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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Character Headcanons


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I've been thinking about this for a while, building up a sort of "database" with forum members' sneeze-related headcanons for characters we enjoy reading and writing about. I suppose this could apply to real life people, if you think enough about how a certain actor/actress/singer/whatever would sneeze to have an established headcanon. Share your headcanons here! Include spellings if you'd like, the pre-/post-sneeze behavior, etc.

Here are some of mine (from Metalocalypse):

Nathan Explosion - Obviously I imagine them being pretty huge, like pretty much everything else he does. Big slow rumbling build-ups, flaring nostrils, and harsh, MASSIVE release. If you're nearby you'll probably feel a gust of (possibly damp) wind. Usually just one is enough since they're so enormous.

-- ex. "Huuhhh... huhhh... HRRAHSCHHHUHH!"

Skwisgaar Skwigelf - Those of you (all three of you laughing.gif) who have read my Skwisgaar fics know that I imagine him sneezing in triples generally, with the first two coming quick and the third trailing a little after. Idk why or where that came from other than I think it's really hot. laughing.gif I imagine him trying to stifle whenever possible but sometimes not being able to if they're powerful enough. I also imagine him hating it being acknowledged, hence the stifling, but he's a diva so I think he'd just as easily get upset over being ignored/not being blessed. Depends on his mood. I also imagine him being photic. :twisted:

-- ex. "Ihnxshht!uhh... hih'INGXSHuh... ... ... heh'ISSHHHHHHHuu!"

Toki Wartooth - I imagine him sneezing like a kid, just totally uninhibited. Totally doesn't give a shit about how ridiculous his pre-sneeze expression is. I imagine him usually sneezing in doubles, sometimes less and sometimes more. I also like to think he can make himself sneeze fairly easily by rubbing his nose a certain way, or even just thinking about it really hard. tonguesmiley.gif Doesn't mind sneezing, possibly even enjoys it. heh.gif

-- ex. "Heh'KSHHHahh! h-hehh... eh'KSHHHHah!"

Pickles the Drummer - Multi-stifler. Sneezes are small and fittish, but not weak. Both Masking and I agreed that they have some "kick" to them. laughing.gif Probably because he's so tiny so it's easy for the sneezing to take over his entire body. At least four or five in a row, intermingled with muttered curses and swigs from a beer/hits off a joint. Frequency increases with intoxication level. Probably has hayfever too.

-- ex. "hnxgsh’shhoo!", x 5

So what about ya'll? Please tell me I'm not the only one who puts this much thought into how fictional people sneeze. heh.gif (And keep in mind, I deliberately kept this short - I probably could have written an essay on each guy.)

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What, no Murderface?? :P Yeahhh...ew, no.

This is a really interesting question! I'll have to sit and stew on this for a while and determine if I have any sneeze-related headcanons.

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I have a few, but the main that's coming to my mind right now is that Horatio Hornblower's colds are always heralded by a quick trio of sneezes, unlike any others he ever has. This is inspired by book canon (where the first outward symptom of Horatio's cold is that "he sneezed three times running"), but still all my own: the reference I quoted is the only one made to it, so it could just as easily be that, in the original author's headcanon, Horatio just sneezes a lot when ill.

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the reference I quoted is the only one made to it, so it could just as easily be that, in the original author's headcanon, Horatio just sneezes a lot when ill.

And either way, that's just fantastic for us, isn't it? Makes things so much more interesting when it comes to writing fic.

I have a few bits of headcanon regarding Mr. Hornblower; however, it's more general sneezy headcanon than specifically how he sneezes. Would that be all right to post here, AnonyMouse?

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A few more of my headcanons:

Tony Stark sneezes in short, kittenish fits: k'tch, k'tch, h'ktch. If he's sneezing a lot and so is getting worn out by the sneezes, they'll be slightly bigger, longer, but only slightly: k'tch, k'tch...k'tchu!

BBC!Sherlock's John Watson almost never sneezes unless he's ill, to the extent that if he does sneeze, it's probably a sign that he's getting sick. When he is sick, he starts off stifling his sneezes, then--as they get wetter and he gets tireder--smothers them into a handkerchief. Eventually, though, the force of his illness exhausts him, and even though he's a doctor and knows it's unsanitary, he can't stop his sneezes from just coming out: big, congested sneezes that throw him forward and tear at his throat.

