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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Girl Next Door


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Matt is a tall, handsome 24 year-old urban professional living in a comfortable new condo. The condo next to him was sold to a 23 year-old professional single woman.

Matt has hay fever and sneezes frequently when he doesn’t take his medicine. He actually gets such pleasure from sneezing that he frequently skips taking his hay fever medicine during his leisure time. A run of sneezes for Matt can range from three to ten, depending on the pollen count at the time.

His sneezing fits have gotten mixed reviews from the women he has dated over the years. Many were uncomfortable with his fits while others have called his sneezes “sexy” and “commanding.”

Matt has a sneezing fetish and was trying to meet a sneezy woman with the same fetish.

One Saturday when Matt was returning to his condo, he saw a moving van and saw his new neighbor moving in. He got a peek at her and saw she was slender and nice looking. As he passed the open front door he heard. . .”huh-huh. . .heeee-yishhhhh-shooo-hoooo!!!. . .huh. . .heeeeeeee-yish-shooo-hoooooo!!!. . .heeeeeeee-yish-shoo-hooooo!!!. . .heeeeeee-yish-shooo-hooooo!!!. . .heeeeee. . .yish-shooo-hoooooo!!!. . .”

After waiting a few seconds and hearing no more sneezes, Matt surmised maybe the woman’s sneezing fit had ended for the moment and chanced to stick his head in the door and say, “Bless you. My name is Matt. I live next door.”

“Thanks,” came the reply. “My name is Tricia.” Now that I’ve sneezed in my new condo and met you, Matt, I feel right at home. I heard the pollen count is high today. I have hay fever and I’ll probably sneeze my brains out.”

“GREAT--I mean oh--I have hay fever too,” replied Matt. “The pollen count IS way up today. Do you want some help moving in,?” he asked.

“Sure,” replied Tricia. “I can’t wait to hear YOU sneeze.”

“You’ll soon get your wish and you won’t be disappointed,” he assured her. “I’ll be right over.”

“Wow!,” he thought as he put his groceries away before joining Tricia. “She’s attractive, she sneezes in runs of five, has a pretty four-syllable sneeze and apparently has a sneeze fetish. Looks like I might have struck the mother lode,” he thought.

As Matt started for the door to join Tricia, he felt the start of an itchy buildup. He was about to sneeze, but he held back long enough to knock on her door and for her to say “come in.”

Just over the threshold he started a series of three sneezes. . .”HEE-ASHOOOOO!!!. . .YAAAAASHOO!!!. . .YAAAAAAAASHOOOOOO!!!!!

“My goodness,” said Trica. “Bless you! You can certainly make a grand entrance.” This was a man’s sneeze she had fantasized about until now. She did everything she could to suppress her orgasmic feelings brought on by Matt’s sneezes. After all, she had to get settled into her condo and get everything unpacked from the boxes.

Despite occasional sneezing fits, the two worked through the afternoon, getting Tricia comfortably settled. After having pizza delivered for dinner, they parted for the evening.

As he got ready for bed, Matt heard through the wall the sound of Tricia sneezing.

“Wow,!” he thought, “The walls in this place are not as soundproof as I thought. We’re going to be able to hear each other sneeze. Cool!” Matt felt as aroused by Tricia’s sneezing as she felt orgasmic when she heard him sneeze.

The friendship between the two has blossomed into romance. They nurture each other’s sneeze fetish by resorting to silly little games, like instant messaging each other when they feel a sneeze coming on.

One night Matt thought he had a clever idea based on the TV game show “Wheel of Fortune.”

“Ok, Tricia,” he instant messaged her, “It’s time for the Bonus Round.” Vanna will turn over one or more letters and you will have ten seconds to come up with the answer. The category is ‘thing.’”

“Vanna has put up only the letter ‘E’. But let’s have three consonants and a vowel.”

Tricia messaged back: “S-N-Z-E”

“Ok, Tricia. Ten seconds. Talk it out. Good luck!,” messaged Matt.

“SNEEZE,” she messaged instantly.

“Correct, Tricia. Come over and claim your prize. It’s a gift card for a case of Soft-Strong pop-up facial tissues. ‘GUARANTEED TO HOLD YOUR SNEEZE!’”

She came over to Matt’s and they proceeded to laugh hysterically over the caper.

After three months, Matt decided it was time to pop the question. They had much in common, including intense sneeze fetishes.

One night Matt invited Tricia over for what he termed “just a simple dinner.” He knew if he sneezed just before asking Tricia to marry him, it would probably cinch the deal. Just after Tricia came in and sat down on the couch, Matt, took a whiff of a rose in the kitchen he had bought at the supermarket.

“P-perfect timing,” he whispered. “HEEEEE-YAAAAAAASH!!. . .”HEEEEEE-YAAAAASH!!. . .HEEEEEEEEEE-YAAAAAAAAASH!!!

“Bless, you Matt,” Tricia called from the living room.

“Thanks,” replied Matt. “Those felt good!”

“Yeah. . .er. . . I mean they sounded good to me,” she said, futilely trying to correct her Freudian slip.

Matt proposed and Tricia accepted his proposal that night.

“I think we need to give our wedding a rating,” stated Matt.

“What do you mean,?” queried Tricia. “ What kind of rating?”

“Our wedding should be rated “S” for SNEEZY,” replied Matt.

“You ARE witty in a SNEEZY kind of way, Matthew,” she smiled.

The couple erupted in uproarious laughter and is looking forward to a future of sneezy matrimony.


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Cute! Thanks for posting! I really like Matt's sneezes! :)

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