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The Sneeze Olympics - (5 Parts)


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The Sneeze Olympics

For more information, see thread here: http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/in...showtopic=30975.

Here's the first part I've written...feel free to let me know what you think, give feedback, make requests and contribute your own parts as desired.

Hope you all like it! :)


25-Sneeze-Sprint, by Lizi (ooo)

Inside a sealed stadium, eight competitors pace in circles in varying states of anxiety. The atmosphere is tense; their heat begins in ten minutes, and to gain a place in the final, they must come out of this in either second or first place.

No lower.

The cameras are positioned around the table, and each athlete takes his seat. Across from them, their teammates are already seated, hands clutching various sealed boxes, eyes shut, running over the process in their head.

In the seats surrounding this table, a crowd gathers.

They are here for the the final heat in the Mixed 25-Sneeze-Sprint, in the prestigious Sneeze Olympics. The seats are almost sold out; for the final, they were gone in minutes. The crowd is tense with nervous energy; while the event lasts only minutes, watching it this close will be...incredible.

The rules? Simple. Each athlete is allowed a teammate, with one chosen inducing tool, allergen or otherwise. The inducer is allowed three attempts, at any point during the event – the inducing tool must be removed as soon as the sneezer begins sneezing. And finally, the most important rule of all: the first sneezer to make it to twenty-five sneezes, wins.

Finally, finally, a voice over the loudspeaker announces the beginning of the event. The entire crowd leans forward in their seats as the countdown begins.

On your marks...

The inducers' hands tighten around their boxes, ready to pull off the lids.

Get set...

The sneezers tense in their chairs, leaning forward...


The team from Brazil is the first to remove their lid, and the inducer pulls a pepper shaker from inside, shaking a cloud of pepper quickly and expertly into the air near their sneezer's nostrils. He is a tall, well-built man, whose deep and handsome eyes quickly flutter shut as he inhales as he has practised so many times before.

The sensation is almost unbearable, and the itch fills his nose. He inhales once again, desperately, hopelessly. 'Hah...HAAARRRRSSSHHHOOO! AAAACCCHHHHHOOO!!' He opens his eyes again, only to catch a whiff of the lingering pepper. 'Huhhhh...'

Meanwhile, the female French sneezer leans forwards as her partner tickles her nose expertly with a long white feather. The sneezy sensation spreads through her nose, but she must hold back, it is not enough...

Too late. 'IISSH! IIISSHH! ISSHH!' she sneezes, three rapid-fire sneezes that signify a total loss of control over her itching nose. 'Merde,' she hisses under her breath, as she realises – the sensation has totally disappeared. She has only two inducing attempts left, and three sneezes is not enough. She may not last through the competition.

She raises her head to look at her partner, who nods, dismayed but still in the game. She hits the bell by her right hand – attempt number two - and leans forward toward the feather once more...

The Spanish sneezer is a lightly muscled and heavily tanned young man, probably no older than about twenty. His inducing method of choice is a scented candle to which he has always been horribly allergic, and the second his inducer removes it from the box his eyes begin to water in anticipation.

His partner waves it under his nose and he is sent into an unbearable hell of tickliness. There is almost no build-up as he just manages to suck in a breath: 'HAAASSHOOO! AAASSSHOO! HAARRAAAASSSHOO! UUUSSSSHHHOOO!'

The Japanese sneezer is off to a good start, with her first seven sneezes already in the first thirty seconds – 'ITCH! TTTCCHH! ITTCHEW! CHEW! ITTTCHEW! CHEW-CHEW!' - and well on the way to the build-up for her eighth, with a simple blade of grass as the inducing tool. The crowd watches in awe, sure she is the favourite to win now.

The Chinese sneezer, to his right, is already looking to be out of the running. Though he is usually horribly, horribly allergic to his chosen tool – cat fur – today he has already used two inducing attempts, producing only two single, and very forced, sneezes, coming out oddly stifled: 'NNNGGGSSSHH!'

Meanwhile, the sneezers from Australia and the USA have both chosen a mixture of pepper and spices as inducing tools. The Australian man has made a fair go of it so far, on four harsh masculine sneezes and a continuing, burning itch in his nose.

The American man, however, is having difficulty so far. There is a burn in his sinuses, but the tickle that signifies a sneeze is just beyond his reach. He breathes deeply, trying to coax it out.

