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Sneeze Fetish Forum


March Hare

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a little sketch about the joys of being awoken by an attractive guy's sneezes in the middle of the night. yes, all wishful thinking. original characters.



My eyes flew open as I heard the sneeze, clear and audible in the dark. I had been having a nice dream, but waking up to this was worth losing any dream – I knew exactly whose sneeze that was.


And a pretty damn beautiful sneeze it had been, too.

As I closed my eyes again to savour the memory, I pictured him lying in his bed, curled up on his right side with his hands under his chin like a baby monkey… sneezing…

I had never actually watched Robin sneeze. He didn’t sneeze so very often anyway. But when he did it was always the same sudden, breathless kind of sneeze, hissed through his teeth and followed by a little voiced exhale of relief. I knew it well – and enjoyed it more than anything.

I had half a mind to toss him a bless-you, but thought better of it. The rest of the dorm was peacefully silent as before, filled only with the soft sounds of breathing. Everybody was asleep.

Except me. And probably Robin.

I lay in the darkness, engulfed in the lovely warmth of my bed, waiting for more. Maybe there wouldn’t be anything more; it might have been an accidental sneeze. But there’s no knowing – he could sneeze again and I didn’t want to miss it, not even on account of a glorious dream that featured George Clooney playing tenpins with Jan and me.

Silence. Somebody on my right turned in their bed and exhaled loudly, with a slightly snoring sound.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the night and my comfy state of half-sleep, imagining I was touching Robin’s almighty cute little nose with my lips. Softly, carefully, tenderly…


This one didn’t startle me, as I was prepared for it; but it did send a shiver of pleasure down my spine and I couldn’t help shuddering with the sensation. It was exquisitely enjoyable. As if his mere presence hadn’t been exhilarating enough these two days, I now also had the good fortune of hearing him sneeze. Twice. In five minutes.

Feeling satisfied with this night already, and maybe hoping for more in the morning, I turned on to my other side and curled up into a ball like Robin did when he was asleep. I was still pleasantly drowsy, and maybe my brain had some more George Clooney dreams in store for me.


“hhIDSHISSHaah! ISSHHahhh!”

“Cooey,” I mumbled, before I could stop myself. It was as if somebody in my dream had been sneezing, although I knew it was Robin, and the confusion was very pleasant. And then something even nicer happened.

“I’m sorry,” I heard Robin whisper in the dark, “did I wake you up?”

“Nooo… I’m not awake,” I sighed stupidly and happily. Then I couldn’t help it any more – I giggled, very softly, but Robin did hear. I heard the smile in his voice as he said “OK then, sweet dreams.”

“You too,” I squeaked. And unable to resist the temptation now that he knew I knew he was awake: “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Just got this itchy prickle in my nose. I dunno why.”

“Have you slept at all?” I asked.

“Hardly,” he replied. And then – oh joy, oh rapture – I heard this soft, half-suppressed but uncontrollable sneeze “Hihh-hIDSSHHaah!”

“Bless you,” I ventured breathlessly. I could not believe my luck.

“Thanks,” he said.

This time I had been dreaming, very silly, about the X-Men – a comic and movie I had a secret liking for, especially for that one called Nightcrawler. It had been a rather funny dream. Strange how I wasn’t sorry to have lost two of the nicest dreams I’d ever had – but that’s how much I liked Robin’s sneezing, especially at night, in this drowsy warmth, and then this unworldly conversation to boot.

Talking about sneezing. With Robin. In the middle of the night.

Who wanted dreams?

“Hey,” Robin whispered. And he sniffed – I squirmed, as silently as I could. “I think I’m gon try to get some sleep.”

Oh no, don’t, I thought-begged selfishly. Please, stay awake and talk to me. But like a good girl I didn’t let on, and said “You do that. Good luck and see you tomorrow.”

“Bright and early,” he agreed pleasantly.

And that was the end of it.

Except that my inclination to sleep had now completely dissolved. I lay on my back, motionless and silent, my entire body concentrated on listening. The dorm was silent save the various sounds of breathing from the other sleepers, Robin was silent without so much as a sniff, no sound came from outside, but I had this high-fidelity super-sonic sonar radar registration instrument thing going on again. There’s an amazing quality to the sound of silence that Simon and Garfunkel never quite copied, in my humble opinion. I listened and waited.


As I started, inevitably, to drift off, I tried to recall the sound of Robin’s sneezes and sort of hear them again in my mind. It didn’t really work but it was nice.

Oh yes, we’d see in the morning.

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Holy. kjshdfjdh Wow :) That was extremely well written and short and sweet and nnfh. I enjoyed it muchly! I totally loved the sneezespellings, especially. I don't think I've seen them quite like that, or at least not very often.

Just....mfh. Wow. Very nice mood and atmosphere setting. Also, wtf, the little mention of Nightcrawler made me squeal. I am an idiot.

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EEEEK! That is absurdly hot, I must say! I have this....THING . . . for sneezes in the middle of the night. They are the best thing since chocolate and sake, lemme tell ya!

I do hope you will post more! Glad to see another GREAT writer here!


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As I started, inevitably, to drift off, I tried to recall the sound of Robin’s sneezes and sort of hear them again in my mind. It didn’t really work but it was nice.

Really very very well written and so hot to hear in the middle of the night - mmmm Twisted are you reading as Mistress would really like that on our next sleep over - LOL!

Thank you for sharing that tale as it was utterly decadent!


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Guest Spembob

Come on guys, round of applause in order :D That was a very cute story, made me feel all warm and gooey :o , and Nocturne is such a lovely name for it!

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wheeee :innocent::o guys I love you! thanks so much for those wonderful comments!

@ Garnet: I loooooooove your stories in the sneezefic archive! writing one about Eros and Psyche was such a brilliant idea! :D and Trigun is one of my favourite fandoms of all time...

aren't we all idiots :innocent: "it's NICE to be a lunatic!"

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Loved it. The spellings were different but I could Totally hear them and the concept was just adorable. Yummy descriptions too.

Thank you Very much. Oh yes and welcome *double slice of cheesecake since you entered bringing lovely story with you :o *

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  • 6 years later...

I know this was written like, seven years ago, but some wonderful person bumped it and I only just now read it and woooweeeee. :drool:

I closed my eyes, enjoying the night and my comfy state of half-sleep, imagining I was touching Robin’s almighty cute little nose with my lips. Softly, carefully, tenderly…


It's like she tickled his nose telepathically. :twisted:

I love your sneeze spellings. Their my favorite sound. People rarely sneeze like around me in real life, but when they do... :dribble: Woo. But these... these are so good I can hear them in my head and they make me so happy.

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Ohmaigod that was adorable I can't wait to see more of Robin!!! <3333

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WTF you guys, I hadn't even thought of this one for years and here you go digging it up! :lmao::lol::blush::wub:

You're all the sweetest. And who knows? I might do some more Robin fantasies, at that!

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