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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Fic: "Fireworks" (M)


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Well, since it's a holiday weekend, I decided to write a 4th of July fic. Actually, I wrote it for another board I'm on, but I know some here will like it too. I've never posted a fic before :lol: and I hope everyone enjoys it.


It was the Fourth of July. Since Grissom worked graveyard, he decided he had some time to go check out the local fireworks show before he headed in to work that night. He grabbed his keys, and headed out of the townhouse to his Denali. He always loved fireworks. He would beg his parents to take him to see the shows every Fourth of July when he was a kid.

He got in the Denali and headed to the local high school. After finding a parking spot, he headed over to the carnival and food. It would be about an hour before the fireworks started so he decided to check out all the rides, games, and various booths selling crafts. He watched kids begging their parents for money to try to win goldfish, kids and adults screaming on the rides, and noticed the smell of hot dogs. Realizing that it had been a while since he last ate, he wandered over to a hot dog stand. It was a “do it yourself” hot dog stand. You had to get your own plate, napkin, and hot dog bun. Grissom wandered over to one of the shorter lines behind a woman. He wasn’t paying attention to the person in front of him; instead he was getting his plate and napkin. Without looking up, he asked the woman in front of him to hand him a bun.

The woman turned around, “I don’t think you want me touching your buns.”

Grissom recognized the voice. He looked up and saw Sara smiling at him. “Hi Sara. What are you doing here? I didn’t think you liked fireworks shows.”

Looking like she got caught telling a big lie, Sara answered “I don’t, but I knew you did. I had a feeling you’d be coming here tonight before work and I didn’t want you to be here alone. I thought you’d have more fun if you had someone to hang around with.”

“Thanks, it is more fun with other people.” Grissom had wanted to come up with some brilliant reply but couldn’t. “After we get our hot dogs…I mean I get my hot dog and you get your barbecued corn, let’s go sit on the grass. It’s the best place to be for the show.”

Sara grabbed some napkins and two bottles of water as Grissom paid for their food. “You lead the way.”

Grissom led them away from most of the crowd over to a tree. It was his favorite place to watch the fireworks. The trunk of the tree was large enough for two people to lean against and the tree wouldn’t block the view of the night sky.

They ate in silence. Every once in a while they would turn to look at each other, but not say anything. A cool gentle breeze started. Sara pulled some of her hair that was in her face behind her ear. “This breeze feels nice.”

“Yes it does.” Grissom reached for his plate and napkin that he put on the grass next to him. Standing up he reached his hand to Sara’s “let me take yours too.”

While Grissom walked over to the trash can to throw away their plates and napkins, Sara watched a brother and sister play catch in front of her. She could remember her and her brother doing the same thing when they were kids.

Startling Sara out of her memories, Grissom came back. “Are you almost ready? Looks like the show is just about to start.”

“I’m ready. Bring on the show.”

The cool breeze that started earlier was getting stronger and it made the flags blow almost straight out. The patriotic music started along with the wind. A few seconds later the fireworks show started. As the ground show was nearing its end, Sara looked at Grissom for his reaction. When she turned, it looked like Grissom was in deep thought instead of looking at the show. She was just about to comment when Grissom took his right hand and held it in front of his face. He took a few hitched breaths and sneezed into his hand. “hechoo!”

Sara was surprised by Grissom’s sneeze. “Bless you, Grissom.” She had never seen or heard Grissom sneeze before. She thought that was something he never did, just like he never felt anything for the victims on their cases.

“Thank…heh heh hechoo…thank you Sara.” He was about to ask Sara what she thought of the show so far, but was overcome by another sudden urge to sneeze. “Hehchoo, choo, choo, hehcheh” <sniff> Grissom started to stand up. “I’ll be back in a second.” He left Sara to enjoy the fireworks as he went in search of some napkins to blow his nose. On the way to finding the napkins, he stifled six more sneezes. He finally reached the napkins, took out a few and blew his nose. He grabbed a few more handfuls of napkins, stuffed them in his pocket, and started his walk back to Sara. At that time, the ground show was over and the fireworks were lighting up the night sky. He hurriedly walked back the tree and Sara. As he sat down, he sneezed again. “Eehtchh!” His nose was itching badly so he scrubbed his nose with his knuckles.

“Bless you.” Noticing the actions of Grissom and the fact that she’s never seen him sneeze that much before, or at all for that matter, she had to ask. “Grissom, are you alright? I’ve never seen you sneeze before.”

“Hechoo…Ehchoo…choo…choo!” Grissom reached into his pocket to retrieve some of the napkins he had stashed there. He placed one in front of his face and stifled four more sneezes. When he finished sneezing, he took another napkin out and blew his nose. “I’m so sorry. Please enjoy what’s left of the show. Don’t worry about me.” He felt so embarrassed by his inability to control his sneezing. He didn’t like Sara seeing him like this.

The wind had picked up even more near the end of the fireworks show. Grissom was able to enjoy only the very end of the show. He was constantly sneezing throughout the entire display.

Once the show ended, Grissom asked Sara if she would like to go for a walk before they headed in to work. Of course Sara had said yes. Grissom lead the way. The two walked along the grass in the opposite direction of the crowds. They talked about the fireworks show and work with Grissom sneezing at various times throughout the conversation. His sneezing fits didn’t last as long as they did during the fireworks display, but he was still sneezing often.

After the last sneezing fit, Sara had to ask. “Grissom, why have you been sneezing so much tonight? You don’t have a cold do you?”

“No Sara. It feels like some type of allergy. I think it’s the explosives in the fireworks. The strong winds must have been blowing it in our direction. I know I don’t have any other type of allergy.” Just then Grissom felt another fit coming on. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few napkins just in time. “Chhmph!… htchhm!… chhmph!… hehchhm! ..htchhm!” He blew his nose and threw the napkins in the trash can they were just passing. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could control this.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Their walk took them towards the school’s swimming pool. As they walked around it, Grissom started sneezing again. The force of the sneezes made him loose his balance and he almost fell in to the pool. Luckily Sara saw what was about to happen and grabbed Grissom before he fell in. Realizing the time, they headed back to the parking lot sharing comfortable silence all the way back to their cars.

Back at the lab, Grissom met the rest of his team in the conference room to hand out the night’s assignments. While waiting for Grissom, the rest of the team was discussing how they spent the fourth. Upon seeing Grissom, Catherine asked him how he liked spending the fourth with Sara at the fireworks show. He sneezed once and replied “We could never be happier.”

Comments and feedback welcomed.

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VERY NICE!!!!! I don't watch that show much, but know who he is and would love to see him sneeze, so thanks!!! :lol:

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I'm glad others are enjoying my story. :yes: Sometimes I wonder if it's worth posting anything. Your replies make me think it is.

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