'Huhhhhh....huhhhh....' And suddenly, there it is. 'EEEESSSSHHHOOOO! SSSSHHHHHOOOO!!' he sneezes wetly, nose congested from the burning sensation. His partner sighs in relief: they are still in this competition.

Finally, the Canadians have adopted an unusual strategy, and those in the crowd who have noticed are watching them closely. The female sneezer, a slim and pretty young woman, began the event by immediately thrusting her nose into a vibrant pink flower held by her inducer. Almost immediately, her breath began to hitch, but she held it back valiantly, inhaling still more of the potent pollen in her chosen flower.

For most of the contestants, this is enough to get them started. But now, at least a minute into the even, she still has not sneezed. Her eyes are streaming with allergic tears, and her breath hitches desperately, her nose twitching and twitching, turning red as she rubs at it, still continuing to inhale closely from her flower.

Their strategy is this: all through her high school years, the Canadian sneezer had hated to sneeze in public, and yet she was horribly allergic to many different sorts of pollens. So, when out with her friends, she had always tried to hold her sneezes back.

Not once had she been successful. But she had made an important realisation: that the longer she could hold back her sneeze, the longer and more violent her eventual fit became...

Two minutes into the event, and the competitors for the final two places are pretty clear. The American, Australian and Brazilian teams have used up all three inducing attempts, and though their respective sneezers still twitch their noses, hoping for a miraculous tickle, their game appears to be up. Likewise for the Chinese team, who have used their third attempt to produce two violent sneezes, but no more.

The French team were out of the running after a minute and a half, their sneezer unable to hold back her strong allergic reaction long enough to create a lasting tickle. She is bitterly disappointed with herself, and her teammate holds her hand as she fights back tears in front the television cameras.

So, in the running for the prize: Spain, with male sneezer Andres; Japan, with highly allergic Sae; and, though they currently seem unlikely, Canada, with their new strategy and sneezer Ashley.

Spain is currently in the lead at a count of 17, and about to use their third inducing attempt. Andres leans forward for a strong inhale of his candle, eyelids fluttering shut...


His eyes were fluttering, watering...the sensation was still there, and he was so desperate, oh, oh...


The crowd were tense in their seats. 23...


Every single person in the crowd sat forward a little. That was 24...

'Huhhh....' he breathed desperately, just on the edge of a sneeze that wouldn't quite come. He felt it tease him, and tease him, and he breathed in lightly, the air tickling his nose...and the itch climaxed.

'HUUHHHH...USSSSHHHHHHOOOOOOO!' he sneezed hugely and wetly, into the air.

Twenty-five! Andres pumped his fist in the air in jubilation, his inducing partner across the table wearing a similar expression of joy. First place - they were in the finals!

The focus soon shifted, however to Sae and Ashley. Sae was on her eighteenth sneeze and her third inducing attempt, and everyone was sure she had it in the bag. After all, Ashley still hadn't sneezed yet. But she wasn't out of the running until she'd used all her inducing attempts...

Sae leaned back from the blade of grass, her nose twitching frantically, and it was then that it happened. The Canadian inducer sitting across from Ashley nodded almost imperceptibly...

Ashley was in hell, pure hell. She couldn't hold this sneeze back any longer, she was sure of it, it was killing her, growing and growing and tickling so badly. She had to sneeze, just had to and she couldn't resist it...and then she saw her partner nod, the approved signal. She didn't stop to think about it, just let out a mental sigh of relief and unleashed her powerful nose on the world.


Sae looked over for a split second, amazed at the sudden competition. And that sudden second of surprise was all it took – suddenly the sneezy feeling in her nose faded dramatically. She looked back in a panic.

'Huhh....' she breathed, trying to coax it out. 'Huhhh...'

Meanwhile, Ashley's nose still itched unbearably, and she sneezed again and again, strong powerful sneezes that took her over completely. 'Huhhh...YEEESSSHHH! HII'ITTSSSHHH! IITTSSSHH! Huh...huhhhahhhhh...ESSSHHHH! ESSHHHH! IITTTSSSHHH! HA'YESSHHOOO!'

Fifteen sneezes in less than a minute...and STILL her nose itched like crazy.

'Huhh...' breathed Sae, down the table....she was so close... 'Huh...aahhhh...TCHEW! CHEW!'

But Ashley's nose was faster and more out of control. 'IIITTTSSSHHH! ISSSHHH! ISSHHHEWW! ESSSHHH! HA'YESSSHHAA!'