Phil Coulson (from the Avengers movieverse) has perfected stifling his sneezes, to the extent that no one ever notices them...except Clint, who will watch to see what's causing them, and then either sneak into Coulson's office and leave a handkerchief on his desk to say "I saw you" or sneak into Coulson's apartment and make him chicken soup to say "I love you."

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Of course, Wig_Powder, go right ahead. smile.png

Right then, here we go...

*Because Horatio's actor, Ioan Gruffudd, has said he's allergic to cats and has hayfever, I tend to give those allergies to Horatio as well. However, since I'm a huge cat lover and have trouble deliberately making characters allergic to them, the cat allergy falls by the wayside sometimes.

*I also think Horatio's allergic to dust, just because of some stories I wrote.

*Because he didn't grow up with it, Horatio never got the hang of snuff, so every time he takes it, well...

*There's a scene in the TV show where Horatio decides to bathe naked up on deck. In the middle of it, his crazy captain arrests him and some other officers for mutiny. When we next see him, he's down in the hold, dressed. There is no way an unhinged captain would have given him time to dress. So I am convinced that he was actually sent to the hold naked, and the only reason we see him dressed is because some crewmen took pity on him and slipped him some clothes. From a fetishy perspective, naked and wet in a damp and possibly cold cell, having spent a lot of time without sleep/undergoing a lot of stress, plus he then proceeds to get soaked several more times...yeah, he got a little sick afterwards.

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Sorry for all the cutting/editing.

Horatio's...allergic to cats and has hayfever...I also think Horatio's allergic to dust...Horatio never got the hang of snuff, so every time he takes it, well...

I tend to encompass a bunch of these things, without ever delving into true allergies, by writing Horatio as just having a generally pretty sensitive nose. (Though I have written once or twice about him having actual allergies, too.)

There's a scene in the TV show where Horatio decides to bathe naked up on deck. In the middle of it, his crazy captain arrests him and some other officers for mutiny. When we next see him, he's down in the hold, dressed. There is no way an unhinged captain would have given him time to dress. So I am convinced that he was actually sent to the hold naked, and the only reason we see him dressed is because some crewmen took pity on him and slipped him some clothes. From a fetishy perspective, naked and wet in a damp and possibly cold cell, having spent a lot of time without sleep/undergoing a lot of stress, plus he then proceeds to get soaked several more times...yeah, he got a little sick afterwards.

This is a great point that I never thought of. (I might have been distracted by Horatio's...yes, well. :shy:) Now I almost wanna go rewatch that episode, except that it's Mutiny/Retribution, which means I really don't. :(

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Farfarello, from Weiss Kreuz, sneezes in harsh, short singles or doubles, spelled "AESSHT!" or similar. That is my headcanon and it is entirely Garnet's fault because of a story from a hundred years ago. :yes:

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I have a Homestuck sickfic/sneezing/h-c tumblr at http://sicknastybeats.tumblr.com and I post some headcanons about Homestuck characters there.

Highlights of mine: Nepeta takes characteristics of her cat lusus and Tavros is allergic to her (that's a common one, heh. Less common: Aradia takes characteristics of her ram lusus and is all wooly, and Equius is allergic to her. Adds a new dimension to the whole Aradiabot saga.)

Users have submitted things as well.

I feel like it's very easy and convenient to write Dirk Strider as a sneezing/coughing fetishist. Rose Lalonde too, somewhat. John Egbert also makes a good fetishist narrative character because being into sneezing fits with his prankish and mischievous attitude.

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BBC!Sherlock's John Watson almost never sneezes unless he's ill, to the extent that if he does sneeze, it's probably a sign that he's getting sick. When he is sick, he starts off stifling his sneezes, then--as they get wetter and he gets tireder--smothers them into a handkerchief. Eventually, though, the force of his illness exhausts him, and even though he's a doctor and knows it's unsanitary, he can't stop his sneezes from just coming out: big, congested sneezes that throw him forward and tear at his throat.


This is my exact headcanon, too. I love the detail you put into it! thumbsupsmiley.png

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BBC!Sherlock's John Watson almost never sneezes unless he's ill, to the extent that if he does sneeze, it's probably a sign that he's getting sick. When he is sick, he starts off stifling his sneezes, then--as they get wetter and he gets tireder--smothers them into a handkerchief. Eventually, though, the force of his illness exhausts him, and even though he's a doctor and knows it's unsanitary, he can't stop his sneezes from just coming out: big, congested sneezes that throw him forward and tear at his throat.


