same timeeee. That second one, though....how are you so awesome?!? Not only do you manage to make them sound EXACTLY like the characters, but you write super sexy amazing sneezytimes. Loooooooovvvveeee, I tell you.

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Rarararawwwwwwr! angry.png Argh, so hard to post drabbles now. This is my seventh time trying to post, but I AM DETERMINED. The world will read my Justified drabbles whether they want to or not! tonguesmiley.gif

Anyway, love always to 27jaredjensen, for reading my silleh writings and giving me such great feedback... and where is my damn hug smiley?! sadsmiley.gif *hiss*

Anyway, here's another drabble. It has spoilers for season 2, so if you haven't watched that far and don't wanna be spoiled, you might wanna stop here.

So, here goes! smile.png

Tilte: The Origin of Stars

Author: catmuffinz

Word Count: 704

Characters: Raylan and Loretta; no pairing


Loretta sat patiently atop the hill overlooking Harlan County and watched the sunset fade below the valleys. Although she could tolerate the foster homes and the strange, new surroundings that were so unlike her native Halran, she still needed her time alone. To think.

To be alone with her father.

Tears welled unexpectedly at the corners of her vision and she brushed them away roughly. Darkness was moving in fast and a drop in temperature with it. Now, she'd just have to get back before her foster family found out she was gone...

"Loretta, you can't keep disappearin' like this."

She rose immediately and stepped back until she realized the intruder was only Raylan. She heard a soft sniffle and the rustling of leaves as he came into view. He walked toward her, and she promptly sat down again to illustrate to him that, clearly, she was not going anywhere.

He sighed heavily and sat down beside her, placing his hat between them. "Once your foster family found out you were missin', they called me, and I figured I'd find you out around here somewhere. I told them I'd bring you back; saves everybody the hassle of missing reports, APBs, and the like." Loretta watched him rub gingerly at his nose before sniffling again. He sounded like he was coming down with something, but she chose to ignore him still. "I'm not talkin' to you.", she murmured, hugging he knees to her chest.

"You ever look up at the stars; y'know, watch the sky, Loretta?, Raylan asked, laying himself flat on the grass. She stared at him curiosly but still refused to speak. He met her gaze to make sure she was paying attention, then continued. "When I was a kid, after my mom died, I used to look up at the stars all the time. Hell, for a while, I could name off every damn constellation out there." Raylan paused and Loretta looked could see his chest expand as he curled upright to sneeze.

"Hck-nggst! ISHnxt!" Goddamnit. Sorry about that, Loretta." He sniffed hard and rubbed roughly at his nose. "Anyway, you know why that was, Loretta? Why I was always lookin around up there?"

She shrugged, but Raylan continued. " 'Cause my mother always told me -even when I was little- that everybody in heaven is up there in those stars." It was Raylan's turn to shrug. "I don't necessarily believe that anymore, but that don't mean I don't look up there still from time to time and wonder if she's lookin' back." They then sat in a comparative silence, broken only by Raylan's sniffles, which were growing more frequent as the minutes wore on. He also seemed to be getting more congested and laying on his back probably wasn't helping that too much.

She grew lost in the sky and visibly jumped as she heard Raylan's breath hitch sharply to her right. "Hiih- hzk'NTSCHhiu! Huh-uhECKSHHT!" The sneezes sounded as if they'd been ripped from his chest and Loretta could see he wasn't finished yet. She was slightly unnerved by how vulnerable he looked, with his nostrils twitching madly and his hand hovering uncertainly near his face. She had made a decision by the time the last two sneeze snapped him forward. "HUH-REISH'ue!" A fluttering of lashes. "hzkt-EISCH-uh!"

"Shiiiit. Dammit, sorry about that." Raylan coughed and ran a hand over his face. "Didn't mean to scare you like that. I couldn't quite hold those back." He offered a sheepish smile, and Loretta was surprised to see Raylan Givens, of all people, actually embarrassed.

"S'ok.", she replied. She had hoped to stay out a bit longer but had immediately changed plans after she noticed a small shiver run through him. "Can we go home?", she asked, wanting to get Raylan out of the cold air as soon as possible.

"I'd like nothing better." He rose easily to his feet. "I'd offer you a hand but, well,...", he trailed off, sniffling again. She smiled and got to her feet by herself. Her smile faded, however, as Raylan ducked to the side for another harsh sneeze. "I hope you still got Kleenex left in your car.", she commented.

Raylan sniffled, wrinkling his nose kittenishly against his palm. "No, I was hopin' maybe you were up for a detour over to Grant's General Store on the way back to Lexington. And, if you don't give me anymore trouble tonight, I just might have a few extra dollars to spend on a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Any flavor you want."