The crowd gasped collectively. They were both on twenty, now...


22 for Sae...


23 for Ashley...


23 for Sae...


24 for Ashley...

The crowd was now on the edge of their seats, watching in delight. Sae was momentarily quiet, struggling with a stuck sneeze...and Ashley's nose twitched, still thoroughly itchy...

'HA'YESSHHH'HAAA!' sneezed Ashley violently, and the crowd exploded, her inducer beaming across from her.

The finals! They'd made it into the Olympic finals!

The crowd chattered excitedly, reliving the incredible event they'd just witnessed. The cameras zeroed in on the winners. Those who had missed out scrubbed at tears of disappointment.

And Ashley? Ashley smiled through sneezy tears, filled with happiness...and scrubbed at her still itching, unbearably tickling nose, which twitched and twitched against her control...



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A different event

Match Play – Mixed pairs Sneezing

In match play sneeze contests the rules are simple. Each team has an inducer and a resistor (sneezer). The inducer from each team tries to make the resistor from the other team sneeze. The loser is the first to sneeze 25 times or who sneezes most in five minutes if neither reach 25. Tissues, pepper and a large feather are provided to each team and each team can bring one other item of their choice to help (chemical agents disallowed, but pollen etc. is allowed). Sneezers are not allowed to raise their hands to their face and have two waist level handles they must grip. Letting go (other than if judged involuntarily due to the force of a sneeze) will gain a penalty sneeze

Like a tennis tournament this is a knockout competition, so a lot of matches to find the medallists.

Netherlands v China

There could hardly be more difference between the two teams, the Dutch towered over the Chinese. Each had a man as inducer and girl as resistor. The regulation bikinis showed each of the girls to be trim almost skinny, hours of training, sneezing and tensioning everything to hold sneezes back invariably led to a washboard stomach. The men in their minuscule Speedos, ensuring no hidden aids, looked poised and ready to practise their art. The colours, bright red for the Chinese and Glowing orange for the Dutch seemed alike under the bright lights.

The height difference now looked comical, the Dutch man was more than two feet taller than the Chinese woman, who only just came past his navel and, much to his disquiet eyed him directly at Speedo level. The other pair was the opposite with the Chinese man at eye level with the well filled orange bikini top.

The starting bell rang, each inducer took a carefully rolled tissue and started to go to work. The Dutchman found that he lost much fine control working so far below his eye level. He moved the tissue, again unable to see much response without eye contact. The Chinese inducer found that he had a perfect view up the Dutch girl’s nose. He got to work quickly and accurately, reaching up, but placing the tissue just where he wanted it. Imke knew that the Chinese were highly rated and that her team were outsiders, but she was not prepared for how quickly and effectively this Chinaman was tickling her nose. She felt the tip moving, brushing the inside of her nose gently, but with enough pressure each time to send a wave of irritation. Her eyes started to water. This was silly, it a was but a few seconds in and she was in trouble. She had a huge desire to breathe in a gasp that would start a sneeze. She clamped her mouth shut, she squeezed her eyes closed. The audience could see that whilst the Dutchman was getting nowhere she was close to her first sneeze. She held her breath, but could not do so for five minutes. Hoshi found, working deftly away, that even after only half a minute reaching up, his arms were beginning to ache.

Kai could not believe how well things were going. This Dutchman seemed to have no idea. Occasionally he found a slightly sneezy spot in her nose, but just moved on, rather than working it. She might get through without sneezing, what a coup. Bernhard was becoming more and more frustrated. He could not tell if he was having any effect, was this girl immune to tickling? He glanced quickly across at Imke. He saw her eyes closed and watering, nostrils flared and twitching. At least she had not sneezed yet. Then he was distracted by the sound he did not want to hear HUH – HUH – HUH Hutchooo – Ishooo HUH – HUH – Hutchooooo. Imke had fallen to the first batch of tickling which had seemed to radiate through her whole nose and had exploded in that merciful release of three huge wet sneezes spraying liberally on Hoshi. She felt so much better. Hoshi wiped himself briefly and went for a new tissue, his arms were shaking.