This is my exact headcanon, too. I love the detail you put into it! thumbsupsmiley.png

Seriously good and accurate headcanon!

Here's one of mine...

Remus Lupin - sneezes with frequency, but rarely noticeable. He's terribly good at making them quiet and dull enough to warrant minimal attention. He's reactive to strong smells (which are doubly intense to him) and temperature changes, but thankfully not terribly reactive to dust or mold. It's common for him to get a mild cold after full moons and his sneezes when ill take on a heavier, more throaty quality. In general his sneezes are breathy, cupped in a bent arm or a handkerchief, and finished with a wrinkle or rub of his nose. He sneezes in singles and doubles that go on in extended fits, with minutes passing between sneezes. The only thing he's violently allergic to is inhaling or ingesting raw, powdered, or floral wolfsbane, which can send him into exhausting fits that seems to tumble out sneezes with barely a breath in between.

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Farfarello, from Weiss Kreuz, sneezes in harsh, short singles or doubles, spelled "AESSHT!" or similar. That is my headcanon and it is entirely Garnet's fault because of a story from a hundred years ago. yes.gif


Aw, I engendered somebody else's headcanon? That makes me stupidly happen. I do miss that freaky little Irish bastard. Mmmmeyepatches.

And Anony, I always loved the way you write the different guys' sneezing, especially Skwisgaar's :q Omnomnom it's like a variety pack.

Let's see, some headcanons on characters I've written over the last year or so...

Hannibal Lecter, at least the one from the recent NBC series, sneezes with determined restraint. They're actually pretty loud and aggressive, decidedly masculine if he lets them go, but he almost never does. He either holds them in entirely or strangles the sound into his throat. Being a doctor, he's highly conscious of contagion. He prefers the aesthetics of handkerchiefs, but concedes to the hygiene of tissues if it's a bad cold. If he can't get to either in time, he sneezes into the crook of an arm.

And since the series has really played up the canon of his highly developed sense of smell, he's interested by chemical scents like cologne and perfume, detecting the subtleties in them and the way they sit on a person's skin. Buuut also pretty sensitive to them, and gets overwhelmed quickly. Similarly, he has to be very careful when cooking with certain spices.

Book and Hopkins Hannibal might be subtly different in my head, but stick to fairly similar principles.

Will Graham is, predictably, a fricking disaster when sick. He has wet, harsh, congested sneezes that have a fair amount of frustrating build time, and take a lot out of him. He thinks they're messier than they are, and scrambles to find something to cover up with, usually with just a few seconds to spare, and has pockets full of crumpled tissues for the duration of a cold. He has minor allergies for a couple weeks out of the year, but tries not to take anything for them, because even the non-drowsy medications mess with his head. The allergy sneezes are much softer and drier, even kittenish, to his great embarrassment.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye is also a mess when sick. He's good about playing it close to his chest when working, and keeping a straight face. He holds in his sneezing almost silently, but very painfully, squishing his nose shut between a thumb and forefinger and throttling it to a soft, squeaking grunt in his throat. As soon as Natasha expresses an interest in taking care of him, however, he's a gigantic baby and happily just sprawls in bed letting her put a hand to his forehead and make him heavily spiked tea. He has very fleeting memories of his mother taking care of him as a kid, before he was orphaned, but he moreso just enjoys being the sole recipient of Natasha's attention for a few days.

Short but powerful sneezes when ill, the kind to make you jump six feet if you don't see it coming.

Natasha, by the way, sneezes quietly but also very intensely. Lots of complicated consonant sounds from holding them in, but usually not more than a couple at a time. Absolutely loathes attention being brought to it, so most of the time, Clint doesn't even try.

Tony Stark/Iron Man has hard, abbreviated sneezes as well. They tend to be fitful, and he can stack quick little "ISH!" sneezes half a dozen in a row before stopping to catch himself. They're more drawn out and exhausted sounding when sick, which he also tries to hide and suppress as much as possible, but he's not very good at it. There's a little spot just under the tip of his nose that sets him off like crazy just from being pressed or bumped, like a faulty bit of nerve "wiring", but only Pepper knows about it.