She smiled, truly smiled, for the first time that week and glanced up at the stars. Wherever Daddy was, he would be glad that Loretta had found someone who could make her smile again.


Ahhhh, I had to retype the whole thiiiiing! sadsmiley.gif Meh, hopefully I will figure out an easier way to do this in the future *eye roll* Oh well, it's all good now smile.png Comments are love but thanks to anyone who just reads these and finds them interesting. I love writing and I hope people enjoy reading these as much as I love writing them! biggrin.png

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So....I don't know this fandom.

But I loved the writing and the characters and...well everything.

I started watching Supernatural because it popped up so much on here.

Maybe I'll have to check this one out too.

Anyway, great stuff! Lovely really!

Can't wait to read more! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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AGHGHGHGHG. SO MANY SEXY RAYLAN SNEEZES. (Btw, sorry for not commenting on this earlier, because I've certainly read it a million times and I thought I already had). I love love love your Justified drabbles. LOVE. and you're so great with the character's voices. AND SEXY RAYLAN SNEEXES.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY catmuffinz!!! birthday.gif

Title: Circle of Life

Author: 27jaredjensen

Pairing: Raylan/Winona

Word count: 225

Spoilers: I see this happening after 2x12, because Raylan seemed so sad/tired/etc., so there will be a spoiler for that episode in this one.

::: ::: :::

Winona’s brushing her teeth in the bathroom, tap water running, when she tells him. She’s pregnant, pregnant with his child, and the news is overwhelming, makes him smile in a way that he hasn’t in a long time.

He’s tired, head heavy and stuffy, like maybe he’s getting sick. He could care less, they’re having a baby, he can’t think about it without grinning. His body definitely cares though, lungs protesting when he takes too deep of a breath, and he barely manages to suppress a cough.

“I didn’t want to tell you at the funeral,” Winona’s saying, tugging at the thoughts he’s trying to keep shoved in the back of his mind. A wave of emotions washes over him, and a prickling in his nose accompanies it. He twists to sneeze into his shoulder, whole body shuddering.


Winona blesses him, frowns.

“Raylan, you’re burning up,” she whispers, her mouth next to his ear. Her fingers are soothing over his forehead, sifting through his hair. She says something about the funeral again, about him wearing himself down.

“HSHCHOO!” He sneezes again, shivers.

He wants to go back to Glencoe. He’s not sure where the though comes from. He opens his mouth to tell Winona.

“We’re having a baby,” he says instead, and she just laughs softly.

“Rest, Raylan,” she tells him. And he does.

::: ::: :::

Title: Tea

Author: 27jaredjensen

Pairing: Ava/Boyd

Word count: 282

::: ::: :::

Boyd leans over his whiskey, head in hands. It’s dark, moonlight casting a strip of light on the table in front of him. He stares at it until the edges blur.

His throat burns, sharp pain with each swallow, a wave of agony when he sneezes.

HtchSHUH! HPSHtch! Heh-HTCHchoo!”

He moans low, one hand to his throat, one hand reaching for the tissue box. He stops hallway and picks up his drink instead, swallowing the rest of it with a wince.

“Boyd? You’re up awful late.”

Ava’s voice startles the quiet. She joins him at the table, takes in the tissues and the alcohol and his red nose.

“Couldn’t sleep,” he tells her, wiping his nose with his sleeve. He coughs a few times, and she reaches out a hand, presses it to his warm face.

“Let’s get you something for that fever.”


Ava strokes his cheek, hands him a tissue, her expression thoughtful.

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you sick before,” she tells him. “You want me to make you some tea?”

“I’d rather just die,” Boyd groans softly, sniffling.

“Not in my house,” Ava replies. “Besides, it’s gotta be better than your whiskey,” she says, pushing his glass across the table.

Boyd coughs, shakes his head, and she sighs.

“Alright. Let’s get you to bed.”

He nods, stands and lets her lead him back to the bedroom. The bed is warm, Ava is warm, but he’s no closer to sleep that he was before. He stays awake, accompanied by the sound of Ava’s breath and the pounding in his head, for a long time before he drifts off.

When he wake in the morning, Ava makes him tea.

::: ::: :::

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Oh, I'm sorry, that was just the sound of me DYYYYYIIIIIIIIING!!!! Eeee, you write them all so well!!! Winona all comforting Raylan and him being all sick but is too excited with the baby news....gah, sentences have become difficult! :chickawow:

And the second one. Boyd. And a sneezing fit. And Ava. YES!!! Especially nice since I watched that interview before reading this so I could just HEAR and FEEL the atmosphere...I just...died!! :dribble:

Best part...this was like a birthday present. This made my special day just ten times more special! :cryhappy:


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