Distracted Bernhard let the tissue in Kai’s nose rest as he watched his partner’s performance. Kai was stunned, what was going on, this man put his tissue right on her sneeziest spot and just left it pressing there – how could this happen she was off guard – then suddenly etchi – Etchi – ETCHI, Bernhard was equally surprised, but it all happened so fast that he did not move the tissue. Kai recovered from the sudden burst of sneezes, and then realised that the tissue and the tickle were still there, she just had time to think “Oh No” when, etchi – Etchi – ETCHI. This cannot be happening she thought, she must dislodge this tissue before she – too late - ETCHI – ETCHII – ETCHIIII. The sodden tissue finally gave up and her tickling subsided. Bernhard quickly thought to make an advantage of the height difference, grabbed the pepper shaker and shook a huge cloud over her head, watching it slowly sink over her as he rolled another tissue.

Hoshi knew that he had to make up the height difference if he were to carry on working the Dutch girl’s nose with any precision. He cleared the table of tissue boxes, pepper etc. moved it in front of Imke and knelt on it. He was now just taller than her and in an ideal position. He had prepared a very special tissue, with pepper rolled into it, just to give a few grains at a time, but he looked across at Kai, saw her immersed in a cloud of pepper and realised that he could now copy Bernhard’s tactics. He leapt down, grabbed the pepper and standing on the table showered Imke as Bernhard had done Kai.

Kai wondered how she had managed to lose her grip, but took some comfort from the many hours of pepper training and hundreds and hundreds of sneezes that she had endured. She knew that she could not hold out forever, but much, much longer than anyone untrained. This was very fresh pepper and it seemed everywhere in her nose. Her eyes streamed. She bit her lip, but the tickling continued, she would not give in yet.

Imke had just braced herself for another assault by tissue when she saw Hoshi grab the pepper. This was bad news. For an Olympic resistor she succumbed all to easily to pepper. She tried to breathe through her mouth but the pepper was very fine and seemed to work its way everywhere. It tickled in her nose. She knew that if she could get a lot of pepper in it would burn rather than tickle, and she might not sneeze, but if she got that wrong it would be almost impossible to stop sneezing. The option was about to disappear, she had nothing like Kai’s control or resistance to pepper. She had never thought of sniffing pepper for hours to train. She could hold out no longer, her mouth opened her head tilted back, her eyes closed HUH – HUH – HUH Hushoooo – Iiiishoooo – Aaashoooo. She doubled over with the force of the sneezes, nearly knocking Hoshi off the table. Her lungs empty she could not help but gasp in more pepper filled air. She knew that a second bout would follow quickly unless she could regain some control over her nose, but the pepper was not going to allow that. She tried to stop her nostrils flaring, she clamped her mouth shut, but it started to open, she definitely would not take that first breath that would start the fit, but HUH – HUH – HUH HUUuuuushooo – Iiiiiishoooo – Aaaaashooo – HUH HUH HARCHSHOOOO. Hoshi was again covered in spray and globs of pepper filled snot covered her area of the stage, but the tickling had subsided for now, she was over the pepper.

Kai was holding on, resisting the pepper, inwardly she smiled to hear her opponent loudly proclaiming that she had no such resistance. Bernhard was nonplussed, he had showered this tiny girl in pepper long before Imke was so exposed and still no sneeze. He thought he saw the glint of a tear in her eye. He needed another stimulus. Then he realised, if he knelt down he was at the right level to see her responses. He knelt, took a tissue and inserted it into her left nostril. Kai was working hard not to sneeze, the pepper was becoming unbearable. The tissue tickled gently, normally she would not have noticed but now it was just not supportable ETCHII – ETCHII- ETCHIIII she exploded doubling up, Bernhard removed the tissue as Kai straightened, Kai gasped for air and as Imke had done sucked in more pepper. Kai might be an expert at resisting pepper, but she had been holding back for a long time and the feeling of release was wonderful. She just could not even pause before the next three sneezes grabbed her ETCHIII – ETCHIIII- ETCHIIIII,

She doubled over again, gasped in more air and tried to resist the tickle she could not seem to dislodge HARR – HARRR, she swallowed hard and bit her lip, her sneezes had been getting stronger and any oriental composure was about to be lost, the tickle overwhelmed her again HARREEESHOOO – HARREEESHOOO – HARREEESHOOO. That cleared the tickle. Bernhard who had stood up was soaked in spray from the belly button to the knees, a large blob of snot rested squarely in the middle of his Speedos. He rolled another tissue and knelt down again.