Bruce Banner/The Hulk has very masculine, but tired sounding sneezes. He smothers them into a shoulder or the crook of his arm as much as he can, trying to make himself small and less likely to be noticed. He's usually too wasted to transform when he's sick, but the possibility of it and natural frustration that comes with a cold makes him cautious anyway. Meds do very little to mitigate the damage, so he just holes up away from everyone until it passes. Or until Tony and Pepper drag him back out into their bed :q

He likes cats, but is allergic to them. This isn't something that appears to afflict the giant green rage monster in any way.

Let's see, who else...

Attack on Titan is a new fandom for me so I'm still mulling over the various characters (there are a LOT) and my headcanons for them. So far, I've decided that Eren sneezes with a quick, muffled "chsshh!" sound as a human, small but fierce. As a titan, he sneezes steam, and tries to give a lot of throaty, groaning warnings since he doesn't have much expression or speech capabilities in that shape.

Levi sneezes in lengthy fits, strong but quiet. They start with a hard, evacuating consonant sound, and then deflate into a breathy second syllable that sometimes carries a desperate and embarrassing crack in his voice. He tries not to show his hand and react to much to them, but will hastily excuse himself from the room if he feels one coming on, since he knows he might not be stopping for a while.

I'm still cooking up one for Annie, and maybe Reiner and Jean :q

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*squeaks at Garnet's headcanons* I am so happy that like half of those were Avengers. (And my favorite ones, too. :drool:)

And the other ones were lovely to read even though I don't watch those shows.

I'm so happy people are participating. Keep them coming!

I just thought of a couple for Erik while writing some X-Men: First Class drabbles. I love how everyone seems to agree that sometimes his mutation can go haywire when he sneezes, resulting in him unintentionally manipulating metal in the area. (I particularly liked the story that Dusty and Spoo wrote where Erik was stifling sneezes on a boat and "nails in the floorboards trembled and threatened to jerk out of their foundations." Which brings me to my personal headcanon, which is if he puts too much focus into trying to stifle/muffle a massive sneeze (which most of them are), he has less control to exert over keeping his mutation in check. Sort of the same concept with Raven, where she was putting too much effort into trying to look a certain way that she was lacking elsewhere. (This is why it's adorable to think that Raven loses control of parts of her appearance whenever she sneezes. :laugh:) I won't say what the other one is because it's the basis for the drabble I'm writing and I don't want to spoil it. ;)

I also love the idea of Charles having really severe fits every so often. And by severe I mean at least ten sneezes in the first two minutes, each perfectly stifled, but then he just gets exhausted and starts letting them out into a handkerchief.

I could write about these guys all day... :wub:

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Will Graham is, predictably, a fricking disaster when sick. He has wet, harsh, congested sneezes that have a fair amount of frustrating build time, and take a lot out of him. He thinks they're messier than they are, and scrambles to find something to cover up with, usually with just a few seconds to spare, and has pockets full of crumpled tissues for the duration of a cold. He has minor allergies for a couple weeks out of the year, but tries not to take anything for them, because even the non-drowsy medications mess with his head. The allergy sneezes are much softer and drier, even kittenish, to his great embarrassment.

Oh hell yes! This is perfection :)

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While we're on the XMFC subject...It is my own personal headcanon (of which I am happy to share) that drinking red wine makes Charles sneeze. Which could have hilarious and adorable results when he also gets a bit tipsy. Hehehehe.


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While we're on the XMFC subject...It is my own personal headcanon (of which I am happy to share) that drinking red wine makes Charles sneeze. Which could have hilarious and adorable results when he also gets a bit tipsy. Hehehehe.


This. :yes:

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I actually have extensive headcanaons for like, EVERY fandom I'm into (way too many to list without threadjacking, LOL!). I actually have headcanaons not only for how a given character sneezes, but also for how he/she reacts to other people sneezing, how they feel about sneezing in front of other people, whether he/she says "bless you" or not, if they'd be the type to deny being sick, etc... I've given it a lot of thought! yay.gif

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I actually have extensive headcanaons for like, EVERY fandom I'm into (way too many to list without threadjacking, LOL!). I actually have headcanaons not only for how a given character sneezes, but also for how he/she reacts to other people sneezing, how they feel about sneezing in front of other people, whether he/she says "bless you" or not, if they'd be the type to deny being sick, etc... I've given it a lot of thought! yay.gif

Please do share! At least some of them. It wouldn't be threadjacking as the purpose of this thread is to share our headcanons. :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's one of mine...