Hoshi had not been idle throughout all this. Working with his pepper filled tissue he worked away in the Dutch girl’s nose. He had some ground to make up, but now he could kneel on the table it should be easy. Imke at once felt the expert tickling as she had at the beginning, but she was more used to sneezing now, and had no way of holding back, she hardly knew what was happening as the little paper spike hit all the right spots. She felt her mouth open again, she desperately pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth, but a second later she could feel the sharp intake of breath that she could do nothing to stop HUH – HUH – HUH Huushoooo – Iishooooo – Atchooo, she sneezed, Hoshi kept the tissue in place, despite her head movements, gave it a delicate twirl and HUH – HUH – HUH Huushoooo – Iishoooo – Aaachoo, as her head jerked three times, Hoshi held the tissue, he knew he could win now, this girl was his to make sneeze as he liked, another twirl, Imke felt like her nose had some malicious gremlin in it, she knew that she could not hold back perhaps if HUH – HUH – HUH HUUUCHOOOO – HIIISHOOOOO – HAAAAATCHOOOO, She sneezed as hard as she possibly could, doubling over. The tissue flew out, almost shredded. It gave her a moment as Hoshi reloaded with a new tissue. She looked at the clock, two minutes to go and six sneezes away from loosing. She knew that she could not stop herself, this funny little man had her nose under his control, it was up to Bernhard.

Bernhard had heard the last three distinctive triples of his partner, almost her trademark. Funny he thought how this Chinese girl also sneezed in threes. He worked the tissue and watched her expression very carefully. Kai tried to remain blank faced, but her eyes just shimmered when a really devastating tickle struck. Bernhard moved in, he knew the spot now, he pressed the tissue there. Kai, dismayed looked at the scoreboard, seven sneezes and she was out, she must hold on and not – etchii – Etchii – ETCHII. She struggled to compose herself, this was what the training was about. Her eyes streamed and she held the sneezes back.

HUH – HUH – HUH – Hushooo – Ishooo – Hushooo, Bernhard heard the familiar triple as Hoshi worked on Imke, one more of those and we have lost he thought. He worked the tissue with renewed urgency in Kai’s nose. She was resisting well, but this extra surge just tipped the balance – etchii – Etschii – ETCHII. Hoshi knew what he must do. He took a fresh tissue, carefully wound it to a point and eased it into Imke’s nose. The tickle exploded in her nose, she gasped in air HUH – HUH, she must not sneeze HUH – HUH, just hold on, HUH – HUH, she just had to sneeze, she knew she could not hold it, another triple and it was all over HUH – HUH – HUH - HUUUUCHSHHHOOOOO she had hoped that a huge sneeze would mean tht one was enough, it might be working OHH – AHHH – AHHH – AHHH AHHHTISHOOOO was that it? HUH – HUH – HUH ,she caught the sneeze and held it, 24 all.

Bernhard heard the sneezes with despair, it had to be all over, just two that time, remarkable, still he just had two rolled tissues left, he grabbed them both, put one up each of Kai’s nostrils, blew a puff of pepper at her and started twiddling. Hoshi, unable to believe that Imke finally held a sneeze back also shook pepper over her and attacked her nose again with a tissue.

The pepper burnt in Imke’s nose. Kai knew she just had to hold out for a little longer, the Dutch girl’s next sneeze would lose the match. Imke gasped in breath it was all over

etchii – Etchii – ETCHII, Kai erupted, quite to her surprise, unable to last a second longer and losing the match.



So the Dutch go through to the next round and the Chinese, with a time of 4 min 47 sec to 25 sneezes might be in the Reps.

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OMG so good!! Haha...my totally sleepless night has left me with the dreaded Writer's Block. Anyone got a suggestion they don't want to use? I'll love you forever :laugh:

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OMG so good!! Haha...my totally sleepless night has left me with the dreaded Writer's Block. Anyone got a suggestion they don't want to use? I'll love you forever :laugh:

How about some kind of self-inducing? I'm using that, but you could use any gender or inducing method you want. I'm making mine strictly female and strictly pepper. :laugh:


The Rules: One inducer from each country uses pepper on herself to try and sneeze as much as she can in five minutes. You CANNOT uses tissues covered WITH pepper, as that is completely different. Sixteen countries compete - four heats of four countries each. The four winners go to the finals.

The Heats: Heat 1 = USA, Germany, Netherlands, Japan. Heat 2 = China, Italy, Spain, Argentina. Heat 3 = France, Ecuador, Mexico, Australia. Heat 4 = Canada, England, Vietnam, Portugal.

The Competition!!!

Heat 1 had just begun. The participants reached for their pepper and began. The American girl started off right away with a few good tickly sneezes. "Ha'mpsh! Ha'mpsh! Ha'mpsh!"

The German and Dutch girls couldn't get going right away, but the young Japanese girl Yuuka was immediately sneezy. She sniffed - snorted, rather - the pepper grains and immediately took the lead with a fit of nine, each sneeze sounding like "'tsew!" The German woman, a blonde of nearly forty, finally got a huge double - "HAAASCHAH! HAAAHSCHAH!" The American added another triple of her own, "Ha'mpsh! Ha'mpsh! Ha'mpsh!"

After the first minute the sneezing slowed down for everyone except Yuuka. She consistently had fits of nine and eight, finishing the heat with a country-record 43 (just two short of the world record). The American was a distant second with only 14. Yuuka moved on to the finals.

Heat 2 was the "sexy" matchup - in more ways than one. Not only were the best sneezers in this heat, but the best-looking girls all seemed to be in this heat as well. The Chinese woman was so delicate she resembled an Asian doll. The Argentinian was also a beauty queen as a teenager. But the Spanish and Italian girls were undoubtedly the hottest of them all, and it was a lucky coincidence they sat next to each other in the competition. Paulina, of Spain and wearing a bright yellow bikini, and Sandra, of Italy and sporting a green bikini, matched each other sneeze for sneeze for all five minutes. The two brunettes looked very similar, but their sneezes could not be more different. Paulina sneezed dainty, half-stifled "nxxt-chew!"s, while Sandra exploded with powerful fits of "HAAAchoo! HAAAchoo!" (She would often end the sneeze with a spoken "-ie" to add crowd appeal.)

They were down to the last thirty seconds. China and Argentina were sneezing a lot, but both seemed to be out of the race. It was down to Sandra and Paulina, and Paulina had a two-sneeze advantage at the moment. Time was running out, and Sandra was struggling to produce another tickle. There was more than enough pepper burning her fabulously-shaped nose, but it wasn't clicking. Maybe it isn't in the right spot, she thought, and tried pressing the outer sides of her nostrils inward, thus creating a pinching effect. The pepper stirred up in her sinuses, and she had one last chance with about 7 seconds left! "ahhahahahhh... HAAAchoo!!! HAAAchoo!!! HAAAchooie!!!" Sandra got them in in time to beat the buzzer and won, 37-36 over her new-found rival, Paulina.

Heat 3 was a bit slower after the previous exciting (and sexy) finish. The Aussie blonde had recorded ten "Heah-choo!"s in the first minute, but slowed down afterwards. Shortly after, the Frenchwoman spontaneously had a fit of eleven to take the lead, but those eleven would be all she could muster. The Mexican could only get two sneezes to come out, but they were gorgeous ones. "Tishew! Tishew!" Suddenly, the girl from Ecuador started to make a comeback. This was the only competition an Ecuadorian qualified for this year, so the whole country was rooting for her. After this girl - Rosa, a beautfiul 21-year-old with flowing raven-black hair - went sneezeless for the first two minutes, she found a perfect spot in her nose to aim her pepper-snorting at. The burning itch grew, and she began to explode with a messy fit.

"HAPSHEW! HAPSHEW! HAPshew! HAPPPHEW!!!" The sneezes came and went for about another minute, but just as she tied the Frenchwoman with eleven, Heather (the Aussie) came back. "Heah-choo! Heah-choo! Heah-choo! Hih-hih-choo!" Heather eventually ousted Rosa, 19-17. She, too, reaches the finals.

The final heat was between Canada, England, Vietnam and Portugal. The Portugese woman never found her rhythm, and recorded only one "CHOO!" Canada's Maye and the Englishwoman Rachael took advantage of their sensitive noses quickly, and Vietnam's girl wasn't too far behind. Maye suddenly slowed down, and Rachael took advantage, harnessing another quick fit. "Hih'shoo! Hih'shoo! Hih'shoo! Hih'shoo!" This was enough to put the heat away for good and put Rachael in the finals.

There you have it... Part One is done. Yuuka of Japan, Sandra of Italy, Heather of Australia and Rachael of England reach the finals. Part Two of Two tomorrow! :laugh:

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Female Pepper Self-Inducing Finals

That evening (to make sure all the pepper from the previous heats was out of the finalists' sinuses) the finals were held. The ladies met again at the same table in the same arena that the heats were held. The four girls competing for the three medals were Yuuka of Japan, Sandra of Italy, Heather of Australia, and Rachael of England.