Remus Lupin - sneezes with frequency, but rarely noticeable. He's terribly good at making them quiet and dull enough to warrant minimal attention. He's reactive to strong smells (which are doubly intense to him) and temperature changes, but thankfully not terribly reactive to dust or mold. It's common for him to get a mild cold after full moons and his sneezes when ill take on a heavier, more throaty quality. In general his sneezes are breathy, cupped in a bent arm or a handkerchief, and finished with a wrinkle or rub of his nose. He sneezes in singles and doubles that go on in extended fits, with minutes passing between sneezes. The only thing he's violently allergic to is inhaling or ingesting raw, powdered, or floral wolfsbane, which can send him into exhausting fits that seems to tumble out sneezes with barely a breath in between.

I love that one. I'm stealing it. :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sherlock Holmes (from BBC Sherlock): Tries to stifle the wet explosions he calls sneezes, but to no prevail as when they get harsher and more hard to handle.

Spock from Star Trek 2009: Has allergies to certain plants. Gets sick not easily but it's hell when he does. Has half-stifled sneezes like, "GNXST-choo!" It's a product of him trying to be in control of his sneezes but failing. Embarrassed by sneezing, even though his nose is fairly sensitive.

Kirk from Star Trek 2009: Is allergic to strong scents, pollen, and dust. Has loud, wet sneezes he just lets free. Usually sneezes in fits. Perceptible to sickness, which he ends up getting far too often.

Merlin (Well, from Merlin): Has wet, small sneezes that usually appear in triples. Not allergic to anything but catches cold easily and is prone to random sneezes.

Ron Weasley (Harry Potter): Has small, fittish sneezes he usually stifles. Will sneeze all day if left alone. Photic, allergic to pollen, and perfume. Has good immune system, so doesn't really get ill easily.

Last one guys I promise CX

Jesse from Pitch Perfect: Is a hayfever sufferer. Has masculine, full bodied sneezes that usually strike in pairs. Beca finds this cute and teases him a bit. Won't get sick easily but sneezes at temperature change.

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Here's one of mine...

Remus Lupin - sneezes with frequency, but rarely noticeable. He's terribly good at making them quiet and dull enough to warrant minimal attention. He's reactive to strong smells (which are doubly intense to him) and temperature changes, but thankfully not terribly reactive to dust or mold. It's common for him to get a mild cold after full moons and his sneezes when ill take on a heavier, more throaty quality. In general his sneezes are breathy, cupped in a bent arm or a handkerchief, and finished with a wrinkle or rub of his nose. He sneezes in singles and doubles that go on in extended fits, with minutes passing between sneezes. The only thing he's violently allergic to is inhaling or ingesting raw, powdered, or floral wolfsbane, which can send him into exhausting fits that seems to tumble out sneezes with barely a breath in between.

I love that one. I'm stealing it. yes.gif

STEAL ALL YOU WANT! REMUS FOR THE WORLD! *throws petals and cheers*

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Spock from Star Trek 2009: Has allergies to certain plants. Gets sick not easily but it's hell when he does. Has half-stifled sneezes like, "GNXST-choo!" It's a product of him trying to be in control of his sneezes but failing. Embarrassed by sneezing, even though his nose is fairly sensitive.

Kirk from Star Trek 2009: Is allergic to strong scents, pollen, and dust. Has loud, wet sneezes he just lets free. Usually sneezes in fits. Perceptible to sickness, which he ends up getting far too often.

:boom: wow oh my god

those are both really really really hot >////<

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Spock from Star Trek 2009: Has allergies to certain plants. Gets sick not easily but it's hell when he does. Has half-stifled sneezes like, "GNXST-choo!" It's a product of him trying to be in control of his sneezes but failing. Embarrassed by sneezing, even though his nose is fairly sensitive.

Kirk from Star Trek 2009: Is allergic to strong scents, pollen, and dust. Has loud, wet sneezes he just lets free. Usually sneezes in fits. Perceptible to sickness, which he ends up getting far too often.

:boom: wow oh my god

those are both really really really hot >////<

Hehe thanks just something I thought up to use in my fics

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