(The rules do not change in the finals: It still is the most sneezes in five minutes, using pepper and nothing else.)

Pretty soon, the bell rung and the race was on. The four women were off and running, each producing three or four sneezes in the first thirty seconds. Yuuka had gotten up to 12 after a minute had gone by, but things seemed to progress slowly. Sandra was particularly struggling to get a tickle going. She consistently had false starts ("Hih-HAH... hihihiHAH...") for a while, but finally she produced a tickle enough to keep her sneezing non-stop. It was more of a burning in her delicate nostrils. "Hih - - Hah-HAHCHOOOOie!" Not only was this one of the most powerful sneezes heard in the Olympic games all year, it blew all four pepper stashes into the air, creating one giant cloud that engulfed the four finalists.

Pretty soon all that could be seen from the stands was a large cloud of black, and all that could be heard was:

"'tsew! 'tsew! 'tsew! 'tsew! 'tsew!"

"HeahCHOO! HeahCHOO! HeahCHOO!"


"Hih'shoo! Huh'shoo! Hih'shoo! Hih'shoo!"

The sneezing continued far after the final bell rang, but the totals showed Sandra had 40, Yuuka had 38, Heather had 36, and Rachael had 35. In one of the most thrilling, record-breaking and controversial (not to mention sexy) finishes in Sneeze Olympic history, Italy had emerged victorious.

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  • 2 months later...

]Match Play

Mixed Doubles - Italy v Spain

The two teams walked onto the stage, and apart from the colours of their costumes looked very much alike. Both men about 5' 10" slim with short black hair and a slight stubble, both girls perhaps 5" shorter, both with long black wavy hair, rounded figures, with full hips, small waists and both well endowed breasts. The Italians in green the Spanish in yellow.

The starting bell sounded. Both men started with a rolled tissue. The Italian, Antonio watched the eyes of the Spanish girl closely as he moved the tissue slowly around her nose. Each flick of the eyelids he noted the position of the tissue. Monica could not quite work out what was happening, he was moving the tissue too slowly to really tickle her, and when she did start to feel anything he just moved on.

Maria was having a very different experience. Juan flicked his tissue in and out of her nose. It seemed to be everywhere. Her eyes were welling with tears as she tried not to start a sneeze. The tissue plunged deep into her nose, it seemed that every part of her nose wanted to sneeze. Juan watched as her breasts started to move up and down, the two green triangles expanding and contracting. She tried to keep her mouth shut but she heard herself sucking air in shhaaaa, her nostrils were flaring, she fought desperately, another breath, ssshhhaaaaaa, it was too much ssshhhhaaaaa Chow, Chow she sneezed twice. She controlled herself, but the need to sneeze was not gone. She really needed to sneeze again, any stimulus would do it, and Juan was not about to stop. the tissue flicked again, it hardly had to do anything - aaaahhhh Chow aaaahhh Chow aaaahhhh CHOW. Her head bobbed back and forth and her breast bounced in rhythm, testing the green fabric. Juan inserted the tissue again, but Maria's nose was now stuffy and clogged and the tissue went soggy, not reaching the spot.

While Juan worked frantically away Antonio was biding his time. Having been all around Monica's nose once he tried again, just lingering for a moment when he thought it might tickle her. Monica really thought that he did not know what he was doing. Several times now she had nearly had to sneeze. So close, her eyes had almost closed in resignation five or six times now, she had been just short of taking that fatal breath that had to start a sneeze and he had moved off the spot.

Juan was now finding the tissue hard going. He moved on to the pepper. He held his right hand out, fingers together, palm vertical, and put a thin layer of pepper on his index finger. Maria watched fascinated. He then suddenly clapped the palm of his hand over her mouth, the index finger just under her nose. She involuntarily took a breath in in shock. A few fine grains of pepper worked their way into each nostril. She was startled by what had happened. What a masterly move. The pepper began to do its work. She felt tickles running up and down her nose. It just got stronger and stronger, she could think of almost nothing else. She started to breathe deeply to try to clear the pepper. Her breasts heaved. It did no good, the tickle just built up more and more. Juan stood back in admiration of this girl fighting the inevitable. He could barely take his eyes off her breasts trying to burst their restraint, nipples fully erect from the motion. Maria, aware that Monica had not yet issued a single sneeze succumbed - aaaahhhh Chow, aaahhhh Chow, aaahhhh Chow, her nose was out of control, HAAAAAAAAA CHOW, CHOW, CHOW. She stopped with her nose still wanting more. Juan blew across the top of the pepper shaker, a cloud of pepper headed towards her.

Antonio knew he had to get to work. he moved his tissue into the first of several sneezy spots he had found in Monica's nose. Monica felt the start of a sneeze, but she had been there before, this guy would not stay long enough to worry her. But Antonio did not need to, he found the spot and gave the tissue a little twist and flick. Monica barely knew what happened iishhooo, was that her? Had she just...? - iiishooo, what again! He was still working the tissue - iiisshhoooo, iiisshhoooo, haaaiiisshhooo. She swore to herself. She barely felt the tickle, she was just sneezing without warning - HAAiiishhoo, HAAAIIIIshooo, HAAAIIISHHOOO and they were getting stronger. She becamne aware now of how much the tissue was tickling her nose. She started to gasp in breaths. Her ample breast were now testing her yellow bikini as much as Maria had her green one Haaa, Haaaa she sucked in one last huge breath Haaaaa and exploded again, IIIIISHHHOOOO, IIIISHOOOO, HAAAAIIIISHOOO, her body doubled over, straightened up and doubled over again HAAAA IIISSHHOOOO, HAAAIISSHHOOO. She had shaken the tissue out and finally stopped sneezing. Somehow the little yellow bikini had stood the strain and just like Maria her nipples were showing proudly through the material.

The cloud of pepper reached Maria, and started its work, it tickled and burnt just a little. She had to get it out of her nose. At least the Spanish girl was sneezing as well now. She was about to start again, Juan grinned, aahhhhh, aaahhhh, she fought again she panted little short breaths, her breasts bobbed wildly, ahh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, aaaaahh CHOW, CHOW, AHH-CHOW, AHH-CHOW, AAAAHHHH-CHOW. That was it, she was done. Juan was already rolling a tissue.

Antonio having had one tissue destroyed rolled another and went for the other nostril. Monica was more worried now. She had good cause. One nostril might be sneezed out, tickled to death, but this one was not. Again she barely felt the tissue as it worked into the spot, haaaiiisshhooo, haaaiisshhooo, haaaiishhooo, she started to feel the tissue now. Haaaiiisshhooo, HAAA-HAAAiiishOOO, HAAAIIISHHOOO, HAAAAIIIIISHHHOOOOO. Her body shook, the pepper was working again.

Maria was also suffering from Juan's tissue, the tissue barely needed to touch her peppery nose before AHH-Chow, AHHH-ChOW, AHHHH-CHOW.

Antonio knew he needed to get Monica sneezing as much as possible now, Maria's sneezes were getting stronger and faster. He reached for the pepper shaker and shook a huge cloud in front of Monica. It worked at once, Monica gave her biggest sneeze yet HAAAAAIIIIISHHOOO and knew that the next would be bigger. Both girls were now fighting the next sneeze as hard as they could, both were fighting to keep their eyes open, heaving in breaths, AHHHH-CHOWWW, AAAAAHHHH-CHOWWWW, Maria was about to lose the competition AAAAHHHH-CHOWWWWW, then Monica lost control HAAAAAAIIIISSSHHOOOO, she doubled over, an erect brown nipple popped out over the yellow cup but she did not notice HAAAAA-IIIISSSSHHHHHOOOOOOO, HAAA-HAAAA-HAAA-IIIIISSSHHHOOOOOOO, AAAAAAHHHH-AAAAAHHHH CHHHOWWWW added Maria as if not wanting to be out sneezed and revealing both perfect pink nipples, HAAAAAA-IIIIISSSSHHOOOOOOO, HAAAA-HAAA-HAAA-ISSHHHOOO - OOOOSHHOOO - HAAAAAA-ISHHOOO went Monica, conclusively losing the competition.

The boys shook hands and guided their still sneezing partners off stage.

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OMGOMGOMG!!! Love this!! Couldn't stop laughing the whole way though...awesome :drool:

*Races off to write her own*

Very good. :) The more sneezing in a story, the better it is.

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  • 5 years later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

this is a great idea. I loved the detail of these stories and wish some of them could be finished

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This is amazing! I love the idea, and the sneezes are incredible~ :)

I really wish this would be finished~ :D It's really interesting!

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  • 1 year later...

I must have read this at least a hundred times over but I love it more each and every time :D

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